Tag Archives: Hell’s Bible


The liberal juggernaut … libbernaut? … is well-connected and organized.  They work together. Perhaps you saw the NYT’s piece (aka Hell’s Bible) which managed (through fake news) to make an absurd connection between Card. Burke (whom libs hate with the … Continue reading

Posted in Green Inkers, Liberals, Pò sì jiù, Semper Paratus, Si vis pacem para bellum!, The Coming Storm, The future and our choices | Tagged , , , , , , | 36 Comments

DOUTHAT in NYT: Ongoing ‘Amoris laetitia’ controversy

Dear readers… a lot of time and electrons are being spilled on Amoris laetitia these days because it may be the most important controversy of our time, with long lasting implications for doctrine on faith and morals, and on discipline.  Our … Continue reading

Posted in One Man & One Woman, Our Catholic Identity | Tagged , , | 47 Comments

Hell’s Bible (aka NY Times) Editor: “We don’t get religion. We don’t get the role of religion in people’s lives.”

Via Ave Maria Radio: TOP NYT EDITOR CONFESSES: WE DON’T UNDERSTAND RELIGION AT ALL  [Well knock me down with a feather!] In an interview with WNYC’s “Fresh Air” The New York Times executive editor Dean Baquet admits his newspaper knows nothing … Continue reading

Posted in Biased Media Coverage, Liberals, The Last Acceptable Prejudice | Tagged , | 22 Comments

Why aging liberals are so nasty and so frightened

At the UK’s best Catholic weekly, the Catholic Herald, there is an analysis piece by a writer for First Things, Matthew Schmitz. He writes about the angst libs are experiencing, as they cope with the ticking clock: Pope Francis isn’t moving fast … Continue reading

Posted in Liberals, Liturgy Science Theatre 3000, Magisterium of Nuns, Our Catholic Identity, Pope Francis, Priests and Priesthood, Seminarians and Seminaries, The Coming Storm, The Drill, The future and our choices | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 35 Comments

Ross Douthat explains the situation to liberal ‘c’atholic academics.

Ross Douthat is not lying down and letting the effete liberal catholic academic mafia kick him. He has declared war. Rather, perhaps he has openly stated that a state of war does in fact exist – he didn’t start it – and that … Continue reading

Posted in Fr. Z KUDOS, Liberals, Our Catholic Identity, Synod, The Coming Storm, The future and our choices, The Olympian Middle, Throwing a Nutty | Tagged , , , | 51 Comments

Hell’s Bible Full-Page Anti-Catholic Ad

The New York Time’s (aka Hell’s Bible) took money for an anti-Catholic full-page ad featuring the racist Margaret Sanger. From American Thinker: Anti-Catholic full-page ad in the New York Times today By Ed Lasky The Hobby Lobby decision has ignited … Continue reading

Posted in Liberals, Pò sì jiù, Religious Liberty, The Religion of Peace | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 28 Comments

Wherein Fr. Z agrees with …. Fr. James Martin… !?

Words I never thought I would write.  I agree with Fr. James Martin, SJ, on this one. "Mr. Ratzinger"? Apparently The New York Times Style Manual was written by someone who was high, unconscious or both. http://t.co/b5HbCb9XeU — James Martin, … Continue reading

Posted in Biased Media Coverage, Liberals | Tagged , , | 19 Comments

Wherein Fr. Z considers doing something questionable

I am – horribile scriptu – considering subscribing to the online New York Times (aka Hell’s Bible) for the duration of all the papal stuff going on. Know your enemy, after all. Even as I think about this, I keep … Continue reading

Posted in Lighter fare | Tagged , , , | 63 Comments

Garry Wills getting it wrong in Hell’s Bible

Hell’s Bible published something by the execrable Garry Wills, who hates the Church and the Pope. His opinions are what you would expect from an angry Irish ex-Catholic.  Blah blah blah.  But, in case you bother to read him, don’t … Continue reading

Posted in Patristiblogging, The Drill | Tagged , , | 49 Comments

Another way to destroy the Church where you are.

Hell’s Bible has a piece about one way some people are trying to “revitalize” the Catholic Church in Brazil.  Rather, this is how Hell’s Bible and those who work for the enemy against the Church want the Church to try … Continue reading

Posted in Liberals, New Evangelization | Tagged , , , , | 82 Comments

Some people are finally waking up to lefty hijacking of pro-life language in gun control debate

I have been saying for weeks now that the left has been hijacking pro-life language for their own ends. Right now, they are twisting their support for Pres. Obama (against people who “cling to guns or religion”) into a “prolife … Continue reading

Posted in Brick by Brick | Tagged , , , | 47 Comments

The Ghost of Lib-Mass Yet To Come

Someone sent me a link to an article in Hell’s Bible (aka The New York Times) about “experimental worship” and moving beyond institutional church… sort of like what the National catholic Reporter praises. There is some pretty crazy stuff in … Continue reading

Posted in Blatteroons, Liberals, Liturgy Science Theatre 3000, Magisterium of Nuns, Our Catholic Identity, The Drill | Tagged , , , , , , | 11 Comments

Catholic League about Hell’s Bible’s attack on Bp. Finn

If Christmas or Easter are on the horizon, we can be sure that Hell’s Bible (and the Fishwrap) will find someone in the Church to bash.  Right now, that would be Bishop Robert Finn of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph. … Continue reading

Posted in Green Inkers, Liberals, The Last Acceptable Prejudice, Throwing a Nutty | Tagged , , , , , | 37 Comments

Catholic League on NYT editorial about nuns… dissident nuns, of course

From The Catholic League: New York Times Finds Good Nuns September 18, 2012 Bill Donohue comments on an editorial in today’s New York Times: The editorial, “Speaking the Truth to the Vatican,” sounds so macho, especially coming from the unmanly … Continue reading

Posted in Biased Media Coverage, Lighter fare, Magisterium of Nuns, The Last Acceptable Prejudice, Women Religious | Tagged , , , , , , | 56 Comments

Douthat’s NYT Op-Ed: Can Liberal Christianity Be Saved?

From Hell’s Bible, aka The New York Times: OP-ED COLUMNIST Can Liberal Christianity Be Saved?  [In this case I am in favor of euthanasia.] By ROSS DOUTHAT IN 1998, John Shelby Spong, then the reliably controversial Episcopal bishop of Newark, … Continue reading

Posted in "How To..." - Practical Notes, Fr. Z KUDOS, Magisterium of Nuns, Our Catholic Identity, The Drill, The future and our choices | Tagged , , , , , , , | 38 Comments