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Daniel Andrews' make or break budget approaches

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What's going to be in the state budget on Tuesday? Here are a few educated guesses.

1. Annual surpluses averaging about $1 billion over the four-year budget period, with net debt creeping back towards the 6.2 per cent the government inherited as it ramps up its infrastructure program.

2. A prediction that stamp duty revenues will moderate slightly (although still rising), as the housing market slows from a sprint to a jog.

3. More money for new schools needed to keep pace with the state's booming population growth.

4. The royal commission into family violence recommendations will be fully funded, as promised. But as the Premier made clear this week, a levy flagged to pay for it will not be introduced. Instead, the package of measures will be funded some other way - potentially public sector savings or directly from the bottom line.

5. Expect another asset sale following the successful $9.7 billion lease of the Port of Melbourne. This isn't much left to sell, but there are some smaller entities still on the public books. It could well be controversial, which may suit the government (see below).


6. After a year of policy announcements since the last budget, billions of dollars of spending will need to be factored into the bottom line. That includes extra police and other crime prevention initiatives, a juvenile justice facility, a Latrobe Valley adjustment package, extra paramedics to tackle ambulance response times, new high-capacity trains, taxi industry reforms, industry assistance and planning money for the north-east "missing" link, among other things.

And, there will, of course, be some surprises.

Treasurer Tim Pallas has already flagged a "leaner" budget after the already mentioned spending decisions. That's code for keeping some powder dry for next year's election.

More broadly the budget represents an opportunity for the government to recalibrate.

If Dan's spinmeisters were to debate what must be done to get the government back on track, they could do worse than to focus on three things.

First, attempt to neutralise law and order as a political issue. The government has already been scrambling to do this, with a slew of announcements including a tough-on-crime "make no apology" legislative agenda, new detention facilities, and thousands of extra frontline police.

On Thursday, Andrews appeared for a media stunt at Glen Waverley Police Academy to press home the point that the first new recruits - out of 3135 being hired over the next five years - will hit the ground in Melbourne's growth areas from next month.

The big challenge it faces here is that it will take some time before the law and order push translates into lower crime rates, if at all. As long as the reports of car jackings, home invasions and assaults continue, the issue will remain a major political problem for Labor. At the very least, Andrews will be able to claim he has acted.

Second, Labor will attempt to use the budget to redirect the political battle back towards areas its sees as key strengths, including health, education, infrastructure and (counter intuitively) economic management.

Having gained a windfall from the Port of Melbourne lease deal, get ready for the next tranche of Labor's asset sale agenda. And prepare for some cuts to the public service. If these measures turn out to be controversial, so much the better. The message will be clear: the Andrews government has been been forced to take some tough but prudent steps to deliver better services and infrastructure.

If it has to take a scalpel to the public service and sell the furniture to sell the message that it is being economically tough to boost services and infrastructure, so be it.

Spending - underpinned by the massive need to provide the infrastructure and services needed to cope with strong population growth and a soaring public sector wage bill - will continue to grow at an annual rate of at least 4 per cent. But that will be just a smidgen less than revenue growth, allowing the government to deliver healthy surpluses.

Third, the agenda could do worse than include a strategy to reassure voters it is getting on with its infrastructure agenda, including metro rail, the Western Distributor, the Monash upgrade and the level crossing removal program.

One of the government's biggest problems is that the past two years have been particularly scrappy. It has lost three ministers - Adem Somyurek, Steve Herbert and Jane Garrett. And it has lost a speaker and deputy speaker - Telmo Languiller and Don Nardella - to what Opposition Leader Matthew Guy is calling the biggest expense scandals in the state's history.

All of this in just two-and-a-half years. It doesn't get much worse (or better, depending on perspective) than that in politics. As I put it previously, the government is now just two idiots short of a minority, with Nardella occupying a seat on the crossbenches.

It is not inconceivable that the government could lose the next election, or at least be in a minority government situation. It desperately needs to show some results to convince voters it deserves a second chance, despite the stuff-ups. It is for this reason, perhaps above all else, that this budget is crucial.

For as the former Coalition discovered, by the time an election year rolls around, a government can make all the promises in the world. If it hasn't demonstrated results by then, it could be game over.

Josh Gordon is The Age's state political editor.