Tag Archives: Andrea Gagliarducci

More concerning the alleged “commission” to reinterpret ‘Humanae vitae’

Andrea Gagliarducci has a thought provoking offering for his weekly Vatican Monday. He raises the question of who will defend the legacy, the magisterium of Pope John Paul II. He writes about the Left, liberal sex-obsessed agenda: Humanae vitae and those … Continue reading

Posted in The Coming Storm, The Drill, The future and our choices | Tagged , , , , | 10 Comments

‘Monday Vatican’ analysis of the state of the pontificate

In the wake of last week’s cover of the Rolling Stone, Andrea Gagliarducci in his Monday Vatican offering does some analysis of the status quaestionis, the present state, of the pontificate of Pope Francis, especially in view of the MSM. Read the whole thing, … Continue reading

Posted in Pope Francis, The Drill | Tagged , | 12 Comments

Of Protestantization, Flops and the Management of Expectations

Everyone should rush to read what Andrea Gagliarducci contributed in his latest Monday Vatican offering. HERE  Using as a springboard a new book in Italian on Luther by Angela Pellicciari, (not in English yet – Amazon USA HERE UK HERE – … Continue reading

Posted in Benedict XVI, Pope Francis | Tagged , , , , | 12 Comments

Some Monday Vatican drilling

You all should check out today’s Monday Vatican by Andrea Gagliarducci. This week Andrea drills into the circumstances and implications of the recently election of Card. Tagle of Manila as head of Caritas International. Here is one section: The progressive … Continue reading

Posted in Pope Francis, The Drill | Tagged , , | 9 Comments

Is there an agenda at work behind Pope Francis’ back?

Monday Vatican is out. First paragraph… Pope Francis: An Agenda Behind his Back? Is there an agenda at work behind Pope Francis’ back? As he carries out his plan of renewal for the Church, one that is based on the … Continue reading

Posted in Pope Francis, SESSIUNCULA, The Drill | Tagged , | 46 Comments

Francis, Cardinals and the Peripheries

I have occasionally written about the significance of “peripheries” for Pope Francis.  Today Andrea Gagliarducci drills into the topic, in view of the upcoming consistory and the nomination of new cardinals. A taste: Since becoming pope, Francis has asked the … Continue reading

Posted in Pope Francis, The Drill | Tagged , , | 42 Comments

Past and present Vatican, Church involvement in Cuban affairs – Status quaestionis

I am beginning to admire more and more the analysis of things Vatican by Andrea Galiarducci, who writes for CNA. He has a status questionis post on Pope Francis and the involvement, past and present, of the Catholic Church in … Continue reading

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