Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Ocular Audio Experiment - The Witch's Whispering Tomes (Part 1)‏

I was very pleased to find this one in my inbox this morning. The Witch's Whispering Tomes is a double album which features 2 versions of the same 12 songs. Part 1 is an hour and a half of slow, brooding, psychedelic jams with entrancing monotone vocals. Each track floats along with a sitar-like resonance, but with little to no actual sitar to be found. Part 2 is coming on July 11th, and is described as a "Looney Tunes wagon ride into hell". CAN'T WAIT. You can also download all their previous releases HERE.

- Dan

Monday, June 25, 2012

Para Siempre - Witch Doctor (demo)

Para Siempre is back with a full-length demo that he hopes to record professionally sometime this summer, but it's pretty damn good as it is. A label out there needs to swipe this guy up before it's too late. Solo drum machine shoegaze with melancholic vocals, thick bass, and mellow guitar. If you aren't familiar with his two previous releases, be sure to check them out on bandcamp

- Dan

Friday, June 22, 2012

VIDEO: Horrible Houses - Kathy

PRO TIP: When you submit something to us, don't start your email with an apology. 
I had Horrible Houses on the back burner for well over a month now because of this. As far as I can tell the band doesn't have much in the way of proper releases- a few demos and cassettes. They record somewhere in northern Sweden using tape decks and cell phones. Absolutely fucking wild considering the quality here. There's some cool Kraut-esque duel guitar noodling, but the foundation of the track is the hazy 60's inspired melody. Check out the Horrible Houses Soundcloud page for more tracks and keep your fingers crossed for an LP/EP/single/ANYTHING sometime soon.

- Steve

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Oblique Mystique - Good For You Son 7"

Patrick Lundeen Good For You Son
June 21 – July 28, 2012
Opening Thursday June 21, 6 – 8 pm 

Mike Weiss Gallery (520 W.24TH NY, NY) is pleased to present "Good For You Son" by Canadian artist Patrick Lundeen. For his first New York City solo exhibition, Lundeen brings together seemingly disparate objects—from flags to rugs to posters to keyboards to grocery store dailies and magazine pages—into cohesive works resembling anthropomorphic masks. Neon-colored, kaleidoscopic patterns embellish six-foot tall cut out canvas masks, speaking to the artist’s fascination with the exaggerated theatricality of Coney Island type characters, the Contemporary Macabre, and Outsider Art motifs. Borrowing from pop culture imagery and the neo-impressionists, the works hover between the humorous and sinister and the naïve and sardonic. Accompanying the exhibition is a 7” vinyl record by the artist’s experimental three man rock band, The Oblique Mystique.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Volage - Maddie E.P.

Sprightly garage pop from France with some solid beachside harmonies. Roll down the windows of your mind and turn this shit up loud. Head over to bandcamp to grab a free download and pick up a cassette of your own. Limited to 100.

- Dan

Friday, June 8, 2012

Boomgates - Bright Idea 7" + Tour Split 7"

Sometimes out of sheer boredom I'll just start googling bands to figure out what the fuck they've been doing. It turns out Eddy Current Suppression Ring hasn't been doing jack shit, but their website implored me to check out singer Brendan's other band, Boomgates. The distinctive vocals give Boomgates an Eddy Current feel, but this is altogether a different band. The production is a lot murkier, and Brendan's voice is given contrast with female backing vocals. There's definitely a strong 80's indie pop vibe throughout all of the tracks here. You can pick up a copy of Bright Idea from Goner Records, and the tour only split with Super Wild Horses seems to be self released.

- Steve

Thursday, June 7, 2012

VIDEO: Haunted Leather - Shapes on the Wall

New tune from the psych-savvy Grand Rapids, Michiganders. Red Road drops sometime later this year. Until then, stay updated via Facebook.

- Dan

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Fill Spectre - Scare Your Friends

Solo garage/punk/trash side-project of Jay from Pow Wows. Only to be ingested along with a 40oz bottle of King Cobra and a carton of cigs. If you own a leather jacket, you might want to throw that shit on too. Cassettes will be available soon. Keep an eye on his bandcamp

- Dan