Sepia restaurant chef Martin Benn's other passions: fashion and perfume

Martin Benn at his restaurant Sepia in Sydney: "I can get into a 54 jacket if it’s the right cut. I can’t breathe all ...
Martin Benn at his restaurant Sepia in Sydney: "I can get into a 54 jacket if it’s the right cut. I can’t breathe all night but hey, it’s fashion. It’s like shoes for women." Nic Walker

Martin Benn has just announced that he will close his award-winning Sydney restaurant Sepia in December. He is moving to Melbourne with wife and business partner Vicki to open a restaurant in 2018 in conjunction with Chin Chin's Chris Lucas.

In the meantime, in the other job of his dreams, he would love to create a range of chef jackets and perfume.

You have an interest in fashion?

Well, I do have a bit of a three-piece suit fetish. I enjoy looking good, getting dressed up to go out. It conveys a sense of maturity in me. The perception of chefs is they can be a bit grungy. We are on show to the public a lot of the time and we need to look good.

Do you have time to go out?

I don’t, no. And I seem to go out less and less these days, but when I do, there’s always a sense of occasion, such as awards nights. As an industry we need to have the respect to get dressed up. You’re representing your industry, you end up having to say something, or you get interviewed, have your photo taken.

Do you find it frustrating to wear chef’s whites, then?

No, but we could do with a bit of a refresh of the chef uniform. I’ve even worn just a tailored white shirt in the kitchen, rather than a chef’s jacket. It’s nice to walk around your dining room in something a bit different.

Do you use made to measure?

I do, I keep getting talked into it. But I like to be spontaneous too. I like buying things off the rack. I once bought nine pairs of jeans in one go in Spain.

What size are you?

I can get into a 54 jacket if it’s the right cut. I can’t breathe all night but hey, it’s fashion. It’s like shoes for women.

How did this fashion love begin?

I had a pair of winklepickers, pointy shoes that curl up, made of velvet. I was probably 12 when I bought them and my mum asked me, “You’re not going to wear THEM?” I wore them to death. When I got to the age of earning some money, I would buy something a bit different, like oddly-shaped glasses, rather than spending money on sweets. My first pair of glasses was Jean Paul Gaultier, round and with cool clips at the bottom.

Do you remember your first proper luxury fashion purchase?

I bought a checked Tom Ford jacket, probably eight or nine years ago. It was $6000, from Harrolds in Sydney. That was crazy money, but I still wear it, it’s great.

What was the occasion?

I was just treating myself. It was when we started Sepia.

Sepia was voted Australia’s best restaurant in the AFR Top Restaurants awards in 2015 and ranked third in 2016. It has three hats from The Sydney Morning Herald 2017 Good Food Guide. How do you deal with the pressure that brings?

[British chef] Marco Pierre White said it’s like a game of football. You play an attacking game to get those three stars or three hats, you get them, and then you play the rest of the game defending all the time, trying to make sure you don’t lose them. To get the hats is easier than to keep them, especially for a longer amount of time.

Do you sometimes feel like handing them back?

No, because I hope we’re looked upon as mentors in the industry. I hope the next generation sees me as someone to look up to, like I did with Neil Perry, Tetsuya [Wakuda], Peter Gilmore.

Where do you find inspiration?

Do I jump out of bed every day and go “Hurray, where’s the inspiration today?” Probably not. Your team always looks to you to do something interesting and you have to keep them motivated as much as you can. I think of food differently to everyone else. I’m already tasting a dish before I’ve even made it. So I know the end result before I make it: texturally, temperature wise, everything.

What about life after Sepia?

That seems to be the question on everyone’s lips. Everything has its sell-by date and as an artisan you need to reinvent yourself. We [with Vicki Wild, wife and business partner] have ideas, we just need the right time and place.

A range of tea towels and pans?

When Donna Hay stops doing the tea towels I’ll take over from her [laughs]. I’m not really interested in branding myself. I’d like to do a range of chef jackets and perfume, actually. Maybe even distilling our own perfume – we’ve got a distiller in the restaurant, we just haven’t worked out how to do it. But I’ve been thinking about it for a long time. I’d like to create a yuzu [Japanese citrus] perfume. It would be nice to have something different, unpredictable – chefs don’t have to have just ovens or pans.

Are you ambitious?

Yes, 100 per cent. You have to be ambitious in this industry. I don’t jump out of bed like I said, but I’m definitely motivated.

What other qualities do you have that make you successful?

Well, I’m not patient! That’s not a bad thing. I want things to happen. I want to cut out all the crap in the middle and get to the end as quickly as possible. Whether it’s a recipe or an event. I’m definitely a passionate thinker, I’ve got a vivid imagination. You need to be a bit of a dreamer in order to be different and to believe things can be achieved. I’m obsessive, probably, anally retentive. I hate things that aren’t in their place, whether it’s items in the cool room or my socks being lined up.

You’re renovating your house. What will your wardrobe be like?

My dream would be to get a Poliformbuilt-in wardrobe with tie racks, pants racks, drawers for my socks, all the bits and pieces. I dream of having a walk-in wardrobe and a walk-in pantry.

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The AFR Magazine's annual Fashion issue is out on Friday, March 31 inside The Australian Financial Review.