

Focusing on money basics can allow you to become exceptional

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My husband was the physiotherapist of an NRL club for many years and he came home one day, shaking his head and told me a story that I retell often.

It was after players had returned from a State of Origin campaign. One of the players was being treated by my husband and was talking about his experience at camp.  During this conversation he talked about a well-known player who, at that point, was one of the best in the NRL. He told my husband how surprised he was that this incredible player, during the breaks when other players might be resting or sleeping, would take himself off and kick for over an hour most days. Practising over and over very basic moves.

My husband was curious and asked the player he was treating what he learned from observing this behaviour. The player thought for a moment, shrugged and said something along the lines of, "I guess he just needs the practice".

The reason I retell that tale so often is because most of us realise the player who told the story completely missed the point. That's because the exceptional player understood if he was excellent in the basics, it meant he could concentrate on being exceptional. If he could rely on muscle memory to perform those basic functions other players needed to concentrate on, he would be a step ahead. 

Now, you may be shaking your head in wonderment that the player missed the point so completely.  But the truth is you're probably doing it yourself. I'm talking about our ability to sit back and consider how lucky others are while neglecting the basics ourselves. Especially when it comes to our finances.

That's because I see so many people who tell me how unlucky they are when it comes to their finances. How if only they went to a better school, if only they had a better job or if only they were born 20 years earlier so they could take advantage of the property market. Which gives them an excuse to throw up their hands when it comes to their finances or act like they're entitled to more.


But the truth is, just like the player in the story, when it comes to our finances, many of us are focusing on the trick pass and forgetting about the basics. What are the basics when it comes to our finances? They're the simple things such as:

Understanding where your money is going. With so many free apps available there is no excuse any more to not be mindful about our finances. I'm not talking budgets which just like diets are restrictive and we'll abandon them at the first opportunity. Instead I'm talking about being conscious around where you spend your money and owning the fact that you are in charge of your finances and your wallet.

Spend less than you earn. It seems so basic and yet so many of us aren't. I can give you so many examples of people who have slowly and surely grown wealth because they lived by this simple principle. It's not rocket science but it's necessary if you're going to try any type of financial trick shot.

Become educated. You can complain that you didn't receive a great financial education at school, at uni or from your parents or you can begin your own financial literacy program. Yes, you might feel like you're learning a whole new language but it's a language that will potentially repay you with cash.

Practise like you mean it. Anything is an easy game from the grandstand but eventually you're going to have to take the field. If you're nervous about the sharemarket then educate yourself and practise with monopoly money and a bunch of dummy stocks for six months. Don't give up when you have a financial setback or you overspend. It's all about dusting yourself up and choosing to master the basics. Which will take time.

It's easy to look around and find reasons why we're not in a better position financially. It's also easy to look at others and tell ourselves how much harder we have it. Which might make us feel better but it's not helpful. Instead, if we want to improve our financial position we can't afford to ignore the basics. If you want to develop exceptional finances it's essential you're grounded in the basics – which means being mindful and practising them daily.

Melissa Browne is CEO of accounting firm A&TA; and financial planning firm The Money Barre and author of Fabulous but Broke.