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    Opportunities at Smithsonian Folkways


We are currently accepting applications for the following:

Executive Assistant (Level IS-0301-9)
Smithsonian Folkways Recordings is looking for a full-time Executive Assistant, who will play a central role in the organization as we embark on new directions in recording projects and releases, rejuvenating the range of artists and curators we work with, piloting new business models, and expanding our activities in research and education. Reporting directly to the Director/Curator, the Executive Assistant will be at the heart of developments of the non-profit label while it prepares for its 70th anniversary as a small but influential player in recording, producing, and disseminating “music of, by, and for the people,” with a catalog approaching 60,000 recordings reaching over 80 million listeners a year.

For a more detailed Position Description with key responsibilities and selection criteria, click here.

Please send applications and inquiries by May 1, 2017 to:
Huib Schippers, Ph.D., Director and Curator
Smithsonian Folkways Recordings
600 Maryland Avenue, Suite 2001
Washington, DC 20024-2520
Email: schippersh@si.edu


The Ralph Rinzler Folklife Archive and Collection is open to visitors and researchers by appointment. To contact the Archives or schedule an appointment, please call 202.633.6438, or email RinzlerArchives@si.edu.


There are a number of opportunities for internships at Smithsonian Folkways Recordings. Internships can be from six weeks to one year, full-time or part-time, although working at least 15 to 20 hours per week is preferred. Internships are unpaid, but many schools give course credit. We are a cross between a record label and a museum so the experience is a mix of non-profit record business and applied ethnomusicology. Intern projects are generally in the areas of graphic design, marketing, mail order, recording production, and Web site production with tasks that include writing, social networking, research, mailings, and data compiling and organizing.

Submission deadline for summer internships is March 15; there are no deadlines for getting applications in for the rest of the year. The online internship application can be found at https://solaa.si.edu and please specify the Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage. You will be asked to upload supporting material such as an essay and resume.

The completed application should be submitted at least six weeks before the start of the internship.

Graphic Design Internship

Smithsonian Folkways Recordings is currently looking for a graphic design intern to assist in the design and layout of CD covers and liner notes booklets for a collection of world music albums. Applicants should be proficient in Adobe Creative Suite and have experience in graphic design, typography, and photoshop. A portfolio highlighting past projects is required. Interest in anthropology, ethnomusicology, or cultural studies is a plus.

How to apply: Submit your online application through SOLAA (https://solaa.si.edu) and please specify the Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage.

Application materials: Design portfolio, resume, statement of interest, academic transcript (official or unofficial), and two letters of recommendation. For more information or if you have any questions, please contact Mary Monseur, Production Manager, Smithsonian Folkways at Monseur@si.edu


Volunteers are very welcome at Smithsonian Folkways Recordings, working on a number of projects in marketing, mail order, the archives, recording production, and adminstration. Please contact Beshou Gedamu at GedamuB@si.edu.
