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Too many 'depressing messages' in VCE books drives push for trigger warnings

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Trigger warnings should be introduced for English texts to notify students of distressing themes, traumatised VCE students say.

It comes as students raise concerns about "depressing" literature on the VCE English text list, including books which focus on genocide, death, homophobia and rape.

Victorian Student Representative Council vice-chair David Trevorrow said trigger warnings would help students. But he said schools should not shy away from challenging issues in VCE texts.

"We frequently see trigger warnings on challenging digital content; we support the inclusion of similar acknowledgements for VCE texts that are considered to be triggering," he said.

"When students and teachers are supported to navigate these sensitive issues and conversations together, the whole school community benefits."

Ross McNaughton, a Year 12 student at Glen Eira Secondary College, thinks his VCE English books are too depressing.


"I usually block as much out as I can, which probably affects my English marks but I feel happier than other people seem to be," he said.

The 18-year-old is studying Art Spiegelman's powerful graphic novel Maus, which is about the Holocaust, and Hannah Kent's Burial Rites which he describes as "a book about a girl who is sentenced to death and spends six months waiting to die".

Last year he studied Peter Goldsworthy's Maestro which he says is about "a guy who trains really hard to be a world class piano player and never quite gets it and gives up on his dreams."

"I have decent mental health but this is adding more pressure," he said.

"VCE is already stressful. I want one book that is not focused on just dark things. A silver lining or something to counter the constant depressing messages."

He said trigger warnings would not solve the issue of students being overwhelmed by depressing content. 

Assistant principal Nick Hamer-Smith said the school had taken on Ross' feedback and would ensure there was more balance within its chosen VCE texts.

The emotional toll of school texts was recently highlighted in two alleged sexual assault cases in Victoria.

One alleged victim told a court that Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird had retraumatised her, while another said that studying the American classic made her feel uncomfortable in front of her classmates. 

Trigger warnings have been rolled out in many classes in Australian universities to warn students of content which may be emotionally distressing. But critics say the trend could lead to censorship and lets "coddled millennials" escape to spaces where their opinions are not challenged.

Headspace head of clinical practice Vikki Ryall said introducing trigger warning could be a good idea.

"If students are discussing highly emotionally charged content they should be aware that it is distressing and they can go to the school councillor," she said.

She said it was "highly unlikely" that a story would trigger a mental health issue by itself.

Victorian Association for the Teaching of English president Emily Frawley said conflict was an inherent part of literature.

Ms Frawley, who is a teacher at Maribyrnong Secondary College, said teachers helped students negotiate these challenges and become more empathetic and empowered.

"Throughout their schooling lives, students should be exposed to a rich array of texts that deal with what it is to be human — the good and the bad," she said.

"To do otherwise would ultimately be a disservice to the students."

A Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority spokesman said text lists were accompanied by annotations outlining themes and potential issues.

"Schools can use these annotations to select appropriate texts for their student cohort, taking into account the needs and wellbeing of their students," he said. 

"Great literature often deals with challenging events and themes," he said. 

Books that challenge and confront

Texts identified as "confronting" on the VCE English and English Literature text list include:

Burial Rites by Hannah Kent. Focuses on the events leading up to the last public execution in Iceland

No Sugar by Jack Davis. Explores Australia's apartheid past in Western Australia, looking at moral corruption and sexual exploitation inflicted on local Indigenous people.

The Man Who Loved Children by Christina Stead. "A powerful and disturbing work" about a profoundly dysfunctional family which includes a suicide

Brokeback Mountain and Other Stories by Annie Proulx. A love story with a tragic end that explore repression, homophobia and masculinity.

The Complete Maus by Art Spiegelman Explores the disturbing experiences of the author's parents during the Holocaust