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Patti Smith review: Uplifting and powerful

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Hamer Hall
April 16

While some went to Mass on Easter Sunday, others congregated at the church of Patti Smith for an evening of spiritual music and poetry.

Above the stage at Hamer Hall, the iconic Robert Mapplethorpe shot of 20-year-old Smith, from the cover of her breakthrough 1975 album Horses, gazed down.

Fifty years later and in the flesh, this holy figure spits, burps and whips her followers into a spiritual frenzy.

Standing ovations were happening before the band played a note, and while the first couple of tracks built the mood – "Jesus died for somebody's sins but not mine" – Birdland saw people get out of their seats and march down to the front and out in the aisles, dancing, clapping and reaching out for Smith to touch their hands like she was, well, the Pope.

Someone gave her a pot of flowers; she threaded a yellow gerbera up into her right sleeve where it stayed for most of the show, then shredded it on a guitar before ripping the strings out of the instrument.


The hecklers were in full swing, too: cheers and hollers interrupted the quiet moments; South Australians told her off for not going to Adelaide; and while she read a passage from the bible, a few unhappy customers were almost coming to blows over having their view obscured.

Mostly Smith admitted she couldn't understand a word they were saying anyway.

At 70, Smith's vocals are even richer now than they were when she recorded Horses: punchy, textured, honking and howling like a hot saxophone.

The percussive, poetic vocal lines of many of her songs were a revelation experienced live, and the energy with which she delivered the faster, heavier numbers had the crowd in raptures.

Smith's pitch here and there was a wink flat, but her arresting presence more than made up for it.

She riffed on the end of Horses about Johnny watching the Great Barrier Reef bleed all its colours across the night sky, only for mankind to take all the colours and leave the reef white.

She added an expanded list of musicians who have passed to the peaceful closing Elegie, including Amy Winehouse, all of the Ramones, and her life partner Fred, who she said "still feels like my boyfriend" even after he's gone.

Easter was not included in the show's six-song postscript, although two tracks from the album of the same name were: Privilege, and Because The Night. The latter was a crowd favourite along with Dancing Barefoot and a surprising encore of The Who's My Generation.

I didn't witness anyone fainting or speaking in tongues, but a few fans departed with a white rose.