DRR initiatives implemented under LITACA will ensure the safety of 6025 people

Feb 17, 2017

17 February 2017 – Dushanbe, Tajikistan 

The abnormality with weather conditions back in 2015 triggered several mudflows and floods throughout Tajikistan highlighting the threat posed by climate-related disasters. Recognizing this threat, the United Nations Development Programme within the framework of “Livelihood Improvement in Tajik-Afghan Cross-border Areas (LITACA)” project conducted a feasibility study in eastern Khatlon to identify locations for implementation of disaster risk reduction initiatives

The feasibility study entailed assessment of twenty potential sub-projects and revealed that technical conditions of the majority of existing DRR structures in Khatlon Province have been deteriorated due to consistent occurrence of the natural disasters and lack of proper mechanical services (cleaning and maintenance). Among other affected territories, significant effect on Zarkarmar village of Kabodiyon district caused where more than 20 houses were destroyed, 50 houses were partially damaged and five hectares of agricultural land was silted. In addition, floods had an impact on social infrastructure damaging local medical center, more than 1200 meters of rural road and a school building, which hosts 650 students. Similar situation occurred in Mohi Nav village of Dusti district where flooding damaged 35 houses, six hectares of agricultural land and washed away school playgrounds.

The above-mentioned two affected locations were selected for implementation of DRR projects to reduce the risk posed by harsh flooding. Support activities during 2016 were offered in the forms of cleaning and straightening mudflow pathways with a total length of 1900 meters, partial strengthening of riverbanks and construction of a ferroconcrete crossing in Zarkarmar village.

“Local authorities and local population are grateful to UNDP’s assistance in rehabilitation of existing DRR structures and construction of new ones which contribute to strengthening of population’s resilience to disasters” stated Mr. Ahmadjon Hazratkulov, CoES representative in Kabodiyon district.

Implementation of DRR projects in Kabodiyon and Dusti districts will ensure the safety of 6,025 (including 2,730 women) people and significantly diminish the risk of flooding which will also safeguard agricultural lands and crops from destruction.

The Project for Livelihood Improvement in Tajik-Afghan Cross-border Areas (LITACA)” is financed by the Government of Japan through JICA at the amount of US$10.7 million and is being implemented by UNDP Tajikistan in close cooperation with UNDP Afghanistan for the period of 2014-2017. Through this Project, UNDP helps the Tajik and Afghan people residing in the cross-border areas to improve their livelihoods, and strengthens their resilience capacity that ultimately contributes to promoting regional security and stability. Within the framework of the LITACA Project, Disaster Risk Management Programme is responsible for implementation of DRR initiatives such as raising awareness of local authorities on DRR through trainings in targeted districts and DRR infrastructure projects. 

Contact information

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact:  Mr. Firdavs Faizulloev, Programme Manager, Disaster Risk Management Programme, UNDP Tajikistan at firdavs.faizulloev@undp.org.

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