

Angela Merkel warns the UK against 'illusions' about Brexit in hard-line speech

German Chancellor Angela Merkel laid down a tough line for Brexit talks with the UK and warned that London was harbouring "illusions" about getting preferential treatment

Addressing the German parliament before the remaining 27 European Union leaders meet on Saturday to discuss Britain's exit, Mrs Merkel said the bloc will put its interests first and that talks on departure terms must precede the crafting of a new trade relationship. The EU is heading into the "very complex" negotiations with a strong sense of unity, she said.

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EU shows unity heading into Brexit

Meeting to discuss guidelines for divorce talks with Britain, EU Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier and European Affairs ministers display unity.

"You might think that these things are self-evident, but unfortunately I have to put it in such clear terms because I have the feeling that some in Britain still have illusions about this," Mrs Merkel said in Berlin on Thursday, drawing applause from lower-house lawmakers. "But that would be a waste of time."

Theresa May pounced on Mrs Merke's remarks as she campaigned for British elections in June, saying such talk shows why she needs "the strongest possible hand" to go into battle with European Union negotiators.

In a speech in Leeds in northern England, the prime minister told Conservative supporters that, judging by the German leader's comments, "we can see how tough those negotiations are going to be at times."

Mrs Merkel's warning echoes comments from German officials who have said negotiators in Prime Minister Theresa May's government were underestimating the complexity of the talks and the economic reality of a UK outside the EU's single market. The negotiations will be "a lot of work," Mrs Merkel said.


Global challenges such as climate change, trade and migration "are too great for Europe to focus on itself for the next two years, regardless of Brexit," she said. "We will conduct these negotiations in a fair and constructive way and we expect exactly the same from the British side."

Underscoring the unity of Mrs Merkel's three-party government, her coalition's lawmakers later Thursday approved a resolution that lays out a sweeping series of conditions for the EU's talks with the UK and demands a say for the Bundestag on the final outcome.

In the clearest iteration yet of Germany's position, the document rules out any deals that would allow access to the European market for specific industries. As Europe's biggest economy and dominant country, Germany's stance is important to both the EU and UK sides as each prepares for Brexit talks soon after Britain's general election on June 8.

'Third-Party State'

"A third-party state - and that's what Britain will be - can't and won't be able to have the same rights, let alone a better position than a member of the European Union," Mrs Merkel said.

The chancellor, who's running for a fourth term in Germany's election on September 24, vowed to defend both "the achievements of European integration" and the everyday interests of Germans living in the UK, whose number she put at about 100,000.

Mrs Merkel said her government was in full alignment with Brussels in backing the bloc's Brexit negotiator, Michel Barnier. The EU stood by its position that no talks would take place before Mrs May's government triggered the two-year divorce process last month and is now "very well prepared" for the negotiations, she said.
