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Parents behaving badly: WA teachers hit out at poor treatment

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Parents are increasingly defending their children's poor grades and bad behaviour, and the flow-on effect has created a toxic environment in WA schools according to a number of state education bodies.

Both the Western Australian Primary Principals' Association and the State School Teachers' Union of WA said the relationship between parents and teachers was now so sour it had led to "aggressive and defensive behaviour" from parents, and it was beginning to have an effect on students. 

In a focus group led by WAtoday, a number of teachers spoke about their experiences with the parents in their schools.

Just some of their anecdotes included:

  • "A child once went home and sobbed that he had been kept in at lunch, and so missed the school's soccer trials. The parent came to the school in a very emotional, defensive state and demanded an explanation as to how this could have happened. The truth was, he had attended the trials and not been selected. He hadn't been kept in at all."
  • "I have marked projects that have obviously been completed by parents. What do they think they're teaching their child when the parent takes over a school project in order to get an A? 'Your work isn't good enough! But don't worry, I'll do it for you because that's the only way you'll succeed.'"
  • "I have had one girl come in with an entirely plagiarised essay. I pulled her up on it, and told her to take it home to her parents and have them sign it so I could be sure they were up to date on what had occurred. Instead, the parents came marching in the next day and yelled at me because their daughter said I had been too harsh with her."
  • "I've phoned a parent about their child having some noticeable behavioural issues, and let her know about the impact it was beginning to have on his work. She told me it was my problem, and hung up."

Western Australian Primary Principal's Association president Ian Anderson said these sorts of stories were now commonplace in the teaching field.


"Unfortunately this is becoming a more regular occurrence. We have more parents becoming aggressive, and are very quick to come to the defence of their children without getting the facts," he said.

"It is the parent response which is critical. Get all of the facts, have an adult perspective and look for a resolution to move forward. A child will usually progress well when there is a good partnership between the teacher and parent.

"This is not building resilience in children and this is having a flow-on effect upon the child's development and education."

But SSTUWA president Pat Byrne said this kind of 'adult perspective' was increasingly difficult to come by.

"It is not uncommon for parents to be angry with teachers and principals when they try to discipline their children. Principals report that, over the last ten years, it is much more likely for parents to side with their children than support their school," she said.

According to SSTUWA data, some parents had increasingly turned to harassment, aggression and violence when dealing with their child's teachers - and the change in behaviour was having an effect on WA students.

"I have definitely observed an increase in parental defence," one teacher said.

"If a child isn't selected as a school leader or as a member of the footy team, instead of learning resilience or experiencing disappointment, the parents try to fix the world to suit their child.

"It is getting increasingly difficult to motivate a child if they find the content too difficult. They are generally not persistent and resilient when it comes to a challenge and require a lot of spoon feeding and scaffolding.

"Parents struggle with letting their child experience the world as it really is. They want their child to succeed at everything. As a result, their child avoids experiencing failure and disappointment - but at what cost?"

A recent OECD report also found the discipline level in Australian schools was below average, and found disruption, noise and disorder were more commonplace in the classroom than ever before. 

Ms Byrne said it was easy to see how these disobedient and disruptive behaviours manifested in students ... their parents. 

"Once children know their parents will not support the teacher, they can become much more aggressive or disobedient," Ms Byrne said.

"This may have a flow-on effect to other students, who feel that they too might be able to get away with poor behaviour.

"Teachers can be required to spend large amounts of time and energy dealing with defiant students rather than actual teaching."

Mr Anderson agreed with Ms Byrne's assessment.

"If parents blindly side with their child, it can have the effect of giving the child permission to do as they like, knowing they can get away with poor or bad behaviour," he said.

In more troubling news, a 2016 survey found approximately 31 per cent of WA teachers and 20 per cent of WA principals reported experiencing an incident of physical violence from parents at least once a term at their schools.

"Given that 329 survey respondents were principals or deputies, this means about 100 school officials experienced violence in the workplace in 2016," Ms Byrne said.

"Such a statistic was unthinkable twenty years ago... there is no doubt the problem has worsened."