Trying to Conceive


boy girl

The myths and truths of gender swaying

Here are a few popular methods hopeful parents-to-be use to try to get a baby of their preferred gender – and what an expert says about whether they really work.

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The man's role while trying to conceive

I honestly can think of nothing that kills the passion and excitement more than Excel intercourse. Thermometers, graphs and demands of performance put a lot of stress on everyone - including us men.

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couple early

The myth of the 12-month referral wait

It's now 2014. I thought I would have had a baby or at least be pregnant by now. But at least I'm now rounding the first corner, rather than still waiting to line-up at the start line.

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Discuss your thoughts of "I'm not done yet" with your partner.

When you want a baby but your partner doesn't

My husband and I have enough to disagree on. Whose turn is it to do the dishes? Big Brother or Masterchef? However lately it’s the decision of whether or not to have another baby that is causing the most trouble.

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"I declared with much gusto that I would always be up for it; it was the case of the kid in the candy store" ... Justin ...

A man's view of the TTC journey

His wife blogs regularly about their journey of trying to conceive, but this time it's Justin McCabe's turn to share how he feels about the monthly tests and their impact on their relationship.

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"There are a few things that helped me take a little bit of the anxiety out of giving up control" ... Melody McCabe

Trying to relax while trying to conceive

I'm getting into the right frame of mind to give up the charting, to just "relax", while trying to fall pregnant. It’s just not up to me and thinking about it has gotten absolutely exhausting.

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