- published: 07 Jul 2017
- views: 28120
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State of Decay is the fourth serial of the 18th season in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, which was first broadcast in four weekly parts from 22 November to 13 December 1980. The serial was the second of three loosely connected serials known as the E-Space trilogy. Adric becomes a companion to the Fourth Doctor in this story having stowed away in the TARDIS at the end of the previous serial, Full Circle.
After the events of Full Circle, the Doctor, Romana, K-9, and their newest companion/stowaway, Adric, arrive on a planet with a feudal society. The villagers live under the thrall of three lords—Zargo, Camilla, and Aukon—who dwell in a shadowy Tower, and experience a yearly ritual called "the Selection," in which a sample of young villagers are taken to the tower, never to be seen again. This selection process is enforced by a thuggish band of guards led by Habris.
The Doctor and Romana discover evidence of technology considerably more advanced than the medieval level of development of the planet, and wonder what happened to cause the planet to devolve to its current rustic condition—to be in a "state of decay." Romana suggests that there is a powerful force holding the inhabitants back. As the two head out of the village they are seized by cloaked figures. Meanwhile, Adric comes to the village and is caught by the owners of the feeding house. Adric is discovered and captured by Lord Aukon, who sees him as an alien and worthy of becoming one of the 'chosen ones'.
Estamos de volta na casinha rodante e com os resultados dos exames médicos que fizemos na Espanha. Despedimos de nossos amigos Brancoala, Claudete, Maikito e Laurinha depois de um fim de semana muito divertido com eles. Veja o canal do Brancoala: https://www.youtube.com/user/brancoala Inscreva-se no canal: https://goo.gl/cJ3PJk Contato (somente empresas): comercial@travelandshare.com.br Outros contatos: contato@travelandshare.com.br Siga nossas redes sociais: https://www.instagram.com/travelandshare https://www.facebook.com/travelandsharebr https://twitter.com/Travelsharebr _ Como transferimos dinheiro para o exterior: https://transferwise.com/u/romulow Como usamos internet e chamadas no exterior: http://bit.ly/easysim4uTAS Nossos equipamentos de fotografia e vídeo: https://yout...
★Série Completa: http://bit.ly/StateOfDecayBreakdown ❤Seja um Padrinho e ajude o canal: https://www.padrim.com.br/CanalDoVoid ❤Vive fora do Brasil? Quer fazer uma única doação? Faça pelo Streamlabs! https://youtube.streamlabs.com/canaldovoid0 ❤Compre na GOG por esse link para ajudar canal: http://bit.ly/GoG_CanalDoVoid ❤Quer roupas novas? Compre com o cumpom CANALDOVOID para ganhar descontos! https://www.nerdslifestyle.com.br/ ❤Quer uma Network? Venha para a Curse Union for Gamers: https://www.unionforgamers.com/apply?referral=x0dhj6pldku2u0 _________________________________________________________________ Se inscreva-se a si mesmo no canal! ►Link do Discord: https://discord.gg/aYbWBr4 ►Link do Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/canaldovoid ►Curta a página: https://www.facebook.com/CanalDoVoid...
Aurelina Dourado - 2014 Pra todo mundo ouvir - CD completo *Faixas no vídeo.
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Não é a posição ideal para a fiança e levou algum tempo para a oportunidade de um tiro seguro, mas tudo terminou bem sem nenhum cão ferido. Foi outra vez a magia do lagniappe quando nos sentamos à espera de meia hora para ele encontrar um tipo que ele sabia que estava algures por aí. Aproveite curta nossa pagina no facebook https://www.facebook.com/PREDADORESSELVAGEM/ ♥ + ♥ COMPARTILHAR ♥ & (((♥ INSCREVA-SE ♥))) Para mais atualizações .. Se você gosta, não se esqueça de se inscrever ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2Dv_NxgaVw_6IltrDaTQjw Deixa Aquele Like Pra Fortalece no Canal Obgd Tmj... _________________________________________________________________ Bem-vindo ao canal "Só Caças" Se você quiser ver grandes cenas de caça, então você está no lugar certo! o mundo da caça: caça ja...
Espero que gostem do video =) LIGA Cartola: https://cartolafc.globo.com/#/liga/dupla-fatchau Twitter: https://twitter.com/MuuhPro Facebook PESSOAL : http://www.facebook.com/gaming.brasil Instagram: http://instagram.com/muuhpro/ -------------------------------------
Assistam todos os meus maquia e fala: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF9RqVV_OQodDaG9-rjXJxQ54p8N3s2ob Me sigam no Snap e Insta: Tsuyami Visitem o meu blog: http://mentesdesocupadas.com.br/ Curtam a página no Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MentesDesocupadas Minha lojinha no Enjoei: http://www.enjoei.com.br/Tsuyami Endereço para envio de correspondência: Carolina Tsuyami 1219B - Imaginarium Avenida Vereador Narciso Yague Guimarães, 1001 - Centro Cívico Cep: 08780-000 Mogi Das Cruzes/SP
Ein gebrochener Arm, ein gebrochenes Herz
Mitten im Höhenflug, ein Häufchen Elend
Dann diese Augen, Dein Blick
Bringt die Wende, bringt mir Glück
Hast mich getröstet, hast mich gepflegt
Bedingungslos, freier Eintritt in meine Seele
Schlafende Geister geweckt
Dummheit gedeckt
Neuen Mut in mich hineingelacht
Mich belebt mit Deiner großen Macht
Ja, das kaum Geglaubte doch geschafft
Ich hab zwar lang gebraucht, gezögert
Doch endlich muß es raus
Ich lieb' Dich, egal wie das klingt
Ich lieb' Dich, ich weiß daß es stimmt
Denn ich lieb' mich bei Dir, ich lieb' mich an Dir
Ich lieb' mich in Dir fest, wenn Du mich nur läßt
Anfangs war es ein Rausch, doch der Kater blieb aus
Und Du, Schatz und Maus, hast mich gefangen
Gelockt und mit dem, was mich reizt
Nicht gegeizt
Ich fühl' mich eifersüchtig wohl nach Dir
Bitte tu' was sich nicht gehört mit mir
Nimm den netten Jungen und das Tier
Oh, nimm Dir, was ich brauch'
Und hol' das Beste aus mir raus
Ich lieb' Dich, egal wie das klingt
Ich lieb' Dich, ich weiß daß es stimmt
Denn ich lieb' mich bei Dir, ich lieb' mich an Dir
Ich lieb' mich in Dir fest, wenn Du mich nur läßt
Ich lieb' Dich, egal wie das klingt
Ich lieb' Dich, ich weiß daß es stimmt
Denn ich lieb' mich bei Dir, ich lieb' mich an Dir
Ich lieb' mich in Dir fest, wenn Du mich nur läßt
Wir spiel'n das Biest und die Schöne
doch welche Rolle spiel' ich?
Nein, daß Du zweifellos schön bist
Nein, das bestreit ich nicht
Doch zum Glück bist du auch ein Biest
Ich krieg' Dich, verlaß' Dich drauf
Ich krieg' Dich, ich geb' nicht auf
Denn ich lieb' mich bei Dir, ich lieb' mich an Dir
Ich lieb' mich in Dir fest
Oh, ich lieb' Dich...