Tag Archives: Five Dubia

Happy 1st Anniversary ‘Amoris laetitia’ and a terrific new book alert – ACTION ITEM!

It has been 1 year already since the unleashing of the text of the Post-Apostolic Exhortation Amoris laetitia. It seems longer, in some ways. Since it’s release, sharp divisions have developed in the Church over objectively ambiguous, now infamous elements of Chapter 8. … Continue reading

Posted in ACTION ITEM!, Pope Francis, The Coming Storm, The Drill, The future and our choices | Tagged , , | 15 Comments

VIDEO: Card. Burke about the future of the Five Dubia about ‘Amoris laetitia’

At St. Raymond of Penafort Church in Virginia (which if I am not mistaken was built by my my friend Fr. James Gould), another Raymond, Card. Burke, answered a question about the Five Dubia submitted by the Four Cardinals about the … Continue reading

Posted in One Man & One Woman, Our Catholic Identity | Tagged , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Fr. Z’s take on the Pope’s remarks to Chilean Bishops

People are asking me in email what I think of the Pope’s alleged statements to Chilean bishops making their ad limina visit.  Apparently the Holy Father told them, as reported by the UK’s best Catholic weekly The Catholic Herald (for which I write a … Continue reading

Posted in GO TO CONFESSION, One Man & One Woman, Our Catholic Identity, Pope Francis | Tagged , , | 7 Comments

List of Prelates For and Against the Five Dubia on ‘Amoris Laetitia’

A week or so ago, I received a working list of churchmen who seem to be in favor of submitting (and getting answers to) the Five Dubia of the Four Cardinals™, who seem to be against the same and who seem to … Continue reading

Posted in ¡Hagan lío!, One Man & One Woman | Tagged , , | 38 Comments

Commandments are NOT mere “ideals” from which some people are excused because they’re hard! Wherein Fr. Z rants.

Look. I’m the first one to admit that I am a sinner.  I sin and I go to confession with a firm purpose of amendment.  When I fall, I get back up, again with a firm purpose of amendment.  I … Continue reading

Posted in "How To..." - Practical Notes, GO TO CONFESSION, Our Catholic Identity, Wherein Fr. Z Rants | Tagged , , , | 18 Comments

Card. Coccopalmerio’s booklet: The Response™? Apparently not.

Yesterday, I posted HERE about the release of the booklet by Card. Coccopalmerio, Prefect of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts. It was ballyhooed as The Response™ to the Five Dubia of the Four “intransigent” Cardinals, who are dissenters because they … Continue reading

Posted in The Drill | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 24 Comments

New booklet by Cardinal asserted to be response to the Five Dubia of the Four Cardinals

In the shallow, liberal, Italian Catholic weekly Panorama we are informed about a booklet now out over the name of Card. Coccopalmerio, Prefect of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts.  It is ballyhooed as “the response” to the Five Dubia of … Continue reading

Posted in One Man & One Woman, Our Catholic Identity, The Coming Storm | Tagged , , , , , , , | 45 Comments

Card. Müller weighs in on ‘Amoris Laetitia’, informally answers the Five Dubia

The Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is doing his job.  His Eminence Gerhard Ludwig Card. Müller, has given a long interview to the Italian Catholic monthly Il Timone.  Title: “You don’t negotiate Truth.”  He comments on … Continue reading

Posted in "How To..." - Practical Notes, Hard-Identity Catholicism, One Man & One Woman, The Drill | Tagged , , , , | 43 Comments

Canonist Ed Peters: different ways people deal with Canon 915 (denial of Communion)

The distinguished, commonsensical canonist Ed Peters has a blistering bit today at his blog In the Light of the Law. Let’s see what he has to say, with my usual emphases and comments. I’ll cut in to the meat. You should … Continue reading

Posted in Canon Law, The Drill | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 14 Comments

IMPORTANT: Interview with Card. Caffarra about the Dubia and ‘Amoris laetitia’ confusion

UPDATE: I was sent this Tweet of Matteo Matzuzzi of Il Foglio: Diversamente da quanto si legge in giro, Caffarra @ilfoglio_it non risponde a Müller (questione cronologica) https://t.co/cSnq1DwrFk — Matteo Matzuzzi (@matteomatzuzzi) January 14, 2017 [Decoded: “Differently from what is … Continue reading

Posted in One Man & One Woman, Our Catholic Identity, The Coming Storm, The Drill, The future and our choices | Tagged , , , , , | 15 Comments

Background support for the Five Dubia

Edward Pentin, probably the best English language journalist working around the Vatican these days, posted at the National Catholic Register a piece about support for the Four Cardinals and the Five Dubia. Yes, he writes about Card. Müller’s TV interview which … Continue reading

Posted in The Drill | Tagged , , | 10 Comments

Card. Burke’s interview in ‘La Verità”: More Cardinals are completely with the Four

Lots of lefties are hopping up and down in little circles because the Four Cardinals (Burke, Caffara, Meisner, Brandmueller) offered Five Dubia (questions, narrowly framed, asking for yes or no clarificatory responses) arising from the objective lack of clarity in … Continue reading

Posted in One Man & One Woman, Our Catholic Identity | Tagged , , , | 20 Comments

Another look at Fr. Cameli in Jesuit-run ‘America’: Use of Scripture

The other day there was misleading piece at Jesuit-run America by a Chicagoan Fr. Louis Cameli. He launched an ad hominem attack against the Four Cardinals of the Five Dubia.  Cameli continued with a not entirely honest defense of his personally preferred … Continue reading

Posted in Linking Back, The Drill | Tagged , , , , , | 27 Comments

Card. Müller: “a possible fraternal correction of the Pope seems to me to be very remote”

UPDATE: Newly appended to the end of Pentin’s article on Card. Müller… Update 12 January 2016: A spokesman for Cardinal Müller told the Register that he was “speaking out of his authority as prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine … Continue reading

Posted in One Man & One Woman, The Drill | Tagged , , , , , | 76 Comments

What Do The Little Dots Really Say? Drilling into a distortion at America Magazine

UPDATE 7 Jan: Catch Fr. Hunwicke’s comments.  HERE ___ Originally Published on: Jan 6, 2017 Sometimes libs try to pull one over on us by shaking and rattling the shiny object so that you don’t see what they are doing with … Continue reading

Posted in Liberals, Our Catholic Identity, The Drill, What are they REALLY saying?, You must be joking! | Tagged , , , , , , | 15 Comments