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Copyright Agency diverts funds meant for authors to $15m fighting fund

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Australia's government-mandated copyright collection agency has been diverting payments intended for journalists and authors to a $15 million "future fund" to fight changes to the law.

The Copyright Agency is the only body authorised to collect copyright fees from schools and universities on behalf of authors, illustrators, artists, photographers and publishers whose work is copied.

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It has been criticised in a Productivity Commission review that is before the government over the transparency of its accounts and its practice of retaining, rather than returning, millions of dollars collected from schools and universities on behalf of the owners of "orphan works" who can't be traced.

It has traditionally hung on to that money for four years before distributing it to its members, attracting the ire of the commission, which wants it returned to the schools and universities from which it was taken.

An examination of its accounts shows that in a change not disclosed to the commission or to its members in annual reports, since 2013 it has been channelling that income into a fund set up to campaign against changes to the copyright law.

Between 2013 and 2016 the fund amassed $15.5 million.


The Copyright Agency has confirmed the existence of the fund and said it had been set up to "support member advocacy, run any legal cases that would arise as a result of changes in legislation, and cover operating costs while the law remained unsettled and where there had been a reduction in licence fees".

A switch to the US system of fair use – which is applied in such countries as Singapore and Israel, and is recommended by the commission – would allow schools and universities to quote freely from small pieces of text and might allow them to freely use orphan works where they had taken reasonable care to identify the owners.

The cabinet is about to make a decision on the recommendations and may well come out in favour of fair use.

Derek Whitehead, chairman of the Australian Digital Alliance, which represents libraries and other users of copyrighted material, said he was concerned to discover that money being collected for orphan works was being used for the bizarre purpose of lobbying the government "to allow the agency to continue to collect the money".

"As far as we can determine, since 2013 no author or publisher has received any payment at all from the funds received when universities and schools copy orphan works," he said.

Peter Donoughue, a director of the Copyright Agency for 10 years until 2005 and a former managing director of publisher John Wiley Australia, said it was "pathetic" that the agency was preparing to spend millions defending its access to money it had "never really been entitled to".

As far as we can determine, since 2013 no author or publisher has received any payment at all from the funds received when universities and schools copy orphan works.

Derek Whitehead, Australian Digital Alliance

"It's a reactionary stance," he said. "Extracting millions from publicly-funded schools and universities for the copying of orphan works has always been wrong. The owners are untraceable. The money should have been returned to the institutions it was taken from. To think it's been siphoned into a 'fighting fund' against those institutions is outrageous."

The Copyright Agency has told Fairfax Media it plans to cap the future fund at $15 million and begin distributing money collected for orphan works to its members once again.

The agency is chaired by former News Limited chief executive Kim Williams and run by former News Corporation communications chief Adam Suckling. Its most recent annual report shows it paid its top three executives more than $250,000 each.

The Productivity Commission recommended an Australian Competition and Consumer Commission review to ensure best practice in governance at the Copyright Agency.

An examination of the Copyright Agency's 2011 distribution policy, no longer on its website, suggests that at that time it believed it was required to distribute rather than retain the money it collected for orphan works.

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