“Let it be remembered but not repeated” UNDP Supplement promoting collective memory of the civil war and reconciliation
“Let it be remembered but not repeated” UNDP Supplement promoting collective memory of the civil war and reconciliation

The discussion took place on April 19th, 2017 to debate over the topics issues related to civil war memory and civil peace mentioned in the supplement. Writers, journalists, activists and NGO and INGOs representatives discussed together the content of the supplement published on April 13th, funded by KfW and distributed with the An-Nahar newspaper in its Arabic version, with The Daily Star in English, and with L'Orient-Le Jour newspaper in French.

A Workshop Aimed at Tackling Lebanon’s Waste Management Crisis
A Workshop Aimed at Tackling Lebanon’s Waste Management Crisis

On Wednesday April 12th, 2017 a workshop entitled “Toward the Development of the National Solid Waste Management Strategy and the Adoption of the Integrated Solid Waste Management Law” was held at the Lebanese Parliament Library Hall. The workshop was jointly organized by the General Secretariat of the Lebanese Parliament, the United Nations Development Programme project at Parliament and UN Environment program, in partnership with the Lebanese Ministry of Environment.

The Sustainable Development Goals 2017: Lebanon’s report
The Sustainable Development Goals 2017: Lebanon’s report

On 25 September 2015, world leaders adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, promising to work towards a more sustainable world where no one is left behind, and where our present way of life supports an equally good or even better life for future generations. 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are at the core of the 2030 Agenda, setting high expectations for all countries in addressing challenges such as poverty, health, education, women’s empowerment, growth, inequality, environment protection and governance. In addressing issues that are highly relevant to Lebanon and its residents, including goals on equality, economic growth, governance and the environment, the SDGs are an opportunity for the country to develop an ambitious and shared vision of Lebanon fifteen years from now, The Lebanon We Want. With such a shared vision, the SDGs will provide ways for the Lebanese to work together for a better and more equal future for themselves and the future Lebanese generation.

The Peace Building in Lebanon Joint Supplement - 15th Issue
The Peace Building in Lebanon Joint Supplement - 15th Issue

This supplement is produced by the UNDP «Peace Building in Lebanon» project, funded by the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development through KfW. The original Arabic version is distributed with An-Nahar and As-Safir newspapers while a translated English version is distributed with The Daily Star and a translated French version with L’Orient Le Jour. The supplement contains articles by writers, journalists, media professionals, researchers and artists from Lebanon and Syria and Palestine; they cover issues related to civil peace in addition to the repercussions of the Syrian crisis on Lebanon and the relations between Lebanese and Syrians, employing objective approaches that are free of hatred and misconceptions.

Human Development Report 2016
Human Development Report 2016

The 2016 Human Development Report (HDR) focuses on how human development can be ensured for every one—now and in future. It starts with an account of the hopes and challenges of today’s world, envisioning where humanity wants to go. Our vision draws from and builds on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development that the 193 member states of the United Nations endorsed in 2015—and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) the world has committed to achieve.

Minister of Social Affairs, Mr. Pierre Bou Assi and UNDP Resident Representative Mr. Philippe Lazzarini, visit Bekaa Area
Minister of Social Affairs, Mr. Pierre Bou Assi and UNDP Resident Representative Mr. Philippe Lazzarini, visit Bekaa Area

On Friday, April 7, 2017 a field visit was held in Bekaa in the presence of the Minster of Social Affairs, Mr. Pierre Bou Assi, and UNDP Resident Representative in Lebanon, Mr. Philippe Lazzarini, and heads of municipalities from the area. The project was implemented within the Lebanon Host Communities Support Project Programme (LHSP).

The Progress of a Truly Developing Nation
The Progress of a Truly Developing Nation

There is much to say about how things have changed through a short time span. Stories from the UNDP’s Environment and Energy webpages for Lebanon proudly announce some of the greatest advancements that have been achieved over the past decade, including the assistance of farming communities, bringing more efficient Energy to Health Institutions, and even reshaping the land in cities that long needed help. The real question is, how successful are these events in relation to the Standard Development Goals (SDGs)? Looking into some of these projects and their benefits, we can easily determine what goals they address and if they are met.

Inauguration of the Non-Organic Waste Facility in Sarafand within the Lebanon Host Communities Support Programme
Inauguration of the Non-Organic Waste Facility in Sarafand within the Lebanon Host Communities Support Programme

On March 30, 2017 the inauguration of the Non-Organic Waste Facility in Sarafand was held in the presence of the UK Ambassador in Lebanon Hugo Shorter, UNDP Country Director Mr. Luca Renda, Advisor to the Minister of Social Affairs (MoSA) Mr. Mario Abou Zeid, representatives from the UK embassy, Mayor of Sarafand Mr. Ali Haidar, members of the municipal council, stakeholders and beneficiaries from the area. The project was implemented within the Lebanon Host Communities Support Programme (LHSP).

Mind The Gap
Mind The Gap

"The Report, based on a survey of 240 companies, aims at understanding the skill gaps that exist in the labor force of these key sectors of the Lebanese economy and provides concrete recommendations on how to improve the situation. The Report was made possible by a generous contribution of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation.