Thursday, 11 May 2017

If not Conservative, then definitely not Labour

I mentioned, rather a little skittishly, that I thought that our Bishops might be telling us to vote Conservative (sorry about that Bishops! I know you would never tell us what to do).

However, the leaked Labour Manifesto surely means that no Catholic can vote Labour. Of course, the Official Manifesto might change, but the Catholic Herald, here, shows that Labour will legislate for abortion in Northern Ireland. Labour will “continue to ensure a woman’s right to choose a safe, legal abortion – and we will legislate to extend that right to women in Northern Ireland.”

The sanctity of human life has to be the irreducible priority of any Catholic opinion. We cannot have rights or obligations if we do not exist.

Bishop Egan asked us to "find out where election candidates stand on abortion and assisted suicide", link here. He said

First, and foremost, how far will this or that candidate protect the sacred dignity of each human life from conception to natural death, opposing moves to liberalise the abortion laws, to extend embryo experimentation and to legalise assisted suicide and euthanasia?
Can any of us in good conscience support a party which intends to extend the abortion of poor children in the womb?

I'd like to hear that one argued on Judgement Day: "I know they wanted to kill infants in the womb, but on reflection I thought that nationalising the Railways and Mail service outweighed it in the end."


Thursday, 4 May 2017

When Bishops are Conservatives

I have been mulling over the interview with Archbishop McMahon, and I think it is very instructive that it has come out at just this time.

You see I have been reading Vatican documents for the past three years and so now know all about half quotations, spurious supposition and dodgy theology. So I know that timing is everything. After all, can it really have been a surprise that my own beloved Nostra Aetate was presented at the last minute of the third session of Vat II. They had two days to look over a whole new document and then vote on it. It was passed. They all wanted to get home.

So back to the Archbishop. It seems (according to EVERYONE) that we're sick of election, so I think that this is all a sneaky episcopal plot to brainwash us into voting in the way the Bishops want. I am sure that this is not a plot by any individual bishop, but by the whole episcopal conference. They were created for this, they came into the world after vat II for this...

Who can forget "The Common Good" in 1996, (download it here). It tells you how to vote. Of course some bits are now old hat. Take section 100 for example " It is possible to be both British and European." Not anymore matey.

So I think, that then as now, the Bishops are trying to guide us in our voting intentions. And good for them. Keeps them busy.

If the Bishops think that we should be able to have grammar schools and Labour says no, and the Lib Dems say no, and the Greens say no ...

... we are left with UKIP or the Conservatives.

The Bishops told me to do it!
My Lords, in this, as in all things, I will obey!!!

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Wonderfully Refreshing

In a generally negative interview with Archbishop Malcolm McMahon, the Archbishop puts forward many interesting points. The full interview is here, and here are some highlights...

McMahon says the proportion of pupils in Catholic schools from deprived areas and the proportion from ethnic minority backgrounds are both above average, as indeed they are. 
 “The Church of England runs schools for the wider community,” McMahon says. “Ours are different. They are for the Catholic community.” Though non-Catholics account for a third of pupils, and nearly 10% are Muslims, the archbishop is clear: by canon law, schools are forbidden to turn away Catholic parents in favour of non-Catholics.
Is it fair that non-Catholics should pay for schools from which their own children may be excluded? “Parents’ rights to educate their children as they wish is fundamental,” he says.
“It’s not just the faith school sector which is faced with mono-cultural schools. Many community schools comprise predominantly one ethnicity and faith.”
“We are not anti-grammar schools,” says McMahon. “There are already seven existing Catholic grammar schools and we welcome a diversity of provision that promotes parental choice.” It will be up to individual diocesan authorities, he says, whether to open new ones.
Did some pupils have same-sex parents? “Why would same-sex parents want to send their children to a Catholic school? 

Read the whole thing, it really is quite excellent. The writer, of course, simply doesn't get Catholic Education, but perhaps that says more about the liberal intelligensia, than it does Catholic Education.

Friday, 28 April 2017

Overheard in Budapest

From one dictator to another, Vladimir Illych, how do you deal with pastoral councils?

Thursday, 27 April 2017

How you can tell...

... I'm on holiday.

I have to say that these two have almost finished me off. The beer is fine, but my goodness the sundae is almost too much.

Almost, I tell you. Almost. If you're ever in Budapest then go to Gerbeaud for cakes and stuff. Pure indulgence... Well I am on holiday.

Wednesday, 26 April 2017


My goodness! How can they do such things? God made piggies to have little feet... trotters if you will.

He did not make them to wear sling-backs or brogues or the like.

So why is there a shop for pig shoes???!!!

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

I'm sitting here...

... minding my own business with my dog and my hawk.

So why is this priest taking my photo?

Monday, 24 April 2017


On holiday: this is how I want to live!

Binary choices

I hate these binary choices! Why is it not male/female/eunuchs for the kingdom?

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