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Muslim MP Anne Aly falsely accused of refusing to lay wreath on Anzac Day

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Australia's first female Muslim federal MP Anne Aly has fallen victim to fake news after an unsubstantiated story about her "refusal" to lay a wreath on Anzac Day appeared on a Facebook post. 

It's a lesson on how fast rumour travels, gains traction and becomes the alternative truth - at least on social media. 

It began after the Kim Vuga Love Australia or Leave Party Facebook page made a post at 8.30pm on Anzac Day, headed "a must read". It shared a story purportedly from a friend referred to as "Gary" who had been at a dawn service for the Wanneroo RSL sub branch in the northern suburbs of Perth. "Gary" says he was "taken aback" to hear that the local Member, Anne Aly, would not be presenting a wreath.

The post was shared 218 times and had 72 comments and saw 114 people react. While most of the comments were abusive of the MP, there were a few in support saying Dr Aly had, in fact, been at another ceremony in her electorate. 

Soon people started posting on Dr Aly's official Facebook page asking her why she "refused" to lay the wreath.


Speaking to Fairfax Media, Dr Aly said it was "offensive" that some people would choose to politicise Anzac Day.

"I have several Anzac Day services in the electorate, but there are two main ones, one in Wanneroo and one in Ballajura," Dr Aly said.

"Last year I went to Wanneroo, so this year I went to Ballajura, laid a wreath and gave a speech. [To] Wanneroo, I sent a wreath and had the state local member represent me. Then I found out that on social media people were saying I refused to lay a wreath at Wanneroo, which was absolutely not true.

"But apparently it has gotten bigger than Ben Hur. People have apparently rung up talkback radio on it."

"Just the fact that there is a political party who are willing to politicise Anzac Day but at the same time, how ironic that they accuse me of disrespecting Anzac Day when they are the ones who are doing it" she said. 

​"I think it is very offensive, particularly because I have such a high regard for the RSL, particularly because I have such a strong relationship with them, and such a high regard for our serving men and women and those who have served."

In a subsequent post on the Kim Vuga Love Australia or Leave Party Facebook page, the author defended her initial post.

"I stand by the facts that were presented to me by a Facebook friend having been present at the memorial in Anne Aly's electorate," the post said.