Category Archives: Liturgy Science Theatre 3000

Especially for discussion of liturgical abuses and wacky ideas

BLUE Pontifical Vestment and Violet Folded Chasuble Projects

The ecclesiastical tailor in Rome, Gammarelli, informed me that the White vestments for Pontifical Mass at the Throne (PMATT) has been shipped.  We have a PMATT coming on the Feast of the Queenship of Mary (31 May) in the evening here … Continue reading

Posted in ¡Hagan lío!, Hard-Identity Catholicism, Liturgy Science Theatre 3000 | Tagged , | 7 Comments

WDTPRS – Ascension THURSDAY: Courage and help when we are tried and tested

Tonight at 6 PM at St. Mary’s in Pine Bluff I will celebrate Holy Mass for the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord… because it is Ascension THURSDAY today. On Sunday I will celebrate Sunday after Ascension THURSDAY, because … Continue reading

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The Lord’s Ascension, Beans, and You

We have lovely customs in our wonderful Roman Catholic Church, including special blessings on certain feast days, often tied to the changing of the seasons… in Rome, that is.  It’s the Roman Church, after all. Today, the Feast of the … Continue reading

Posted in Hard-Identity Catholicism, Just Too Cool, Liturgy Science Theatre 3000 | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Vigil of Ascension Thursday

Here is something I wrote a loooong time ago – 2006 – for an WDTPRS article in the print version of The Wanderer.  I had a column there for 11 years. …(I)n some places the Feast of the Ascension, which … Continue reading

Posted in Liturgy Science Theatre 3000, WDTPRS | Tagged | 4 Comments

ASK FATHER: Visible tattoos and altar service

From a reader… I was at Mass today at a parish with exceptionally reverent liturgies, communion received at the communion rail kneeling and on the tongue, male-only altar servers and EMHC, but something kept catching my eye and distracting me-one … Continue reading

Posted in "How To..." - Practical Notes, ASK FATHER Question Box, Liturgy Science Theatre 3000 | Tagged | 31 Comments

A young priest recounts his experience and aspirations

For decades priests have done all sorts of goofy things to Mass and bishops did little or nothing to safeguard our sacred worship. Almost a year ago Robert Card. Sarah called for priests to celebrate Mass ad orientem more often, where possible, … Continue reading

Posted in ¡Hagan lío!, Be The Maquis, Hard-Identity Catholicism, Liberals, Liturgy Science Theatre 3000, Mail from priests, New Evangelization, Priests and Priesthood | Tagged , | 16 Comments

ASK FATHER: Is having a “straw subdeacon” for a Solemn TLM okay?

From a reader… QUAERITUR: I’ve been to Solemn High Masses where a seminarian (perhaps having been instituted as an acolyte) was acting as Subdeacon (a “straw” subdeacon, I think, since he’s not ordained). Other than ordained men, who can act … Continue reading

Posted in "How To..." - Practical Notes, ASK FATHER Question Box, Liturgy Science Theatre 3000 | Tagged , | 11 Comments

WDTPRS – 6th Sunday of Easter: We are simultaneously risen, rising, and about to rise

Here is this week’s Collect, for the 6th Sunday of Easter in the Ordinary Form: Fac nos, omnipotens Deus, hos laetitiae dies, quos in honorem Domini resurgentis exsequimur, affectu sedulo celebrare, ut quod recordatione percurrimus semper in opere teneamus. This … Continue reading

Posted in EASTER, Liturgy Science Theatre 3000, WDTPRS | Tagged , | 2 Comments

ASK FATHER: Am I obliged to do the strange penance Father gave during confession?

From a reader… QUAERITUR: When I went to confession the priest asked me to watch a certain movie for my penance. I have done a search for it but what I found (trailers) seems contrary to the faith, very progressive/liberal … Continue reading

Posted in "How To..." - Practical Notes, ACTION ITEM!, GO TO CONFESSION, Liturgy Science Theatre 3000 | Tagged , , | 19 Comments

It’s confirmed: Never give up! Never surrender!

At RenewAmerica, Matt C. Abbot posted about an encouraging event: confirmations conferred in the Extraordinary Form.  The account is a good read.  It included the following with my emphases and comments: […] I discovered the Latin Mass in my early adulthood and … Continue reading

Posted in ¡Hagan lío!, Be The Maquis, Brick by Brick, Liturgy Science Theatre 3000, SUMMORUM PONTIFICUM | Tagged , | 8 Comments

Formation of a new “Latin Mass Society of Central NJ”

For a while now, I’ve been working with the Tridentine Mass Society of the Diocese of Madison. Since I’ve been mentioning it on the blog, I’ve received notes from all over that people are forming their own societies where they … Continue reading

Posted in ¡Hagan lío!, Be The Maquis, Just Too Cool, Liturgy Science Theatre 3000, SUMMORUM PONTIFICUM, The future and our choices | Tagged , , | 9 Comments

Benedict XVI SPEAKS: “With Cardinal Sarah, a master of silence and of interior prayer, the liturgy is in good hands.

In the spirit of GMTA… Great Minds Think Alike… I offer you the following. Benedict XVI has written a brief essay as an afterword for a future re-printing of Robert Card. Sarah’s great book The Power of Silence: Against the … Continue reading

Posted in Benedict XVI, Liturgy Science Theatre 3000, Patristiblogging | Tagged , , | 9 Comments

FOLLOW UP: Requests for GREGORIAN MASSES and priests who can say them

UPDATE 17 May:   Now that I’m not on the road, I can give some attention this this once more. People sometimes write to me to request Gregorian Masses (i.e., the same Mass intention for 30 straight, uninterrupted days).  Many … Continue reading

Posted in "How To..." - Practical Notes, Four Last Things, Liturgy Science Theatre 3000, Mail from priests | Tagged | Leave a comment

A visit to a great parish

I was recently in Grand Rapids, MI at Sacred Heart parish. I observed there some impressive things which confirm other experiences I’ve had. First, what they have done with the school – rather, Academy – there could be a model … Continue reading

Posted in ¡Hagan lío!, "How To..." - Practical Notes, Hard-Identity Catholicism, Liturgy Science Theatre 3000 | 11 Comments

An “imperialism of novelty”

Peter Kwasniewski at NLM has a thoughtful piece, with which I agree, about trend over time in the celebration of the Novus Ordo.  When there are options provided, there seems to be an expectation that the least traditional option will be … Continue reading

Posted in "How To..." - Practical Notes, Hard-Identity Catholicism, Liturgy Science Theatre 3000, The future and our choices, Turn Towards The Lord | 26 Comments