Study Finds Ebola Treatment ZMapp Holds Promise, Although Results Not Definitive (NIAID - National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases)

Edit Public Technologies 14 Oct 2016
It later expanded to include research partners within the countries of Sierra Leone and Guinea and the French medical research organization INSERM ... The participants came from Sierra Leone (54 patients), Guinea (12 patients), Liberia (five patients) and the United States (one patient, a health care worker evacuated from Sierra Leone) ... Embassy staff in Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea; the U.S....

Coolio charged with a felony after gun found in bag at LAX

Edit Toronto Sun 14 Oct 2016
Coolio, whose real name is Artis Leon Ivey Jr., was charged Thursday with one felony count of possession of a firearm by a felon ...   ....

Vodafone Flying Fijians Named for November Tour (Fiji Rugby Union)

Edit Public Technologies 14 Oct 2016
The team consists of both local and overseas based players and sees the inclusion of Olympic Gold Medallists, Josua Tuisova, Leone Nakarawa and Vatemo Ravouvou ... Campese Ma'afu, Peni Ravai, Joeli Veitayaki, Tuapati Talemaitoga, Jale Sassen, Sunia Koto, Manasa Saulo, Leeroy Atalifo, Mesake Doge, Leone Nakarawa, Api Ratuniyarawa, Nemia Soqeta, Dominiko ......

President Obama orders government to plan for 'space weather' chaos

Edit AOL 14 Oct 2016
Photo. Pete Souza/Courtesy of The White House ... Photo. Pete Souza/Courtesy of The White House ... Photo. Pete Souza/Courtesy of The White House ... Photo. Pete Souza/Courtesy of The White House ... Photo. Pete Souza/White House ... Photo. Pete Souza/Courtesy of The White House ... Photo. Pete Souza/The White House ... Photo. Pete Souza/The White House ... Photo. Pete Souza/The White House....

Now you will see it: Zebra in Bengaluru

Edit The Times of India 14 Oct 2016
White lion for the BBP. BBP will also get a white lion and elands as donations from the Israel zoo, and there will be no exchange processes for these animals ... White lions, with white fur and pale blue-green eyes, are regarded as rare and endangered species. White lions were first spotted in 1970s in Timbavati wildlife reserve in South Africa ... Currently, all white lions are born in captivity in various zoos across the globe....

Now you will see it: Zebra in th city

Edit The Times of India 14 Oct 2016
White lion for the BBP. BBP will also get a white lion and elands as donations from the Israel zoo, and there will be no exchange processes for these animals ... White lions, with white fur and pale blue-green eyes, are regarded as rare and endangered species. White lions were first spotted in 1970s in Timbavati wildlife reserve in South Africa ... Currently, all white lions are born in captivity in various zoos across the globe....

Watch Jack White unveil Third Man Records colouring book

Edit NME 14 Oct 2016
Jack White's label Third Man Records have announced their latest product - a colouring book ... A member of White’s touring band, she is working on her forthcoming solo album for the label, which is also being produced by White ... Records (@thirdmanrecords) on Oct 13, 2016 at 7.37am PDT Earlier this summer, White played his first vinyl record in space....

Spokane Continues to Build Secondary (IFL - Indoor Football League)

Edit Public Technologies 14 Oct 2016
SPOKANE, Washington - The Empire has re-signed defensive back Lorenzo White Jr ... White (DB, 6-0, 195, Central Michigan) re-joins the Empire for his third year as a member of the IFL ... After suffering a minor injury, White sat out the last few regular season games before returning to the active roster for the Fever's playoff game ... White is originally from Fort Lauderdale, Florida....

Jim Carrey Has Hired Private Detectives to ‘Dig Up Dirt’ on Ex-Girlfriend’s Family, Lawyer Claims

Edit The Wrap 14 Oct 2016
The legal battle between Jim Carrey and relatives of his deceased ex-girlfriend, Cathriona White, took another sordid turn on Thursday. The attorney for White’s family claims that, within the last two days, Carrey and his attorneys have retained two private detectives who have been doing everything they can to “dig up dirt on the family in an effort to try and intimidate them into dropping their cases.”....

US breast cancer deaths drop; rate among white women falls most

Edit DNA India 14 Oct 2016
The decline was greater for white women at 1.9% per year compared with 1.5% per year for black women. US death rates from breast cancer have dropped, although the decline was still greater among white women than black women, according to a study released Thursday ... 100,000 people compared to 20.6 deaths per 100,000 for white women, the CDC said....

The Cook And The Chef Series 1 Ep 34 Blondes Have More Fun

Edit Australian Broadcasting Corporation 14 Oct 2016
Maggie Beer and Simon Bryant love a challenge so this week they're going blonde. White asparagus, light coloured meats, garlic, white chocolate, coconut and meringue all make the white food menu ... ....

U.S. Election Notebook #6: The Colour Line (Athabasca University)

Edit Public Technologies 14 Oct 2016
When we restrict the survey universe to just white voters, Donald Trump's approval ratings are much higher than his overall figures, while Hillary Clinton's are much lower ... He certainly does have the support of large sections of poor white voters, and not just in Nevada in the west ... Trump's strongest support is among white men (56%), followed by seniors (51%), the overall category of white (47%) and the overall category of men (47%)....

Sylvia Manley: Bradley worked to control budget, taxes

Edit Conway Daily Sun 14 Oct 2016
To the editor. ... Jeb Bradley and his challenger John R. White ... White supports an income tax that would lead to ever-growing government and higher and higher taxes ... John R. White advocates for more spending which leads back to higher taxes ... Freedom ....