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UFC 209: MMA star Mark Hunt blasts 'filthy cheater' Alistair Overeem

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As UFC 209 draws closer, Mark Hunt has launched a scathing critique of his opponent, Alistair Overeem, labelling him a "filthy cheater" and a "f---ing bum".

Hunt, 42, lost his last fight by decision against Brock Lesnar, but that was changed to a no contest after the latter failed multiple drug tests. As a result, Hunt is currently suing the UFC, its boss Dana White, and Lesnar himself – but isn't fazed at stepping back into the octagon despite that legal cloud hanging uncomfortably over his head.

"I'm looking forward to fighting again this weekend. To be honest, for me it's not weird at all. I feel like I've been put in as the guy who's done something wrong ... but I don't think I should be treated wrongly, I've done nothing wrong. The only person who did wrong was the steroid-using cheat [Lesnar].

"I don't feel weird about being here – I'm one of the best fighters in the world, I don't feel I should be cheated out of my lifestyle, or my family's lifestyle. I haven't cheated to get here, I've earned it with my blood and sweat. I don't give a s---. I get beaten up for a living, you think I care about that? It makes no difference to me."

To complicate matters, Hunt's opponent for this weekend, the 36-year-old Overeem, also failed drug tests after fights in the past. It's a rematch between the two fighters, who met in Japan under the DREAM promotions banner back in 2008, with the Dutchman winning.

"The only thing I remember about Overeem then is that he was using steroids then and he's still using steroids. The guy's a filthy cheater and he shouldn't be up at this level. In society, you do wrong, you go to jail. But right now [in UFC] it pays to cheat."


Hunt joins fellow Aussies Tyson Pedro and Dan Kelly on the card, in what is arguably the biggest ever overseas UFC card for Australian fighters.

"I think it's great for MMA down under. UFC have opened the doors for fighters [in Australia] and I think it's great news," Hunt says.

The "Super Samoan" is nearing the end of his career, but says he hasn't ruled out dreams of holding the UFC heavyweight title – and beating the 3rd-ranked contender this weekend could go a long way towards propelling him to that goal.

"To be honest I didn't even know if I was going to be here because of what's happened with the lawsuit and all that stuff. At the end of the day I can only look at the next fight – if I win this fight, we'll see how it goes from there. Who knows what the future holds. Of course I feel like I'm the best fighter in the world and I'm always going to try and get a title shot."

Hunt has been a vocal critic of drug cheats in sport, and has repeatedly requested a clause in contracts that if a fighter fails a drug test, they should forfeit their entire pay packet to the other fighter.

"If a fighter gets caught doping he loses all his purse. Some guy said to me 'he deserves 80 per cent'. No! No cheater wants to do it for nothing.

"If someone dies in a fight, would he be going to jail for manslaughter or murder? Because that's what could happen. If he fights someone and he juices, he planned that beforehand. So if he kills that person that he's fighting with, I believe he should go to jail, because that's murder. Pre-meditated murder. The money should go to the guy who didn't cheat because he worked hard to get there."

After dismissing Overeem as a "scumbag cheater, busy sticking needles in his ass", Hunt said he wasn't keen to take the fight at all but was "looking forward to knocking the cheat's face off".

"This fight was forced upon me. I didn't ask for it, I wanted my clause and wasn't allowed it. What am I supposed to do?"

Dozens of fighters have failed tests in the past decade, many for elevated levels of testosterone – which Hunt argues is taking away the legitimacy of the sport.

"Right now it's being condoned. In every other sport, they hammer the people who are cheating. Why do we have to put up with that s--t in MMA? That's what I'm fighting for ... this is a really important battle that needs to be sorted out."

UFC 209 kicks off mid-morning on Sunday, March 5 (AEDT).