Followers are incredibly valuable to your business. When someone follows you on Twitter, they not only see your Tweets, but they're also likely to become an advocate and customer.

Followers feel more positive about businesses they follow, Tweet about them, Retweet their Tweets and buy from them.*



of people believe Promoted Accounts help them discover new businesses on Twitter*

feel better about an SMB after following and reading it's Tweets*

have purchased something from an SMB because of Twitter once or more*

Get more followers on Twitter

Gaining followers means growing an interested audience with which you can engage over time.

Setting up a Followers campaign with Twitter Ads is an easy way to accelerate your follower growth.

This type of campaign promotes your Twitter account to desktop and mobile users in places like the Who to follow panel and their Home timeline.

Build an interested audience

Set up your campaign for success

When you create Tweets to use in a Followers campaign, make sure you include a compelling reason for people to follow you. This could be:

  • An exclusive discount
  • Updates on upcoming products
  • Access to research findings

For best results, create three or four campaign Tweets, each with slightly different wording, so you can see which is most effective.

Grow your Twitter audience with a Followers campaign

Understand your followers

Use your Audience insights dashboard to learn more about your followers' demographics and interests.

Target the right audience

Use our powerful targeting to reach your people similar to your existing followers or by keywords, interests and more.

Monitor campaigns

See your campaign dashboard for the number of ad impressions and followers gained, the follow rate, and the cost-per-follower.

"Twitter Ads has helped us gain 10,000+ engaged followers that are interested in our products. Through optimizing our campaigns, we managed to drive down costs while creating a community of brand advocates."

— Cindy Irene, Community Manager, Klix Digital

Learn how businesses used Twitter Ads to grow their audiences

*Customer Insight Study. Twitter + Research Now 2016

Grow your audience with a followers campaign