- published: 09 Mar 2017
- views: 157917
University College (in full The Master and Fellows of the College of the Great Hall of the University of Oxford, colloquially referred to as "Univ"), is a constituent college of the University of Oxford in England. It has a claim to being the oldest college of the university, having been founded in 1249 by William of Durham.
As of 2009, the college had an estimated financial endowment of £110m.
The college is associated with a number of influential people. Notable alumni include Clement Attlee, C. S. Lewis, Bill Clinton, V. S. Naipaul, Stephen Hawking and Percy Bysshe Shelley.
A legend arose in the 14th century that the college was founded by King Alfred in 872. However most agree its foundation was in 1249 by William of Durham. He bequeathed money to support ten or twelve Masters of Arts studying Divinity, and a property which became known as Aula Universitatis (University Hall) was bought in 1253. This later date still allows the claim that Univ is the oldest of the Oxford colleges, although this is contested by Balliol College and Merton College.
Opus Dei, formally known as The Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei (Latin: Praelatura Sanctae Crucis et Operis Dei), is an institution of the Roman Catholic Church that teaches that everyone is called to holiness and that ordinary life is a path to sanctity. The majority of its membership are lay people, with secular priests under the governance of a prelate (bishop) elected by specific members and appointed by the Pope. Opus Dei is Latin for Work of God; hence the organization is often referred to by members and supporters as the Work.
Founded in Spain in 1928 by the Catholic saint and priest Josemaría Escrivá, Opus Dei was given final Catholic Church approval in 1950 by Pope Pius XII. In 1982, by decision of Pope John Paul II, the Catholic Church made it into a personal prelature—that is, the jurisdiction of its own bishop covers the persons in Opus Dei wherever they are, rather than geographical dioceses.
As of 2014, members of the Prelature numbered 93,100. Lay persons, men and women, numbered 91,020 while there were 2,080 priests. These figures do not include the diocesan priest members of Opus Dei's Priestly Society of the Holy Cross, estimated to number 2,000 in the year 2005. Members are in more than 90 countries. About 70 per cent of Opus Dei members live in their private homes, leading traditional Catholic family lives with secular careers, while the other 30 per cent are celibate, of whom the majority live in Opus Dei centres. Opus Dei organizes training in Catholic spirituality applied to daily life. Aside from personal charity and social work, Opus Dei members are involved in running universities, university residences, schools, publishing houses, and technical and agricultural training centers.
Stanford University, officially Leland Stanford Junior University, is a private research university in Stanford, California, and one of the world's most prestigious institutions.
Stanford was founded in 1885 by Leland Stanford, former Governor of and U.S. Senator from California and leading railroad tycoon, and his wife, Jane Lathrop Stanford, in memory of their only child, Leland Stanford, Jr., who had died of typhoid fever at age 15 the previous year. Stanford admitted its first students on October 1, 1891 as a coeducational and non-denominational institution. Tuition was free until 1920. The university struggled financially after Leland Stanford's 1893 death and again after much of the campus was damaged by the 1906 San Francisco earthquake. Following World War II, Provost Frederick Terman supported faculty and graduates' entrepreneurialism to build self-sufficient local industry in what would later be known as Silicon Valley. By 1970, Stanford was home to a linear accelerator, and was one of the original four ARPANET nodes (precursor to the Internet).
Mourad Oudia - UNIV
El prelado del Opus Dei, con los universitarios del UNIV 2017
Унівські піснеспіви / Univ chants - Ukrainian church chants
¿Qué es el UNIV?
UNIV 2017 A World in Movement
Univ 2016: tertulias con el Prelado del Opus Dei
Stanford University Campus Tour
What every student should know about university
University Challenge S46E35
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Jennifer, de Perú, e Innocent, de Sudáfrica, preguntan al prelado del Opus Dei sobre la fe cristiana. Breve vídeo sobre los encuentros que Mons. Fernando Ocáriz ha mantenido con universitarios en Roma. Más información ► http://opusdei.org/es/article/audiencia-papa-francisco-univ-2017/ ----------------------------------------------------------- El Opus Dei es una institución de la Iglesia católica. Su misión es difundir el mensaje de que todos los cristianos están llamados por Dios a dar a conocer a Jesucristo y a buscar la santidad en el trabajo diario, la vida familiar y las relaciones sociales. El Opus Dei fue fundado por san Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer en 1928. En este canal se publican videos sobre la Iglesia, la vida cristiana, el espíritu del Opus Dei y sobre san Josemaría y sus ...
Унівські піснеспіви. Збірка церковних піснеспівів з Унівської Свято-Успенської Лаври. Мікс з 28 записів. Univ chants. Collection of Ukkrainian church chants from Univ Lavra (Ukrainian Greek-Catholic monastery in village Univ, west Ukraine). 28 chants and troparions.
Queremos contestar a esa pregunta que muchos os hacéis antes de venir: ¿Qué es el UNIV? Aquí tenéis la respuesta. ¡El UNIV os espera!
Mons. Javier Echevarría ha animado a universitarios de todo el mundo reunidos en un congreso UNIV en Roma a rezar por el Papa Francisco y tratar a diario a Jesucristo. La noticia completa en http://opusdei.es/es-es/article/primeras-fotos-del-univ-2016/
Student guides Karen and Christian lead you on a whirlwind tour of the Stanford campus. The tour begins at Stanford Stadium, home to Cardinal football, and ends at the Stanford Visitor Center. Along they way you'll see the Quad, the Dish, and even do a little fountain hopping. This video was originally produced for the launch of the PAC12 Network, Stanford University: http://www.stanford.edu/ Stanford University Channel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/stanford
Sources for scientific journals are provided below. New videos come out every Sunday so subscribe for more videos. Visit my Facebook page for more bite sized tips and psychology information https://www.facebook.com/BiteSizePsych Also, if you like the music behind it, you should check out the musician behind it. This is his latest project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wepL1wsn1B0 Sources http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2014/02/11/the-rising-cost-of-not-going-to-college/ http://homepages.se.edu/cvonbergen/files/2013/01/How-Broadly-Does-Education-Contribute-to-Job-Performance.pdf http://stackoverflow.com/research/developer-survey-2016 http://hanushek.stanford.edu/sites/default/files/publications/Hanushek%201997%20EduEvaPolAna%2019(2).pdf http://rachaelrobinsonedsi.wiki.westga.edu/fil...
Day in the life of a university / college student - what a typical day at surrey uni is actually like. Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/streetorvintage/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/streetorvintage Joyce’s channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzTiqsY-5AraU9Aq1KK6AGA FRESHERS WEEK VLOGS - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aViTuHQbq4&list;=PLN7SkUxbXaUut5Kx0ozqn6_Qkzlx2zaBO&index;=1 UNIVERSITY VLOGS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLN7SkUxbXaUuDACeGgAGN3i4ia8ORKrDt UNIVERSITY EXPERIENCE VIDEOS: Part 1 - First day of uni story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3dp6_5uWSY&list;=PLN7SkUxbXaUsG47K2mdWuqlwQ3pl_IIc3&index;=1 Part 2 - Nights out, freedom, freshers week: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReKpQM928Gk&list;=PLN7SkUxbXaUsG47K2mdWuqlwQ3pl_IIc3&index;=2 Part 3 - Boys, f...
VIsit and explore the university city of Oxford UK the Tour Guides'Travel Guides' way. Rich Jones takes you on a comprehensive journey through the City of Dreaming Spires starting at the Martyr's Memorial. Take in the beautiful sites of Cornmarket, St. Martin's, Carfax, Bodelian, Christ Church, St. Aldates, Oriel, Corpus Christi, Covered Market, Radcliffe, Balliol, Sheldonian, Clarendon etc. Great history and even better tips!
Sonia Gil travels to the oldest University in the United Kingdom, Oxford. Known for its Harry Potter influence, New College and Christ Church College were some pretty cool places to look at. She even stopped to do some Punting. Check out Sonia's Map with Personal Notes: http://goo.gl/maps/8gJPb Check out great photos from Oxford: http://pinterest.com/soniagil/travel-united-kingdom-oxford/
Take a brief peek into one of Oxford' University's most celebrated colleges, Christ Church with the Tour Guides' Travel Guides'. Founded by Thomas Wolsey, this famous college has a vibrant history including being the inspiration for Alice in Wonderland and for Hogwart's dining hall. In fact, the welcoming scene on the stairs in the first movie was filmed right there.
Visitor Vids tourist guide to Oxford, England. Make the most of your day out with our brand new, two minute guide to the top visitor attractions in Oxford. Oxford, some 50 miles west of London, is nicknamed the ‘City of Dreaming Spires’. The town revolves around the world-renowned university. Established in the 12th century, there are more than 30 Oxford colleges. Situated in the medieval centre of Oxford – here are three of the most popular. Christ Church - founded by Cardinal Thomas Wolsey in 1524. Its former students include no less than 13 British prime ministers. With its imposing Tom Tower, (the upper part of which was designed by former student Sir Christopher Wren) and Oxford’s greatest quad, the college has also found recent fame as a location for Harry Potter films. 14th centu...
Oxford England is home to the oldest University in England. Oxford is made up of 38 seperate colleges the oldest dating from the twelfth century. We tour the town with special emphasis on Christ Church College and look into its connection to Harry Potter and Alice in Wonderland.
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Oxford University Campus Tour Oxford is the oldest university in the English-speaking world and lays claim to nine centuries of continuous existence. As an internationally renowned centre for teaching and research, Oxford attracts students and scholars from across the globe, with almost a quarter of our students from overseas. More than 130 nationalities are represented among a student population of over 18,000. Oxford is a collegiate university, with 39 self-governing colleges related to the University in a type of federal system. There are also seven Permanent Private Halls, founded by different Christian denominations. Thirty colleges and all halls admit students for both undergraduate and graduate degrees. Seven other colleges are for graduates only; one has Fellows only, and o...
Learn more about EF Oxford at http://www.ef.com/ef-oxford/?source=007970,yt EF International Language Centre Oxford Pullens Lane, Headington Oxford OX3 0DT United Kingdom (44) 1865 759 660 http://www.ef.com/ef-oxford/?source=007970,yt
Go behind the scenes with Karine Hagen at the university that has educated kings and presidents. Learn more at http://www.vikingrivercruises.com Tour the University of Oxford, Blenheim Palace and the Cotswolds as a part of the Oxford & Highclere Castle cruise extension, available on Paris & the Heart of Normandy and Cities of Light cruises.
Professional blue badge guide, Nigel Hake, talks about college etiquette at the University of Oxford.
Your eyes reflect the fire that burns this city.
The tall buildings reach for the air above the smoke.
The sky will never clear.
A trumpet sounds the revolution.
The streets are crowded with the expressionless armies.