
Child approached in Queanbeyan, police seeking assistance

An unknown man approached a 13-year-old boy walking home from school in Queanbeyan on Wednesday afternoon, police say.

They say the man approached the boy on Collett Street at 4.30pm, speaking to the boy before the boy fled.

Police are seeking any information about the man who was described as thin, aged between 30 and 40, about 170cm tall with short black hair.

Anyone with information was urged to contact Queanbeyan police or Crime Stoppers on 1300 333 000 or the NSW Crime Stoppers website.

Police have reminded parents to discuss the "Safe People, Safe Places" messages with their children, including:

  • Make sure your parents or another adult you know knows where you are at all times.
  • Always walk straight home or to the place you are walking to. Walk near busier roads and streets, or use paths where there are lots of other people.
  • Know where safe places are – a shop, service station, police station, library or school. If you are ever frightened, you should go to one of these places and ask them to call the police.
  • Learn about safe adults you can look for and talk to if you need help – police officers, teachers at school, adults you know and trust.
  • Don't talk to people you don't know and never get into a car with someone you don't know. If a car stops on the side of the road and you don't know the person inside, do not stop.
  • If you are scared and can use a phone, call 000 and tell them you are scared.
  • If someone tries to grab you, yell out "Go away, I don't know you". This lets other people know you have been approached by someone you don't know.