Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Best Albums of 2008

Welcome to the 2nd (and hopefully not the last) OngakuBaka Top 10 albums of the year list. Before we jump right in to our picks, we’ll explain the guidelines for the selection process.

1. These records are in no particular order.
2. No live records, “Best of” collections, box sets, or re-issues. The albums chosen had to be material released in 2008.
3. This is a collaborative effort between the two of us, and if we didn’t agree that an album deserved to make the cut, it didn’t make the list.
4. Don't badger us because your personal favorite records may not be on the list. There are plenty of albums we never got a chance to listen to, forgot about, or never had time to fully digest, so if you disagree with our list, there is no need to let us know (especially concerning Fleet Foxes. It's fucking awesome and deserves to be on every goddamn top album list, so stop hating something because it's as big as Starbucks and a lot of annoying indie kids listen to it).
5. If you missed out on any of these album reviews, check for an original post, or just google it.

With that said, here are our honorable mentions for 2008:

Venetian Snares - Detrimentalist
Gary War - New Raytheonport
Boris - Smile
Akimbo - Jersey Shores
Teeth Mountain - S/T
Howlin' Rain - Magnificent Fiend
Prussia - Dear Emily, Best Wishes, Molly
Spiritualized - Songs in A&E
Tobacco - Fucked Up Friends
The Bug - London Zoo
High Places - S/T
Ponytail - Ice Cream Spiritual
The Music Tapes - Music Tapes For Clouds & Tornadoes

…and now without further ado, our top 10 records of 2008:

1. Thee Oh Sees - The Master's Bedroom Is Worth Spending A Night In

5.Wavves - S/T

6.Apollo Sunshine - Shall Noise Upon
Download Shall Noise Upon

7. Girl Talk - Feed The Animals

8. Women - S/T

9. Fleet Foxes - S/T

10. Woods Family Creeps - S/T

Monday, December 29, 2008

S.W.A.T. - Deep Inside a Cop’s Mind: The Soundtrack For The Next Police State


Sorry it took me so long to get this request up. I'm feeling lazy, so I'll just copy/paste the description from

"After suffering through an ill-conceived pornography trial centered on his misanthropic zine ANSWER Me!, Jim Goad — author of The Redneck Manifesto and other counterculture tomes — moved to Portland, OR, to try and stir up trouble there.
Goad soon hooked up with fellow travelers like Feral House publisher Adam Parfrey, industrial noisemaker Boyd Rice, and Thee Slayer Hippy (aka Steve Hanford) of hardcore heroes Poison Idea. S.W.A.T. is the product of the fertile imaginations of these underground icons, and Deep Inside a Cop’s Mind is either the satirical “soundtrack to the new police state,” as stated on the front cover, or a left-handed tribute to the boys in blue. Either way, the music, a mix of honky tonk-country and roots rock, is surprisingly good. Deep Inside a Cop’s Mind opens with Ennio Morricone’s classic “The Good, the Bad & the Ugly” theme, with sampled vocals from the original Dragnet television series thrown in to set the table. With instrumental backing from most of Poison Idea (they had broken up by 1994), Parfrey leads the band through a haunting version of “The Pusher,” adding contemporary lyrics to Hoyt Axton’s anti-drug song and making more of a statement than Steppenwolf ever did. Truck-driving, road-happy country tunes like Dave Dudley’s “Coffee, Coffee, Coffee” and Red Simpson’s “Highway Patrol” are played fairly straight, changed slightly to reflect a cop’s perspective and delivered with a rockabilly fervor."

- Dan

Download Deep Inside a Cop’s Mind

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavilion

(LINK REMOVED 12/27/08)

My friend Stephanie sent me this link last night so I'm passing it on to the rest of you as a late Christmas present. I haven't had a lot of time to spend with Merriweather, but I can tell you it's pretty damn good and there's a fucking didgeridoo on one of the tracks. Grab this one quick, high profile leaks tend to get yanked.

EDIT: whoops, didn't even notice the shoutbox post. Thanks anonymous guest person, and don't ever worry about "stealing our thunder" or whatever. We're doing this to share great music, it doesn't matter who is posting the links.

- Steve

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Julian Koster - The Singing Saw at Christmastime

Hey its a Christmas album that doesn't make me want to kill myself. Julian Koster (of the Elephant 6 collective) manages to turn some of the jolliest Christmas tunes into some hauntingly beautiful pieces using his singing saw. This isn't one to put on while you're celebrating baby Jesus with your family, but it's pretty amazing what the man can do with a sharp tool.

- Dan

Download The Singing Saw at Christmastime

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Golden Animals - Free Your Mind And Win A Pony

Someone had mentioned this band in the shoutbox a week ago, and I figured it deserved a post here. This is a really solid album from a psychedelic/folk/rock duo from California. Their sound is similar to The White Stripes at moments, and they will unfortunately always deal with that comparison due to the same girl drum/boy guitar setup, but, with a more southern flavor and The Doors-ish vocals, they are able to maintain their individuality. She certainly is a better vocalist than Meg White with her haunting ohs, ahs, and hums. This is one of the better albums in what has been a pretty drab year of music.

- Dan

Download Free Your Mind And Win A Pony

Friday, December 12, 2008

Circusbreaker - Objective Facts Concerning Destruction

The time has come! Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the world premiere of my first full-length release. I've been working on this for an incredibly long time, and finally feel that it is ready to be heard. It has taken me so long because I am severely obsessive compulsive when it comes to making music, and if it is not pleasing to my ears, there's no reason to others to hear it. Well, I am finally pleased and think that many of you will be as well. Each track is inspired by my favorite and most-played NES games of my childhood, and my current noisy interpretation of their gameplay. Musically, I would cite Lightning Bolt, Venetian Snares, and Squarepusher as immediate influences and consider my sound to a mixture of all parties. In other words, if you like your electronic music abrasive, noisy, glitchy, danceable, and capable of blowing your mind after smoking a bowl, this could be for you. Of course, feedback is appreciated/needed so leave a comment or look me up on myspace. If you would like a hard copy, let me know and we can work something out.

- Dan

The Advantage - Elf Titled

The Advantage are a cover band featuring Hella guitarist Spencer Seim. Instead of shredding, Spencer hops behind the drum kit with some pretty impressive results. When I first heard Elf Titled, I just assumed the manic drumming was the work of Zach Hill. As far as the covers here go, you won't hear any standard bar-rock fare. Instead, The Advantage focus their incredible musical chops on producing badass renditions of classic NES game themes. You're really in for a nostalgic trip with this one. The spot on Mega Man II cover will have have you screaming at your television and throwing controllers across the room . Air Man was fucking impossible to beat. I digress...
If you're a fan of old school Nintendo jams and/or pre-vocalist, pre-touring-with-super-shitty-bands-and-playing-arenas Hella, you'll dig this.

- Steve

Download Elf Titled

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Last Step - 1961

1961 is the latest release from Venetian Snares' alter ego, and is his second full-length under this name. Released last month, this is certainly his most entertaining release thus far under his electro acid analog moniker. It will take a few listens to fully appreciate it, but this might remind you of something you'd here from Luke Vibert or even Squarepusher. If Venetian Snares' seizurific rhythms are a little too much to get you on the dancefloor, Last Step will. Don't forget your pacifier.

- Dan

Download 1961

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Teeth Mountain - s/t

You might remember when Steve posted a collection of various songs from this band a while back because they had not yet released a full length. I was lucky enough to pick up a copy of their debut LP a few months back at a local record shop here in Richmond, VA. The LP was released courtesy of Shdwply Records out of Norfolk, VA, and was limited to only 500 copies with the first 100 on blue vinyl. You could easily describe Teeth Mountain as tribal, but it is certainly not primitive. In fact, their sound spans numerous cultures and the trance they are capable of inducing could easy start a scenester revolution.

- Dan

Download Teeth Mountain

Friday, December 5, 2008

Beehive & The Barracudas - Plastic Soul with The White Apes

Holy shit it's been awhile hasn't it? Sorry about that. Computer issues and the holidays have made blog updating rough. Anyway, I really dig this record a lot and I've wanted to post it for quite some time. Beehive & The Barracudas features members of other sweet bands like Rocket From The Crypt, The Peechees, and The Red Aunts. Plastic Soul isn't groundbreaking or some sort of perfect, seminal must own album, but it is a hell of a lot more fun than most records you'll listen to. It's almost like the guys over at Swami Records had an office party-turned-drunken-recording-session and this was the result. I'll try to get one or two more albums up today to make up for the lack of updates on my end of things. Dan and I will probably get working on our best of 2008 list soon as well.

- Steve

Download Plastic Soul with The White Apes

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Ty Segall - s/t


Oh my goodness. A very impressive debut full-length from a BBQ-esque one man band from Cali. Fuzzy surf/garage is always good, but Ty Segall is the real deal. Soul-drenched vocals with reverb that would make John Dwyer of Thee Oh Sees proud. Good enough to make a run for our top 10 albums of the year list.

- Dan

Download Ty Segall

Friday, November 21, 2008

Jack of Heart - All Grey 7'' + San Fransisco 7''


As far as I know, both of these 7''s are untitled, and as far as I know, these are the only legitimate releases from the band thus far (one courtesy of Nasty Product, and the other from Rob's House), so, in other words, the distance of my knowing is not very far at all. I do know they have a full length LP coming soon from In the Red Records, and they show loads of promise. There isn't too much that sets them apart from many of the other bands on In the Red, which is both a good and bad thing. Yes, I feel I've heard this before, but they're also pretty damn good at what they do. They fit perfectly into my standards of what punk music should sound like. Although this is not quite as scuzzy as The Black Lips, it still makes me want to drink a 40 and join the Moped Army.

- Dan

Download Grey + San Fransisco

Monday, November 17, 2008

Apollo Sunshine - Shall Noise Upon

Shall Noise Upon was released a couple of months back, received well by critics, and yet for some reason there isn't even the slightest amount of buzz around this album or the direction Apollo Sunshine is taking their music in. It's not like this record can get lost in the shuffle-- 2008 hasn't been a stellar year for new tunes. Mainstream music press be damned, I'm here to tell you that this is one of the finest musical achievement of the year. Apollo Sunshine have crafted a beautiful collection of songs that evokes the heyday of The Elephant 6 Collective but with a propensity to veer their songs into wild, uncharted sonic territory. In many ways Shall Noise Upon is controlled psychedelic chaos, but the band never lets you forget that it is first and foremost a pop record.

- Steve

Download Shall Noise Upon

Friday, November 7, 2008

Little Claw - Spit and Squalor Swallow the Snow

A friend and I saw these guys and girl in Detroit a few years back, and halfway through their set my friend noticed that the drummer, who looked like he had never played the drums before in his life, was playing his brother's drumset that his father recently sold to his uncle. After realizing this, he realizes that the drummer is his cousin, who we've seen at virtually every show we've been to since then, including Pitchfork this summer. The trio relocated from Michigan to Oregon, and recorded a really solid album last year. It's hard to throw them into any specific genre, but it's really easy to throw them in every genre. There's a little psych, no-wave, experimental, punk, and scuzz pop in the mix. I wasn't impressed by their live show back when I saw them, but it seems as if they are coming into their own now, and my friend's cousin has either been replaced, or they rotate drummers because he doesn't seem to be in some of the more recent videos I've seen of them on youtube. Anyways, it's the strong tranced female vocals and churning guitars that make this album worth listening to.

- Dan

Download Spit and Squalor Swallow the Snow

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Black Moth Super Rainbow - Electric Avenue Chapter 8


Their first release under the Black Moth Super Rainbow name. A 9 track Japanese mini CD released in 2003. I'd say this is a little more dramatic than some of their newer material, a little less super, but still very stoned. Black Moth Contemplative Rainbow maybe? Really good stuff, but not their easiest listening release.

- Dan

Download Electric Avenue Chapter 8

Thee Oh Sees - Peanut Butter Oven EP


For whatever reason, this EP is really hard to find. In print, out-of-print, who knows? how many copies? It's sold out according to their myspace, but apparently they want to keep this one in print, and your only chance of getting it would be at one of their shows since the "label" it was released on doesn't even have a website as far as I know. 4 tracks, all good, not as good as anything on The Masters Bedroom Is Worth Spending A Night In, but a must-have 12'' nonetheless.

- Dan

Download Peanut Butter Oven EP

Celebration - s/t


Not really my cup of tea, but it's better than a lot of things. Check their Myspace for a listen.

- Dan

Download Celebration

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Prussia - Dear Emily, Best Wishes, Molly

Local Detroit bands are generally associated with either trying to sound like The Stooges, The Sonics, or some mishmash of the two in order to embrace the garage rock sound the city is so deeply rooted in. Yeah, that shit is important, and hey, a lot of the bands that run with that shtick are pretty damn good (I think Dan and I could both gush over The Go for hours like hormone crazed pre-teen girls). Every once in while I would like to see some fucking variety. Prussia delivers in spades. These guys are able to look back even further and draw heavily from the likes of doo-wop and motown to bring something both raw and incredibly endearing to the table where other less talented bands could easily fail. Prussia doesn't want to be pidgeonholed (and lord knows you couldn't if you tried) but their obvious influences give the audience an immediate and familiar connection. Lets not forget either that these are skinny white kids, so the end product sounds something like Animal Collective thrown in the back of Doc Brown's Delorean and transported to 1955 where they play the enchantment under the sea dance. If you're from a record label and you're reading this, give these guys a fuck ton of money so they can put out another cool record and gain some national attention. If you're just a regular guy/gal that enjoys fantastic music, pick up a copy of this record on vinyl. Prussia's sound really shines when you hear it on wax, and besides, I think the LP is only $10 at Insound.

- Steve

Download Dear Emily, Best Wishes, Molly

Monday, November 3, 2008

Akimbo - Jersey Shores

(LINK FIXED 11/14/08)

"Akimbo are back with another hearty ass-kicking that will remain a paramount moment of their recording careers. Inspired by the infamous and bizarre legacy left from a string of shark attacks that occurred in the Garden State in 1916, Jersey Shores isn't just metal, hardcore, or punk rock. Instead, it reminds us why rock and roll was so hated and loathed in when it first arrived. Loud, riotous, rebellious, and defiant are just a few reasons that come to mind. Recorded over a three-month period at Headbanging Kill Your Mama Music in Louisville, Kentucky, with Chris Owens (Coliseum, Breather Resist) while the band subsisted on a diet of ramen, frozen pizzas and, of course, beer, Jersey Shores isn't the heavy/loud music that one would steal from the tape deck of an older brother's '87 Ford Escort. Nor is it simply an abrasive assortment of gliding guitar riffs on steroids and guttural growls-it's also a hideous hybrid of doom and noise-core that takes no prisoners while its big hairy balls hang out. Make no mistake-history will see Jersey Shores as the moment where Akimbo joined the elder statesmen of heavy music." courtesy of Neurot Recordings

This is by far the best metal record I've come across this year. Heavy, unyielding, and abrasive without any of the uber-serious metal male macho bravado. Plus it's a concept album about sharks ripping people apart. Awesome. Buy a few copies of so they can come to Detroit or Kalamazoo the next time they're on tour.

- Steve

Download Jersey Shores

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Mindflayer - Die & Mold Services

I bought this one on vinyl back when it was released, but I've never bothered downloading it until a few days ago. I'd hope most readers are already aware of Mindflayer, but if you aren't it's the drummer of Lightning Bolt and a dude from Forcefield, and it's one of the best things to come out of Fort Thunder. Although I'm sure this would be considered blasphemy to many Lightning Bolt fans, I think that when Mindflayer is on their game, they are the superior duo (oh no he didn't!), and there are plenty of moments on this LP that help plead my case. Each side is its own track, each around 18mins. Track 2 is more incessantly amazing than the first, but both contain plenty of "holy shit" moments. About 8 minutes into track 2 is one of my favorite things ever created.

- Dan

Download Die & Mold Services

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Mayyors - Megan's LOLZ + Marines Dot Com LP

Here's a pair of 7''s from a band that likes to go about things the old-fashioned way (and like Wavves, enjoy unnecessary doubling of letters). I say old-fashioned because these guys don't exist on the internet. No Myspace or website in general. Only brief descriptions from labels, and live show reviews. They're from California, and have been quickly gaining notoriety due to their incredibly loud and abrasive shows. They sound a little like a mixture of Coachwhips and Brainbombs, except much louder and recorded in the highest of lo-fi. Both 7''s are solid, but Megan's LOLZ is incredibly solid, and may very well destroy my laptop speakers. There are lyrics buried underneath the frenzy, but they're obviously irrelevant, and any band that claims ear plugs are a necessity for their live shows has my attention.

- Dan

Download Megan's LOLZ + Marines Dot Com LP

Tuesday, October 28, 2008



Gay Beast is a guitar/synth/drum trio from Minneapolis, and you can hear about 20,000 influences and similarities in their sound. Their frenetic drumming, broken rhythms, and squealing guitars will bring acts like Hella, AIDS Wolf, HEALTH, Erase Errata, USAISAMONSTER, or every band that associates itself with the "no-wave" scene to mind. The strangely dancey and nintendoish track "Multi Purpose" is pleasing these ears at the moment.

- Dan


Monday, October 27, 2008

The Fucking Am - Gold

The Fucking Am is a collaborative effort from (you guessed it) The Fucking Champs and Trans Am. As difficult as it can be to take either band seriously, I can't help but admire them and respect the fact that they both have the ability to turn cheesy, and at times ridiculous music into something completely worthwhile. Absurd dueling guitar solos and vocoder abound, but in the end it all works. When I listen to Gold I find myself having to resist the urge to buy a pickup truck and drive around running over small animals/children while throwing the rock horns.

Side note: I just realized that this is my third post in a row with "fuck" in the title. Weird.

- Steve

Download Gold

Thee Oh Sees/The Intelligence - Split EP

Finally came across this one on soulseek. A 12'' at 45rpm limited to 500 copies. If you're willing to pay $17 for a 12'', I'd get this quick because copies are going fast. I know there are still some available at Forced Exposure. Five tracks total. The two Oh Sees tracks are awesome, and the Intelligence track "Witchworld" is as well.

- Dan

Download EP

Friday, October 24, 2008

Wavves - s/t

I came across this guy a few times on various blogs, but never downloaded it until a few days ago, and I've been digging it. Wavves is one man from San Diego, and his self-described "beach punk" is certainly fitting. This release is only on cassette tape at the moment, but an LP and CD are coming soon enough. The self-titled album's self-titled track will be stuck in my head for weeks. If Brian Wilson was a skateboarding hooligan, and was influenced by the music of his former self, this is what his new sound would be.

- Dan

Download Wavves

Friday, October 17, 2008

The Fucking Ocean - Le Main Rogue

The Fucking Ocean make disjointed but groove heavy post-punk cut from the same cloth as bands like Black Eyes, and to some extent, Deerhoof. Hyper aggressive music with fun sing-a-long choruses and some very interesting song structures. A welcome alternative to the paint-by-numbers indie rock that bands have been churning out for the past couple of years. I'm not sure if these guys (and a girl too, I think) broke up or what, but as far as I know this 2006 record was their last release. It's too bad, I'd love to hear this band continue to move forward and develop their sound.

- Steve

Download Le Main Rogue

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Broadcast - Tender Buttons


Solid record. Still the 60s pop approach but a more modern sound overall. Synthy drum machine goodness.

- Dan

Download Tender Buttons

Broadcast - The Future Crayon

I apologize for my brief disappearance. My hard drive took a dump, and I lost every single one of my files. I bought this album on vinyl back when it came out, and while I was without a computer I was thoroughly enjoying it. Even though this album is comprised of various b-sides, I had forgotten just how well it works as an actual album, and now that my laptop is now working like a charm, this was one of my first downloads (and found there to only be one active link online). Anyways, the last half of the album is mostly instrumental, and mostly amazing. Although Haha Sound is likely to forever be my favorite release by them, this is certainly number two.

- Dan

Download The Future Crayon

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tobacco - Fucked Up Friends

(LINK FIXED 10/21/08)

I'm a big fan of Black Moth Super Rainbow and their ethereal electronic psychedelic rock, so I was completely floored when I finally came across the new solo album from BMSR mastermind Tobacco. Fucked Up Friends shares many of the same characteristics as Black Moth, but takes the music in an entirely different direction. Tobacco trades in his acid blotter for ecstasy and throws dirty bass lines and waling synth over danceable drum beats. There's a bunch of fake copies of this floating around on the internet that have been circulating since mid-August. Rest assured this is a legit rip of the REAL album.

- Steve

Download Fucked Up Friends

Friday, October 3, 2008

The Jesus & Mary Chain - The Power of Negative Thinking

Since reforming The Jesus & Mary Chain, the Reid brothers have made very few missteps (aside from letting Scarlett Johansson sing backup, but I'll let that slide). Instead of just making bank on a new record they've instead opted to take it slow, play some shows, and give their fans this awesome box set of B-sides and rarities. While I wouldn't recommend this to casual fans thanks to a massive, and at times inconsistent tracklist, any hardcore fan would be a complete moron if they didn't download this thing ASAP and reserve a real copy before it drops in mid November.

- Steve

Download The Power of Negative Thinking Disc 1

Disc 2

Disc 3

Disc 4

Monday, September 29, 2008

Woodcraft Folk - Trough of Bowland

I came across this one a few days ago. Woodcraft Folk is a London-based duo who bring their own take on folk music. This is folk with electronica foundations. Their aurally focused arrangements and melodies are incredibly comforting and hooked me immediately. There are many individual moments that will remind you of something else you have heard (Múm, The Books, and Broadcast are a few that came to my mind), but the duo manages to maintain their own individuality. This 2005 album would serve as a wonderful soundtrack to some coming-of-age indie flick, or just a wonderful soundtrack for your next leasurely stroll.

- Dan

Download Trough of Bowland

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Cheap Time - Handyman b/w Wildlife 7"


Not much to say here. It's snotty, fuzzy, garage punk, and it's damn near perfect. 2 tracks both under 2 minutes. For fans of King Khan & BBQ, Black Lips, Jay Reatard, and the like.

- Dan

Download Handyman b/w Wildlife 7"

Monday, September 22, 2008

Green Milk From The Planet Orange - City Calls Revolution


I hadn't listened to this one in a very long time, but I forgot how good it was. Terrible band name, but a solid prog rock band with a little psychedelia thrown in. Any band who can make 20 minute songs that are continuously entertaining is well worth the listen. The riff from "Concrete City Breakdown" has been stuck in my head all day. Sounds like King Crimson, Soft Machine, or any progressive 70s band that comes to mind.

- Dan

Download City Calls Revolution

My Bloody Valentine - Isn't Anything (Remastered)

Like all things My Bloody Valentine related, this digital remaster of the groups sophomore LP, along with a remastered Loveless, were set to be released months ago only to be delayed indefinitely when Kevin Shields pulled his usual "LOL JK" routine. Forget about that followup to Loveless, how about that fucking box set I was promised 5 years ago? I digress...
I'm actually glad the band decided to finally give the thumbs up for this, because lord knows Isn't Anything could benefit from it. I love MBV, and I'll defend the perfect production on Loveless all day, but at this point Kevin Shields hadn't become obsessive-compulsive enough to really make this a great sounding record. I wasn't quite sure what to make of it at first, but after repeat listens I'm completely sold. Great band, great record. If it is ever released (I know, there's a set release date but I'll believe it when I'm holding a copy in my hands) make sure you pick it up.

- Steve

Download Isn't Anything Remastered

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Tweak Bird - Reservations

Courtesy of

"Tweak Bird is the LA by-way-of Illinois brother duo of Caleb and Ashton Bird. Produced under the helm of the impressive production team Deaf Nephews (Melvins' Dale Crover and Altamont's Toshi Kasai), the duo's debut is a sweeping seven-song intro to a band exploring the depths of heavy experimental, progressive, and psych-infused rock. A sort of musical Armageddon that's constantly on the horizon, looming out of the unabated, swirling fuzz."

This is a pretty cool little record that seems to pick up where DFA 1979 left off a few years back. Heavy hitting fuzzed out rock with a toe-tapping back beat. My only gripe is with the vocals, but eventually you'll get used to them. There's a lot of hype around these guys so don't be surprised if you see and hear them everywhere a few months from now.

- Steve

Download Reservations

Friday, September 12, 2008

Brainbombs - Cheap EP


I got a request for this one a while back, and a more recent general request for another Brainbombs post. This 12" from 2003 is a little different than their other material. It's even more "no-fi", with an added hiss, as well as some phaser, which makes the record more hypnotic/abusive. Also, Alec Empire's remix of "It's a Burning Hell" is quite beastly. A perfect record for when you're feeling uncultured and uncivilized.

- Dan

Download Cheap EP

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

These Are Powers - Terrific Seasons

I saw these guys (and girl) are coming to Richmond, VA soon, so I thought I'd check them out, and I was pleasantly surprised. Churning guitars, screeching vocals, and reverb galore. They've been compared to Sonic Youth, but I think Liars, HEALTH, and Teeth Mountain are a better comparison. I'm very much looking forward to walking down the street to see them play, which I've never had the luxury of doing back in Michigan.

- Dan

Download Terrific Seasons

OCS - 3 + 4


John Dwyer = OCS = The Ohsees = Thee Oh Sees. Released as a 2CD set. OCS 3 is subtitled "Songs About Death and Dying Vol. 3" OCS 4 is subtitled "Get, Stoved". Both solid. It's amazing how Dwyer has been able to maintain this particular sound. Although it has evolved for the better, he has always been able to give the listener a sort of intimacy that not many artists can execute. With it's experimental noise and the perfected muffled Ohsees sound, 3 + 4 represents an intriguing stepping-stone in Dwyer's progression.

- Dan

Download 3 + 4