Increase app installs and engagements from Twitter

Over 83% of Twitter’s users are on mobile and they’re looking for apps to download.*

In fact, Twitter users have used 24% more apps in the past day than the average smartphone owner.**  With an app installs or engagements campaign, you'll use App Cards to share your app with a relevant audience. 

The App Card is a powerful ad format that allows mobile users to preview an image, view app ratings, and install or open an app directly from their timelines. 

Include conversion tracking in your campaign to measure app installs and opens.

Use an App Card to:

  • Increase downloads
  • Encourage people to re-engage with your app
  • Target users most likely to install your app

Start promoting your app

App card example

Set up your campaign for success

Target the right audience

Use Twitter’s robust targeting to connect with people likely to download your app. Try targeting users based on their device type, operating system, or WiFi connectivity.

Manage your budget

Campaigns run on a cost-per-app-click pricing system. This means you only pay for clicks that lead to the App Store or Google Play, or to open the app.

Monitor campaigns

See your campaigns dashboard to view how often users see your Tweets, the number of times users install or open your app, and your cost-per-click.

"Twitter has become our main marketing channel. It allows us to generate app downloads at a very low cost and increase app usage."

— Carlos Rodriguez, CEO, Wazypark

Learn how businesses used Twitter Ads to promote their apps

*Twitter internal data
** Research Now, Mobile App Research, US, 2015

Promote your mobile app