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  1. ha ritwittato
    14 ore fa
  2. 9 ore fa

    mañana vuelvo a madrid. enamorado. mi corazon sera 5000 pies sobre el avión 💜❤️💙 ✈️

  3. 15 ore fa

    So here’s arguably the greatest Rach 3 ever recorded. Properly live & unedited. Magic.

  4. 17 ore fa

    This Trump anecdote. Don't know where to start. But the irony that he'd shake hands just to be liked given everything else he's doing...

  5. 19 ore fa

    This is a really lovely album 🎶

  6. 15 mag
  7. ha ritwittato
    15 mag

    I see Kelvin MacKenzie left The Sun. I heard on his way out he picpocketed & urinated on colleagues. Unverified. I've published it anyway.

  8. 15 mag

    I can't imagine anyone on the *planet* who doesn't like papadums. I've got like 8 of them 😳

  9. 15 mag

    Ir a madrid el miércoles para ver apartamentos en alquiler 👌😀

  10. 15 mag

    home after a lovely week in Toronto chasing Glenn Gould. 2 hours' sleep but curry and British TV and own bed make it all good :)

  11. 14 mag

    Glenn's grave. Shivers... @ Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto

  12. ha ritwittato
    13 mag

    This father just destroyed his representative over Trumpcare

    This Dad Went Off On His Rep Over Trumpcare
    You have to watch this speech
  13. ha ritwittato
    13 mag
  14. 13 mag

    Swimsuit season is around the corner!! Sadly so is McDonald's 😳

  15. ha ritwittato
    13 mag

    He's back! with 2 hours of excellent Saturday Classics available here for next 30 days...

  16. 13 mag

    one of the BEST piano concerto endings happening now in Listen live here The piano gets demolished :)

  17. 13 mag

    On the radio for next couple hours if you fancy it. iPlayer too - some lovely music.

  18. 12 mag

    I've interviewed four people so far for this Gould documentary and have made three of them cry. Not sure if this is a good thing 😳

  19. 12 mag

    What a paragraph...

  20. 12 mag

    Morning hug, chat and selfie with Top, top dude. Decent pianist too...

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