Tag Archives: Argentina

Ross Douthat on candidate Quisling Kaine (D-VA) and on Francis’ papal doctrine dance

At the NYT (aka Hell’s Bible) see what Ross Douthat has to say: Dilution of Doctrine LAST weekend Tim Kaine, the Democratic vice-presidential nominee and a churchgoing Catholic, briefly escaped obscurity by telling an audience of L.G.B.T. activists that he … Continue reading

Posted in 1983 CIC can. 915, Sin That Cries To Heaven | Tagged , , , , , , | 16 Comments

Bishops of Alberta stand up! No Communion for ‘remarried’ without continence

One good thing resulting from the confusion surrounding both the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Amoris laetitia and the recent Argentinian Letter, is that the Church’s teachings on important moral issues, and about disposition to receive Communion, are being reviewed and clarified (and, … Continue reading

Posted in ¡Hagan lío!, 1983 CIC can. 915, One Man & One Woman, Our Catholic Identity | Tagged , , , , | 6 Comments

Did Pope Francis really write that letter?

UPDATE: I have found a “news story” (but not really) at the site of Vatican Radio by Philippa Hitchen saying something about the letter. HERE Also, in today’s L’Osservatore Romano of 12-13 September there is an unsigned piece on p. 7 … Continue reading

Posted in Hard-Identity Catholicism, I'm just askin'..., One Man & One Woman, The Drill | Tagged , , , | 84 Comments

The Coming Storm – Argentina: topless pro-abort feminists assault men, try to burn Cathedral

UPDATE 15 Oct: I received this from a trustworthy priest: I saw your post on the Mar del Plata cathedral assault. Quite frightening demonstration and disappointing response from the rector. However, the whole event may be more complicated than it … Continue reading

Posted in Liberals, Si vis pacem para bellum!, Sin That Cries To Heaven, The Coming Storm, The future and our choices | Tagged , , , , | 39 Comments

Interesting SSPX development in Buenos Aires

I received some interesting email from one of you alert readers about something going on with the SSPX in, of all places, Buenos Aires. This looks legit. From the website of the Argentinian Boletino, you can see the resolution. Using the … Continue reading

Posted in Pope Francis, SSPX | Tagged , , | 69 Comments

Pope Francis to UN delegation: “legitimate redistribution of economic benefits by the State”

Today Pope Francis addressed a delegation of the UN – which I remind you is a principle agent for promoting abortion world-wide. Below please find the full text of Pope Francis’ address to the United Nations Agencies, Funds and Programmes … Continue reading

Posted in Pope Francis, The Coming Storm, The Drill, The future and our choices | Tagged , , , | 111 Comments

ARGENTINA: Lesbians to receive confirmation and have “their” child baptized in cathedral

You perhaps have heard that a bishop in Argentina, has approved the baptism of a child held in custody by two lesbians. HERE Vatican Insider has an explanation by a “collaborator” of then-Archbp. Bergoglio in Buenos Aires.  HERE Pope Francis, … Continue reading

Posted in Crackit Gaberlunzie, Liturgy Science Theatre 3000, One Man & One Woman, Our Catholic Identity, You must be joking! | Tagged , , | 27 Comments

A TV commercial for your consideration: POLL

An Argentinian Coca-Cola commercial for your consideration. Let’s have a poll! Pick your best answer and discuss (if registered and approved) in the combox, below. If you vote “Stupendous!” or “Blech!”, you had better explain yourselves!

Posted in POLLS, The Drill | Tagged , , | 59 Comments

VIDEO: Wymyn burn Francis in effigy in Argentina. Make popcorn.

I was sent a video by a reader of some loony wymny in Argentina burning Pope Francis in effigy.  I don’t know what this group is about, but I can guess.  It probably defies the Church’s teaching on contraception or … Continue reading

Posted in Liberals, Pope Francis | Tagged , , , , | 20 Comments

How AP reported SSPX disruption of a Kristallnacht interfaith service in Buenos Aires

From not-so-Catholic-friendly AP via not-so-Catholic-friendly (unless liberal) HuffPo comes this bizarre train wreck: Saint Pius X Catholic Group Protests Kristallnacht Interfaith Memorial In Argentina, Challenging Pope Francis BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) — Ultra-traditionalist Catholics [read: SSPX… but it is far more fun … Continue reading

Posted in Biased Media Coverage, SESSIUNCULA, SSPX, The Drill, The future and our choices, The Last Acceptable Prejudice | Tagged , , , | 33 Comments

Want some “lío”? I’ve got your “lío” right here!

¿Este será el ‘lío’ que quiere el Papa? Some young people could be taking Pope Francis at his word when the other day he said, precisely to young people, “quiero lío en las dioceses… I want a mess in dioceses”. … Continue reading

Posted in "How To..." - Practical Notes, Liturgy Science Theatre 3000, Our Catholic Identity, Pope Francis, SUMMORUM PONTIFICUM, The future and our choices, Throwing a Nutty, Year of Faith | Tagged , , , | 10 Comments

Who’s the important one?

Many prelates from around the world would stay at my residence in Rome when they would come for business with the Roman curia.  As a result, at mealtimes you would find yourself eating with Bp. X or Archbp. Y or … Continue reading

Posted in "How To..." - Practical Notes, Our Catholic Identity, SESSIUNCULA, The Drill | Tagged , , , | 37 Comments