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Uniuse en marzo 2013

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  1. Chío pegado
    30 abr, 2014

    We ❤️ Tweetin', but best paths to detailed support are & Changelog here:

  2. Hai 14 horas
    Replying to

    Now, does anyone need any advice? We're also pretty great at advice.

  3. Hai 14 horas

    Hey! You! We wanted to say thanks. For your questions, complaints, comments, ideas, feedback and compliments: We're grateful for them all.

  4. Hai 17 horas

    Stay focused; ship fast: But first, enjoy this handy list of Slack tips and tricks by engineers, for engineers.

  5. Hai 19 horas
    Replying to

    Basically, in summary: if you like sending many messages, like us, the new message input is better than the old. Just better. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  6. Hai 19 horas
    Replying to

    And of course files! Because who doesn’t love uploading files on mobile?! No one, that’s who!

    Three different types of files are shown being uploaded. I'm not sure what they are, but  - oh, wait, they say what file types they are - a post, a Google presentation, and a video. There we go.
  7. Hai 19 horas
    Replying to

    Finding the @ button to mention a person or a user group is now only one tap away. Which is very useful.

    A person in this image is using the @ button to notify a whole group - designers, in this case - of something they need to see.
  8. Hai 19 horas
    Replying to

    And if you like doing slash reminders, like /remind or /shrug? Now that’s easier too.

    Someone in this image is using the new slash command button to send themselves a reminder. Slash commands can do many wonderful things. But reminders are probably the wonderfulest.
  9. Hai 19 horas
    Replying to

    Oh! You probably want details, don't you? Well, it’s now easier than ever to upload a photo, for example.

    A photo of a whiteboard is being uploaded. No one can tell, because the photo is fuzzy, but the text on it is *hilarious*.
  10. Hai 19 horas

    The new input on mobile — already on Android, currently rolling out on iOS — is better. That’s all, just generally “better”.

    A better text input, with a picture of said text input - new buttons for mentions, slash commands, file and picture uploads.
  11. 21 abr

    We know, we've mentioned before that our podcast is very good. But it still is. So we're mentioning it again.

  12. rechouchiou
    19 abr

    The music biz is tough to crack. Here's how indie label uses Slack to keep things humming along. 🎸

  13. 19 abr

    In case you missed the introduction of the ever-so-useful custom status, here's a reminder, and a handy primer: 😬

    An image showing the new custom status feature in Slack. The words above read "Mike's at the dentist. You can tell because his custom status says so!" and then there's a picture of Mike, a pleasant-looking chap who looks to be in his mid-40s, saying he's going to the dentist, with a custom status proclaiming the same, and when he'll be back. Custom statuses! They're useful! Not just fun! They're "usefun"!
  14. 18 abr
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    (There are some other little tweaks to boot - you can read more about those here: . Those buttons tho'! So round!) 🎯

  15. 18 abr

    You may notice a few little improvements to the look of Slack Calls. Some buttons, once square, are now round, for example. .

    An image of a handsome gentleman with a beard sits resplendent in the center of our screengrab of people using Slack Video Calls. Some of the buttons bedecking on the screen have moved location, meaning that people now invite and share a call in the same place, and, in a revamp of the design, some previously square buttons are now well-rounded.
  16. 17 abr

    Connect with colleagues, learn more about them, and alert entire groups at once: all in the latest Office Hours.📢

  17. 13 abr
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    For a good many hours now, this feature has been available to all teams. We hope you like it, and find it useful. Go forth and statusize.

  18. 13 abr
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    (Though when we say "now" we mean "today" as it's rolling out to all teams over the next few hours. So don't do anything until then…) 🌴🚌🤒🍗🆒

  19. 13 abr

    HEY! You can now set your status to share what you’re up to, where you’re off to, or… whatever, really.

  20. 13 abr
    Replying to

    Or to put it another way: Our Help Center is now available in Japanese! (But this Twitter account is still mainly in English.)

  21. 13 abr

    🌸 春風にのせて、Slack からフレッシュなニュースをお届け 🌸 ヘルプセンターが日本語で閲覧できるようになりました! これでますます Slack スラスラ、お仕事ラックラク! 👉

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