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Noel Towell
Public Service Reporter, Fairfax Media.
Noel Towell 6m
It's OK Marcus. I won't do preference deals with anybody in 2019. And that's guaranteed.
Noel Towell 11m
I'm calling it early. in a preference deal with Bolt for 2019.
Noel Towell 22m
Abused public servants help bring Turnbull down via
Noel Towell 24m
'the man allowing himself to be described as general manager of Centrelink, Hank Jongen,' via
Noel Towell 47m
Let England quake...
Noel Towell retweeted
Canberra Times 2h
Today's front page: ; how Canberrans pay twice the national average for hospital; on the fight for the Ginninderry
Noel Towell retweeted
david rowe 14h
Noel Towell retweeted
Sky News Australia Mar 8
Peta Credlin says is expecting to win big in WA, despite a controversial week for the senator. MORE
Noel Towell retweeted
Malcolm Turnbull 18h
Thanks for a great in depth discussion today about energy storage and it's role in delivering affordable & reliable electricity
Noel Towell retweeted
David Pope 20h
Fed Gov divided over One Nation preference deal <my Itchy and Scratchy cartoon | gallery >
Noel Towell retweeted
Rohan Connolly Mar 11
Hanson just another wacko SkyNews etc have tried to legitimise. Maybe time for Caleb Bond & Daisy Cousens in the "Fascist Mickey Mouse Club"
Noel Towell retweeted
Graham Linehan Mar 10
I see a lot of Ted memes but this one made me HOWL
Noel Towell retweeted
GhostWhoVotes Mar 11
One Nation ran in 35 of 59 lower house seats. Their upper house vote is a better measure of their performance.
Noel Towell retweeted
The Age Sport Mar 10
40 years on: 'A singular occasion, but also a peerless contest, a Test fit to to honour the centenary.' |
Noel Towell retweeted
Bevan Shields Mar 11
Dean says 'the wheels came off' Pauline Hanson and the lesson is more scrutiny should be applied to her and One Nation
Noel Towell Mar 11
Noel Towell Mar 11
Damn, I love a close election. Not sure if I'll be getting one tonight though.
Noel Towell retweeted
Matthew Knott Mar 11
Perth taxi driver telling me his intel from passengers that they hated One Nation preference deal, decided to put Libs last
Noel Towell Mar 11
Editorial: Centrelink robo-debt bungle demonises the innocent via
Noel Towell Mar 11
hey, cd u follow me please so I can DM you?
Noel Towell retweeted
Jim Sheridan Mar 9
My favourite part of the Irish Catholics article on the is where the concluding paragraph says it's all the Protestants fault 🤔
Noel Towell Mar 10
Ah, God love him. ( is what is Mammy'd say).
Noel Towell retweeted
Stair na hÉireann Mar 10
Noel Towell Mar 10
David Pope: The Canberra Times editorial cartoonist's latest work via
Noel Towell Mar 10
“Them” and “us”: the enduring power of welfare myths, on Inside Story
Noel Towell retweeted
Amanda Bresnan Mar 9
Racial vilification laws protect those who are silenced by hate speech | Gillian Triggs
Noel Towell retweeted
Mariam Veiszadeh Mar 9
My tweet on - My faith has taught me that our compassion shouldn't be limited to those whose work we like, respect or endorse.
Noel Towell retweeted
Elon Musk Mar 9
Tesla will get the system installed and working 100 days from contract signature or it is free. That serious enough for you?
Noel Towell Mar 9
Rupert Murdoch's News Corp erased 20 million emails amid phone-hacking probe via
Noel Towell retweeted
John McDuling Mar 9