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  1. Now googling "which hug is right for which person and which occasion". Too many of them these days.

  2. Sorry in advance for dumb question: do ambulances in Mumbai come with medical personnel? Who are first responders in an emergency?

  3. 128GB iPhone 6S is now at the price of a 16GB 😂😂 This is too funny:

  4. What exactly does the BMC achieve by demolishing canopies of restaurants? Is this some idiot show of BMC's muscle power?

  5. This nationwide crackdown on IS suspects seems huge. Haven't seen anything like this.

  6. Definitely less colder than yesterday morning.

  7. Retweeted

    By any chance were you having a conversation with your Husband? The last time someone said that it didn't go well

  8. Folks it's a Friday. All this talk of Fuck You and Fuck Off, I hope all of us get some action this weekend.

  9. There is just one funda to understand personal finance. Just one. Only one. More money is better than less money.

  10. Would you judge a guy who slogs for 5yrs, earns enough to fulfill his/her dream of traveling? But hey what about a fuck off fund?

  11. There is so much psychology involved in money that will never be captured in a blog post or an excel sheet.

  12. You have a 15yr window - from age 25 to 40. If you're ambitious and hardworking those 15yrs should pay for the rest of your life 100x over.

  13. Work hard, make , invest right. That's it. Call it Fuck You, Fuck Off, Emergency, Contingency- the color of money won't change.

  14. Alll three of them - Nariman Point, Lower Parel and BKC - are all shit compared to an HK or Sing. But then we're a 3rd world poor country.

  15. That said, Mumbai's newer CBDs like Lower Parel and BKC are worse because they have poorer public transport connectivity.

  16. In a Nariman Point office after ages. This area makes me nostalgic and then thankful I don't work here.

  17. Today a lakh seems as small as 10K. By 2025, a crore will seem as small as a lakh.

  18. Retweeted

    A 10 year old needs funds for urgent surgery for orbital and intracerebral tumour removal. Genuine case. Good samaritans do help.

  19. Much respect to this VIP. He came out of his posh car, stood in front all cars, let his car go ahead, then got into his car.

  20. Itching to write a rant against that idiot Fuck Off Fund. But hey, it's not my money. So fuck off fuck off fund.

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