Your Good News

Do you have some good news to share with the readership?

Let us know!


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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16 Responses to Your Good News

  1. John Grammaticus says:

    thanks be to God I found my Rosary minutes after I thought I’d lost in on a train – small beer I know but you gotta count your blessings.

    On a much bigger note I had a wonderful Lent and Easter Octave (thank you once again Father for the lentcasts), and resolved a longstanding wound that was impairing my relationship with God.

  2. scoleman says:

    I was received into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil. After a long time of praying and discerning, it is wonderful to be a Catholic. Laus Deo!

  3. That Guy says:

    Good stuff! St. William of York in Stafford, VA (just south of USMC Base Quantico) now offers the daily NO Mass in Latin on Weds and Fridays at 6:30pm. Easy on/off Routes 1 & I-95 (exit 143A to Rt. 1 N) for commuters!

  4. Sonshine135 says:

    My son has had a very successful first year of Seminary, and is as happy as I have ever seen him. Please continue to pray for his vocation. He will be spending part of the summer on the El Camino de Santiago and at Fatima.

  5. I will be officially moving to Jersey City, NJ next week, where not only will my commute to work will be shorter, but I will finally make the TLM my normal Sunday Mass.

    This will also be the opportunity to make Juventutem Jersey City grow and will be the start of a long term goal my friends and I have of networking the scattered young adult trads of New Jersey and NYC.

  6. iPadre says:

    I celebrate my 25th anniversary on June 13th. Will have a Solemn Mass of thanksgiving on June 11th. Thanks to our Lord and our Lady for the many graces though the years.


    Fr. Z's Gold Star Award

  7. manders0623 says:

    My husband and I are expecting our first child due to arrive on All Saints Day! :-D

  8. Warren says:

    The Fellowship of Blessed John Henry Newman (Ordinariate, Victoria, BC) welcomed David, a convert from Evangelical Protestantism, into the Church during the Great and Holy Vigil of Easter.

  9. MrsMacD says:

    My eldest came home to visit for two weeks from his boarding school. He’s turning out to be such a nice young man. I’m so proud of him!

    Expecting another little boy soon. It never ceases to be a wonder and a miracle!

    God is with us even till the end of time. Yay!

  10. That Guy says:

    Not small beer at all! I left my rosary ring clipped to the keys of a rental car when I returned the car in haste recently. Fortunately, Thrifty in San Diego has an excellent lost and found system!

  11. Liz says:

    My brother is alive! After 8 weeks of being mostly in critical condition, on life support and close to death several times, he survived a heart-valve surgery that he only had a 50-50 chance of surviving and a 75% chance of having complications from the surgery, he is now doing well! At one point they said he was awake, but not responsive. It was frightening. Now his only complaint is that he is terribly weak. Otherwise he had no other medical problems. He does have a few other non-medical challenges, but it’s really amazing. Thank you to everyone who prayed. p.s. During this time another brother had two blood clots go to his lungs. He survived (which the doctor said was incredible since they each went to a lung) and is back at work. It’s such a blessing!

  12. LDP says:

    Nothing exceptional perhaps, but I have recently taken the time to memorise the prayers of the Rosary in Latin. In private I now always say these prayers in Latin. I believe it has helped me, not least in emphasising the Communion of Saints, many of whom would have prayed in Latin also.

    Secondly, I have finally bought Cardinal Sarah’s ‘God or nothing’! Our priest has also read it!

    Lastly, I’ve just noticed on the ‘guardian’ website (I usually avoid) the headline: ‘Ex-Knights of Malta leader to defy papal order and attend succession meeting’. Could this be good news?

  13. Dr. Edward Peters says:

    Yes, another young man is seriously thinking about priesthood.

  14. Discerning Altar Boy says:

    Barring some catastrophe, I will be beginning my priestly formation for the Diocese of Providence (home to both the iPadre and Bishop Thomas Tobin). I will be taking classes at the local secular college as the Diocese has no major seminary. I will, however, live with my fellow seminarians at the [minor] Seminary of Our Lady of Providence.

  15. GrumpyYoungMan says:

    We’re moving a long distance next month. We (finally) found a new home and our offer was accepted.

    The best part – and we didn’t know this until after we made the offer – is the local parish is a 5 minute walk from the house AND offers the TLM on Sundays! I’m not sure why it isn’t listed in the various online directories, but what a pleasant surprise.

  16. beelady says:

    Thank you all for the prayers! I posted recently about my husband Patrick who has heart problems. He got important test results back today and they were very good! Praise God!

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