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Our goal at the Institute for Fiscal Studies is to promote effective economic and social policies by better understanding how policies affect individuals, families, businesses and the government's finances.

IFS manifesto analysis

IFS researchers presented analysis of the manifestos at a briefing on Friday 26 May. Presentations compared the parties' plans on public spending, the public finances and reforms to taxes and benefits. The briefing was live-streamed and recordings are available on our election website.

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Richard Blundell wins 2016 Nemmers Prize in Economics

IFS Research Director, Professor Sir Richard Blundell, has been awarded the 2016 Erwin Plein Nemmers Prize in Economics for his "important contributions to labor economics, public finance and applied econometrics". Richard is the first British winner of this prestigious prize, often considered second only to the Nobel prize.

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Labour’s income tax rise would hit 1.3 million high income individuals

Today the Labour Party has announced that if elected it would introduce a 45% income tax rate on incomes over £80,000, and a 50% rate on incomes over £123,000. A new IFS Briefing Note analyses the impact of this proposal if it were introduced UK-wide immediately.

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Police workforce and funding in England and Wales

Spending on the police in England and Wales has fallen since 2009. As a result, the workforce expansion of the 2000s has been undone, and there are now almost 20,000 fewer police officers than at the peak in 2009. Despite the cuts, crime reported by individuals in surveys has fallen over this period.

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Inevitable trade-offs ahead: long-run public spending pressures

The UK population is ageing rapidly. This ageing of the population puts pressure on public spending because older individuals receive state pensions and they are more likely to use relatively expensive health and social care. This briefing note sets out the trade-offs that this presents for the public finances.

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Labour’s Higher Education proposals

The leaked Labour manifesto included a commitment to scrap tuition fees. This follows their previously announced plans to bring back maintenance grants for the poorest students. Both would represent a major reversal of the last 20 years of Higher Education (HE) policy. In this observation, we highlight the expected short-run impact on the public finances, the impact on graduates and the wider policy implications.

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Labour's proposed boost to education spending and increases in corporation tax

Today, Labour will announce a series of education spending commitments as part of an overall plan for a National Education Service. They plan to pay for this by not implementing planned corporation tax cuts and reversing most of the cuts introduced since 2010. As part of our ongoing 2017 election analysis, the IFS is publishing two observations discussing Labour's proposed boost to education spending and increases in corporation tax.

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