Democracy Always Converges On The Same Mediocrity

by Brett Stevens (May 6th, 2017)
Democracy Always Converges On The Same Mediocrity

With any luck and bravery by the French people, we will be celebrating a different victory than predicted by polls — which do not reflect the socially unacceptable opinions of voters who cannot openly speak what they think — and Marine Le Pen will become the next president of France, continuing the “populist” wave of […]

Rebirth Of The Spirit

by Brett Stevens (May 6th, 2017)
Rebirth Of The Spirit

Life provides infinite chances to fall into infinite loops caused by paradoxical thinking. For example, the Antifa groups who complain about attributes of fascism — repression, censorship, “racism,” brutality — soon find themselves exhibiting those same traits. And some of this is natural; for example, if you want to bust pedophiles, you will spend much […]

Balkanization Is Our Future, Not “Ethnic Liberalism”

by Brett Stevens (May 6th, 2017)
Balkanization Is Our Future, Not “Ethnic Liberalism”

Billy Roper points out that the future of the West is Balkanization, or retreat into separate enclaves per ethnic group, because the policy of diversity has failed and as a result, people have fallen back on what “freedom of association” remains to withdraw from the disaster of mixed-ethnic society and produce their own communities mirroring […]

Was Consumerism Always A Bubble?

by Brett Stevens (May 6th, 2017)
Was Consumerism Always A Bubble?

The theme of the 21st century will be: bubbles popping. Bubbles are opportunities for profit created between the implementation of an idea and the time when its consequences are revealed. We have seen small bubbles pop. The housing bubble, funded by banks at the demand of government law, collapsed because minority homes loans were riskier […]

Exploring The Dream World

by Brett Stevens (May 5th, 2017)
Exploring The Dream World

When the topic of religion arises, as it inevitably does, a conflict between content and form emerges. Many of us out here agree with the general content of religion — belief in a higher order than the material, a sense the universe operates toward some purpose, and the notion that moral awareness is necessary — […]

Avoiding Future Holocausts

by Brett Stevens (May 5th, 2017)
Avoiding Future Holocausts

Although this view is not shared by all on the Alt Right and by increasing many on the Left, a sane look at history sees the Holocaust as tragedy; worse, it was an avoidable tragedy. It is tragic on many levels. First, it contradicts the nationalist ideal of relocating people to their countries of origin […]

Why We Suffer Multiculturalism

by Brett Stevens (May 5th, 2017)
Why We Suffer Multiculturalism

Many have wondered why the West would adopt such an obviously suicidal policy as multiculturalism and for it to go virtually uncontested. We know that those who desire permanent power tend to import foreigners, as Plato recounted, in order to have allies who keep them in power. But why did everyone else go along with […]

Conservatism Failed Because It Refused To Reject Equality

by Brett Stevens (May 4th, 2017)
Conservatism Failed Because It Refused To Reject Equality

All of those of us who reject fanciful notions of ideology in favor of hard realism are conservatives, or at least conservatives in training, but conservatism as a movement failed because it did not hold back Leftism at all. Instead it rolled over and sold out its people for twenty pieces of silver, or a […]

Everyone Secretly Wants To Be Aryan (#1)

by Brett Stevens (May 4th, 2017)
Everyone Secretly Wants To Be Aryan (#1)

The term “Aryan” was in common use in the earlier half of the last century to refer to people with classic Nordic-Germanic features, long heads, tall bodies and fair coloring. After the Second World War, it became more than slightly taboo, and so its usage has mostly been confined to the far right. Setting aside […]

Swedish State Examinations Indoctrinate Youth In Leftist, Pro-Immigrant Reasoning

by Brett Stevens (May 4th, 2017)
Swedish State Examinations Indoctrinate Youth In Leftist, Pro-Immigrant Reasoning

It is time to remind people that Leftism is pathological, and like any mental virus, it accelerates as it is adopted. These mental viruses create echo chambers where people seek each other out on the basis of being infected, and then they validate and rationalize their infection to one another, which ends with each member […]