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Anzac Day: Remember the cost to all for doing their duty

On Anzac Day we will once again be asked to relive past glories. Battles won and lost in places far and near. Of bravery, heroism and courage. Ordinary people out for a bit of adventure. Stories about patriotism, duty to King and Country. Of nation building.

I ask you instead to remember just the dead and wounded. Those who never left the battlefield or died at home. Those who suffered from their wounds, mental and physical, for the rest of their lives. Or those who took their lives and are never talked about. Remember the families at home that lost fathers, mothers, sons and daughters. The communities that lost half their young and had no one left to tend the farm. The innocent caught up in a battle not of their making or understanding. The collateral damage that's not on the cenotaph in every country town. Remember those who are still suffering today for doing their duty and the cost to their families.

Andrew Mason, Highett

Building strength from trauma

This far forward in time from World War II we can better understand the long-term effects of that conflict on its soldier participants. In 1942 a contingent of Australian soldiers – known as Blackforce – was landed on Java to fend off a Japanese invasion. Although they fought courageously against overwhelming odds they were forced to surrender to the Japanese and became their prisoners. My  uncle, Rod Allanson, was there and recorded what happened in his memoir entitled The Lost Legion. For the rest of his life my uncle was haunted by his traumatic war memories. But, being the man of strong character he was, he could see the positives as well. 

In 1998, writing about his time in captivity on the Burma Siam railway (and later Japan), he concluded that he and his fellow prisoners were "winners not losers", in that the imprisonment brought to the fore their mostly positive characteristics as human beings, whatever their status in civilian society. It was, he wrote, a learning experience for them all. The trauma of his war never left him.  But he was not one to complain. He believed in just getting on with life – and that is what he did.

Terry Hewton, Henley Beach South, SA


Advance Australia where?

A comment by Greek philosopher Plato centuries ago seems even more pertinent today, especially in Australia as we commemorate those who made the supreme sacrifice for democracy and freedom and the right to question the actions and non-actions of our leaders as they advance us where. Plato said, "If you do not take an interest in the affairs of your government, then you are doomed to live under the rule of fools." Are enough of us taking an active interest in where our nation is heading in this highly competitive, challenging and dangerous world?  If not now, when?  If not us, who? 

Stan Marks, Caulfield

We have already forgotten

As we commemorate Anzac Day how ironic that we face the threat of war.  Martin Flanagan (Forum, 22/4) reminds us of the words of  Martin Luther King: "We have guided missiles and misguided men." Perhaps the world is already at war without it having been declared. It seems we have split the atom of the one thing we share as people of the planet, our common humanity. It lies in tatters, shredded by our lack of respect for the simplest of all principles, respect for fellow human beings. Far right, far left, extremists, terrorists, nationalists, black/whites, the list goes on, with the common denominator being what divides us rather than what unites us. Again, Martin Luther King's words come to mind,  "We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools." Lest we forget? It seems we have already forgotten.

Patricia Parkinson, Main Ridge


Research peace

The proposed citizenship test includes a list of important days, with Anzac Day second only to Australia Day. But Anzac's meaning now goes beyond the failed Gallipoli invasion: it is a remembrance of "the sacrifice of all Australians who served and died in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations". The romanticised  version has nevertheless continued to represent the Anzac legend as central to Australian values and national identity. 

As distinguished historians remind us in the Honest History Book, it is time to challenge the dominance of that legend, and understand the other histories – environmental, social, political, cultural, scientific – that really drive our work in progress. 

Considering we spent about $600 million on the 2015/WW1 centenary  it is time for a peace-oriented approach to the past. Reviving the late Malcolm Fraser's idea of a national research centre for peace and conflict studies, including our own "invasion" and frontier wars, would be a good start.

Keith Wiltshire, Carlton

We can say no to both

Nick Xenophon (Comment, 21/4) is right. With tensions between the US and China increasing, we will be caught between a major security partner and a major trading partner. As to the visits from China's PM and the US Vice-President, the government appeared to be sycophantic to both. 

We should not be subordinate to either, and we sometimes need to say no to both. Australia is less likely to be bullied if we have credible, independent, bipartisan foreign policies. And we would have much more confidence if Parliament, not the government, decided whether we go to war and with whom. 

Michael Henry, Melbourne

Do as you say, Julie

There is so much irony in Julie Bishop telling North Korea to invest in the welfare of its citizens rather than in weapons of mass destruction. Australia is rapidly escalating its military expenditure while stripping foreign aid, encouraging the slow death of Medicare by freezing rebates and not funding Gonski education reforms. In addition Australia has been the lead nation in undermining UN negotiations to make nuclear weapons illegal. Finally, mimicking Donald Trump and engaging in bellicose exchanges with North Korea is hardly helpful. A more useful approach would be increasing diplomatic work with China. 

Margaret Beavis, Medical Association for Prevention of War

MPs look after No.1, 2, 3

The extent of property investment by federal MPs is startling (Insight, 22/4). It helps explain their determination over the years to not tackle the root cause of the home-ownership crisis.

We have endured lectures by successive treasurers on the perils of budget deficit; witnessed heartless treatment of our poorest citizens and sharp cuts to welfare; and listened to Joe Hockey speak of "lifters" and "leaners" and how we must punish "leaners" in our midst. And we have been alarmed by the hare-brained proposal  to allow our children to raid their super for a deposit.

Now we understand.  Our elected representatives are major beneficiaries of the skewed tax laws regarding property investment. As a result of their extraordinarily high levels of said investment, just how much tax do our politicians actually pay? Who are the real "lifters" and "leaners" here? It appears our Liberal MPs are looking first and foremost to protect their own interests, not ours. Are we looking at entrenched corruption?

Anne Kaufman, Ringwood East

When little tax is lawful

The Tax Office has announced there is no evidence that multinationals have dodged paying Australian taxes. It's much worse than that. They have lawfully and legally been paying minuscule tax.

Rosie Elsass, Brighton

Fair day's pay

I have always understood that a key value is a fair day's pay for a fair day's work. I hope the government vigorously promotes this value in its campaign. It could double funding to the office of the Fair Work Ombudsman for a start. 

Bob Morrow, Clifton Hill

I don't like your values

I don't like your Australian values. A country that locks up juveniles in adult prisons; puts refugees in detention camps; sends asylum seekers to remote islands to be forgotten for the rest of their lives? A modern progressive country that takes no heed of the scientists, that vilifies certain racial and religious groups and cuts funding to foreign aid. No way will I take out citizenship. I guess I'm lucky to be white, have a permanent residence visa and can't be deported unless I'm a proven criminal ... or can I?

Carolyn Berger, Kooyong

Endless exploitation

While we fret about the gender pay gap, underemployment and growing demand for subsidised child care, we find an advocate for gender equity Diane Smith-Gander (The Age, 21/4) proposing we tap into the warehouses of unskilled workers in Fiji and the Philippines  – a boon for us because they are cheap and a boon for them because they have no income otherwise.

Is it better to offer jobs than foreign aid? Will our coal exports lift the third world out of poverty? Will we still need an impoverished unskilled labour supply in 50 years? Who will raise our children if everyone is rich? Does first world excess, exploitation and entitlement go on forever?

Gary Chapman, Camberwell 

Reminder of dark time

Australia went through a horrible period when it "blackbirded" Pacific Islanders as cheap labour. Diane Smith-Gander's call bears shades of this dark time. Would women in Australia want to climb over the backs of women from  poorer countries to ensure their own careers remain on track? On the backs of women who also have families and will take desperate measures to try to support them?

At a time when unemployment is rising and there is widespread underemployment, there must be some people who would work for families "crying out" for this service. Or are they crying out for help only if it comes cheap? How much is caring for your children worth? 

Paul Bugeja, Brunswick

Shackled to ideology

When we are so reliant on scientists for progress in health, medicine, technical innovation, the environment and education, the lack of understanding of many politicians for this valuable work is disappointing.

These politicians debunk climate change, ignore key environmental issues, cut research funding and  downgrade science education. Meanwhile, Parliament is overpopulated by people with backgrounds in law, unions and farming. While all fine occupations, they are not necessarily the right training ground for the decision making needed on the big questions we face. 

Science is an afterthought in a government that trumpets industry and innovation. If we are to maintain our place in the world we need politicians less shackled to outdated ideologies and more attuned to evidence-based scientific methodology applied to decision making.

Peter Crocker, Strathmore

Mine doesn't stack up

Bill Shorten says Labor will support the Adani mine proposal if it "stacked up" economically and environmentally. In both areas, the venture does not stack up in the slightest. The mine will damage local air and ground water, further damage the Great Barrier Reef from dredging and ship movement, increase pollution due to coal transport and storage, and create enormous carbon emissions. No financial institution considers it a safe investment, unlike ideologues in our federal government. Funds lost from the decline in tourism resulting from reef destruction and the cost of environmental repair will easily outweigh any possible gains. Likewise, jobs lost from tourism are likely to be far greater than short-term gains from mine development. Original estimates of job opportunities offered by Adani were grossly distorted. Let's start directing our funds and energies into proposals that do stack up.

John Iser, Doctors for the Environment Australia

Deflating question

Charmaine Weeks (Comment, 24/4) I agree. Ageism is thriving far more than sexism. I worked in a predominantly male industry and never encountered sexism. However, I, too, felt deflated each time I left an interview to see that 40ish attractive male, waiting to be interviewed. I can add one unforgettable question: "How would I feel working with a supervisor younger than myself?" Why should that be any different from working with a supervisor older than myself? The age of professionalism is dying.

Trish Young, Hampton

Lighten the burden

Following the letters discussing depressing VCE texts, I have a suggestion. I'd like TV, newspapers and radio to make an editorial decision to report "good news" stories on their front page, breaking news alerts and on-the-hour news headlines.  I can't think of a single person who wouldn't feel lighter in the heart if they were exposed to more wonderful stories of people helping others, clever initiatives in business, support for community groups and friendship over hardship.  Our "news" is hurting our mental health.

Julie Simpkin, Port Melbourne


Foreign affairs

"Good morning Mal, Don here.  America wants you to jump."  "Sure, Don.  How high?" 

Rosemary Lithgow, Carisbrook

Don't expect a formal declaration of war on North Korea; it will be in a tweet. 

Lawrie Bradly, Surrey Hills

What's happened to all the angst about a war over the Spratly Islands now we want China  on "our side"?

Helen Pereira, Heidelberg Heights

Forget George Orwell's 1984; we should all be re-reading Neville Shute's On The Beach

Lee Kennedy, Box Hill

All those leaders shaking hands and smiling. Fact, fiction or fake?

Myra Fisher, Brighton East 

Best we forget.

Don Mackay, Croydon

The nation

All stand for the Dis-honourable Peter Dutton: MP and compulsive dog whistler. 

Chris Davis, Pascoe Vale 

Mr Dutton's English is quite good; but his values are deplorable; deport him. 

Brendan O'Farrell, Brunswick 

Ours is not to question the world of alternative facts in which our Immigration Minister now operates.

Genevieve Caffery, Greenslopes, Qld

Morrison, Abbott, Dutton: three good reasons why the government must be sacked. Forgive them, for they know not what harm they do. 

Harry Kowalski, Ivanhoe

The last people l need preaching Australian values to me are politicians. Especially Peter "guilty by innuendo" Dutton. 

Philip West, Jan Juc

Aspiring citizens should understand the "third man up" rule, how to take a sickie, and the meaning of "fell off the back of a truck".

Tim Durbridge, Brunswick 

Other matters

Liberal values on show in Higgins.

Pauline Ashton, Maribyrnong 

Problems with standing room only on trains? Simple. Just change the name to the "Pakenham-in Line".

Greg Tanner, Elwood