PRRT changes kicked down the road until after the budget

Scott Morrison will hold over its response to a review of the petroleum resources rent tax until after the budget.
Scott Morrison will hold over its response to a review of the petroleum resources rent tax until after the budget. Jessica Hromas

The Turnbull government has squibbed on reforming the petroleum resources rent tax in the budget, deciding to hold over responding to a review of the tax which says the community is not being short changed on resources taxes.

Treasurer Scott Morrison was set to release the report of the Callaghan review of the PRRT on Friday, which does not recommend changes to the crude oil excise or Commonwealth royalty schemes.

While the government is keen to insist there will be no immediate changes to the tax, the report clearly recommends changes to the future tax regime "beyond the current investment decision horizon", according to a statement from the Treasurer.

"The report highlights improvements that can be made to the PRRT over the longer term," Mr Morrison said.

The industry has been concerned the government is looking for changes to the PRRT that would produce an increase in revenue within the four years of the budget cycle, such as changes to what allowable items can be included in calculations of the so-called "uplift factor" - the amount of deductions that can be held over and "uplifted" into future years when earnings are stronger.

It appears the government has avoided that, but Mr Morrison has noted the review does recommend changes "that impact beyond the current investment decision horizon; such as uplift rates, transferability and order of claiming deductions".

Miners have been concerned that the current structure of the tax, designed in an era of double-digit interest rates in the 1980s, means resource companies are essentially receiving a 13 per cent rate of return from taxpayers in the form of a discount on tax eventually paid on their expenditure.

Mr Morrison said the report "finds the decline in PRRT revenue does not, in itself, indicate the Australian community is being short-changed in receiving an equitable return from the development of its resources.

"It also finds that the current scheme is not deterring investment.

"In addition, the review has recommended minor changes that would apply to existing and new projects to improve the operation of the PRRT."

The recommendations do not have any immediate material impact on the forthcoming budget as the Treasurer said the government will consider it "outside the current budget, to enable comments to be received on the recommendations".

Last year the tax provided revenue of $880 million, $120 million short of expectations, and experts predict a further shortfall in excess of $200 million this year.

Its contribution to GDP over the past 20 years tells a similar story. PRRT receipts averaged about 0.2 per cent of GDP in 2000-01 but have fallen to an average 0.12 per cent in the period 2002-03 to 2015-16.