Trying to Conceive


stork baby

Myth busting

Can you influence your baby's gender?

The Shettles Method, the Chinese lunar calendar, following a special diet ... do any of these actually influence your baby's gender? We look at the research to find out.

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Folate reduces risk of severe autism, finds study

A new study that shows a link between taking folate around the time of conception and a reduced chance of severe autism could have implications for other brain disorders, such as schizophrenia.

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"It's important for couples to remember that they should enjoy the process of trying to conceive, rather than ...

The road to conception

When it comes to conception and fertility, old wives’ tales and myths abound. Here are some truths and down-to-earth advice from Australian clinical geneticist Dr Debra Kennedy.

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candy jubb

Organising now makes it fun later

Candy Jubb is former country police officer who retired from law enforcement to lay down the law at home. A mum of seven who also blogs, she shares her advice on gettibng organised before you have a baby.

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Steph Bond Hutkin

Putting the fun back into conceiving

Steph Bond-Hutkin enjoys a busy family life with her husband and two young daughters. Here, she shares her tips on how to make trying for a baby fun.

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kelly burstow

Celebrate your relationship

For Kelly Burstow, having a baby was about celebrating something she and her husband already had: love. Here are some of her ideas for investing in your relationship while trying tor a baby.

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Jody Armstrong ... blogs at

Making a baby is as fun as sex

Jody Armstrong lives on the NSW South coast, where she blogs about life as a mum - and her current pregnancy. Here, she shares her tips for conceiving.

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christie connelly

An L-shape to success

What's the secret to making babies? According to the parents of Fig & Cherry blogger Christie Connelly, it needs to be hot ... and one of you has to try very hard.

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Girl with pram

Can you ever be ready for a baby?

Before you get pregnant, you might have all the boxes ticked - with your career, home and travel plans all sorted - or you could be the ' let's just see what happens' type. No matter what your style, it can help to think about the emotional aspects of parenthood.

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Don't let baby-making become a chore ... it's supposed to be fun, after all!

Top 10 myths about baby making

Given the average couple can take over 10 months to fall pregnant, we thought it fitting to present 10 myths about conceiving.

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Luteal phase thumb

What is my luteal phase?

Knowing the length of your luteal phase allows you to more accurately predict at what point in your cycle ovulation occurs - and makes getting pregnant easier.

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