Posts Tagged ‘Arson’

Paris, France: Fire against a Vinci van

Thursday, January 30th, 2020


During the night of 21-22 January, a Vinci van was set on fire in the 20th arrondissement of Paris (rue Gambon).

Vinci builds prisons (and other shit, the open-air prison, made of misery, exploitation and control).

It is thought that it is urgent to revive a conflicting practice against the prison system, the prisons, those who build them, those who make them exist.

As a beautiful communiqué from Madrid puts it, “how can we not act, in an era of theoretical and practical disarmament of revolutionary forces?”.

Solidarity with those who resist, within these walls. Solidarity with those who struggle outside.

A thought for the three anarchists on trial in Hamburg and for the companion Lisa, in prison for robbery.

[Note: “Vinci” is a large French company that works in construction, public works and related services].

[Translated from the text originally published in attaque.noblogs.org].

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Madrid, Spain: The force of the fact – Arson of a Banco Santander vehicle

Thursday, January 30th, 2020


How not to act in times of theoretical and practical disarmament of revolutionary forces? How not to resort, once again, to the force of facts, of direct action, to remember that the fight against everything that oppresses us will either be the work of the oppressed themselves or it will not be?

On the night of Thursday 9 January [2020] a vehicle of Banco Santander was set on fire in Vallekas. May the fight continue to strike those who are guilty of our misery. Because let us not forget the complicit role of the Banco Santader in the repression against the revolt in Chile, because let us not forget their dirty business in prisons, cities and arms, because their capitalist greed is evident in every eviction and clearance, because the banks are a key piece in the cogwheel of the system that subjugates and exploits us, like businessmen, like ministers, like mayors, like parliamentarians, like councillors, like politicians, like judges, and in short, like the State.

Strength and solidarity with all those affected by the State!

A special greeting to the comrades of Tetouan affected in May and to the comrades accused of setting fire to an ATM in Madrid on April 11, 2018!


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Istanbul, Turkey: Revenge Units Arson Attacks Against Factories Supplying the Turkish Military

Thursday, January 16th, 2020

13.01.2020: The Şehit Sorxwin Roboskî and the Şehit Soro Amed Revenge Units carried out actions against factories in Başakşehir, Istanbul that supply clothing and equipment to the Turkish military. The Revenge Units issued a written statement explaining their actions that took place on January 11th, 2020:

“On January 11th, our members organized an action against a factory that makes military clothing for the occupying Turkish army. The factory is located in the PİK Dökümcüler Industrial Estate in the Başakşehir district of Istanbul. 8 minibuses owned by the factory were destroyed as a result of this action. At the same time as this action was carried out, members of our unit also sabotaged a factory on another block located in the same industrial estate. This factory manufactures equipment for military vehicles belonging to the occupying Turkish army. (more…)

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NOS – Adjudicación de ataque contra la Policía Militar de São Paulo, Brasil / Responsibility claim for an attack against Military Police of São Paulo by NOS (Cells of Opposition to the System)

Sunday, January 12th, 2020

A todxs

Asumimos la autoria de la bomba en el cuartel de la 2ª Compañía del 45º Batallón de la brutal Policía Militar del Estado de São Paulo – PMESP en la calle General Carneiro, la noche del 18-12-2019, en el centro de la ciudad de São Paulo, cercano del Pateo do Collegio (el sitio de fundación de la ciudad), una instalación navideña del banco Santander y un puesto de la también brutal Guardia Civil Metropolitana – GCM a la que también queríamos atacar. Utilizamos una bomba de ruido hecha de una pequeña botella de refresco conteniendo 11 trozos de vidrio puntiagudos para dañar a los policías cercanos.

Fue una represalia por la masacre de Paraisópolis, planificada y fríamente ejecutada el 12-12-2019 por la PMESP y su jefe João Doria, el gobernador fascista de São Paulo, como parte de la guerra contra lxs negrxs y lxs pobres promovida por el estado brasileño. En lugar de enfrentarse a narcotraficantes armados y violentos que les pagan sobornos, la PMESP asesinó a 9 jóvenes indefensxs en una fiesta callejera bajo la aprobación de la extrema derecha. Sus representantes en la política burguesa, como los diputados fascistas Capitán Conte Lopes y Sargento Fahur, diputados provincial y federal de los estados de Sao Paulo y Paraná, respectivamente, celebraron la masacre y dijeron que habrá otros. Doria prometió en 12-2018 que bajo su mando la policía “mataría” y cumplió. (more…)

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Thessaloniki, Greece: Turkish Diplomatic Vehicle Torched by Revolutionary Solidarity Commando Haukur Hilmarsson

Monday, December 30th, 2019

The genocide in Syrian territory since the invasion of the fascist Turkish state, with the agreement and complicity of the international community, continues. Day by day hundreds of civilians find themselves on the agonizing receiving end of the bombings and attacks carried out Erdogan’s fascist army and ISIS’s reemerging Islamist terrorism. For 2.5 months the revolutionary forces of rebel militias intensify defensive confrontation with every means against the imperialist international monopolies, which attempt to occupy the Syrian territories, displacing thousands of civilians with their military operations.

The NATO summit in London at the beginning of December ended with a pervasive sense of unity and an exchange of guarantees between the member states, despite superficial disagreements over the fascist Turkish state’s invasion of Syria. The constant arrests and interrogations of militants in various states on suspicion of supporting the Kurdish rebels are proof of this. The latest anti-terrorist operation in the UK against the family environment of a YPG volunteer has led to his father being arrested on charges of supporting a terrorist organization.

The fascist Turkish state builds rivalry in the areas of security and energy in the eastern Mediterranean as it chooses to seal the alliance with Libya on the same day as the slaughterer of the Palestinians, Netanyahu is in Athens for the trilateral agreement between Greece, Cyprus and Israel for the EastMed pipeline. They also called for NATO’s support, demanding that alliance members officially declare the YPG and the YPJ as terrorist organizations. A prime example is Erdogan’s message to the Greek government amid transnational shocks and destabilization in relations between the two states on the basis of the disputed agreement with Libya: power relations and instability can change for the benefit of the Greek state with the precondition that the YPG/YPJ and DHKP-C Kurdish and Turkish fighters are extradited as terrorists. (more…)

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Kiev: FAI Cell “Misha Zhlobitsky” take responsibility for cell tower arson – Black December (Ukraine)

Sunday, December 29th, 2019

From A2day:

Anarchist sites report that in recent months in Donetsk and Kiev region base stations (aka towers) of mobile operators were attacked 4 times. Behind the attacks are mostly anarchists.

The first attack was to blow up the base station of the Phoenix operator. Then it was reported that two Lifecell towers were set on fire. December 10, 2019 it was reported about the arson of the mobile base station “Vodafone Ukraine”.

For example, when attacking the Lifecell communication towers, anarchists claimed that the main reason for the attack was solidarity with the Democratic Federation of North and East Syria (Rojava), the struggle of the Kurdish people for liberation from the Turkish occupation.

Wishing to give intensity to these attacks, we, a cell of the Informal Anarchist Federation, set fire to another cell communication base station in Kiev. Unlike the aforementioned attacks, our motives and view of the targets under attack are different. We suggest taking a broader look at the topic of communication towers.

Mobile operators are eager to capture as many subscribers as possible. This is a fact. There are three main operators in Ukraine: “Kyivstar”, “Vodafone Ukraine”, Lifecell. These companies do anything to place their mobile antennas everywhere, to get more money and control. They do not care what we think about it. But the most important thing is that the operators cooperate perfectly with the police, leaking them all the data of their subscribers. Each mobile operator receives more than 20,000 court orders annually for temporary access to things and documents.

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Anarchists Claim Responsibility for 4 Incendiary Attacks in Athens (Greece)

Thursday, December 26th, 2019

Anarchists claimed responsibility for incendiary attacks on a parking lot for luxury yachts, a security company vehicle, a café owned by a New Democracy politician, and the home of a police reporter.

The following is their statement:

Our lives are flooded with the ultimatums and the dictates of their state, capital and their culture.

In the workplaces, we need to sell our labor power to survive, the bosses’ ultimatums are the voice of capitalist development at all costs. The voice of neoliberal expansionism, the voice of the murderous intentions of the employer who cripples our bodies with intensified timetables, the abolition of Sunday holidays, uninsured labor, inadequate security measures, layoffs and extortion.

In our schools, the dictates of the state and of capital are the voices of discipline in the barbarity of our times, the telling of the treacherous history of submission to the powerful, the voices of nationalism and intolerance, the erasure of the memory of each moment of social war. Their aim is to create a new generation of disciplined slaves, always eager to enter the line of capitalist production without consciousness of their role. Without a trace of substantive knowledge of the history of the struggles and uprisings against states and their powers. Accepting their peaceful coexistence with those responsible for poverty and wars. Acknowledging that the struggle is futile and capitalism is the winner of history.

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Athens, Greece: ¡No Pasarán! Anarchists React to the Eviction of Kouvelou Squat

Thursday, December 19th, 2019

From Anarchists Worldwide:

Athens, Greece: The Greek government has gone into war with anarchists and anti authoritarians, following the end of a 15 days ultimatum issued by the Ministry of “Public Order”, towards the dozens of political and refugee squats across Greece (some of them more than 30 years old), threatening them with violent evictions by the riot police and police special forces, if they did not evacuate within the deadline. The deadline ended on Thursday night on the 5th of December 2019, a political decision by the Greek State aiming to agitate and create an “explosive atmosphere”.

Following the first wave of attacks and evictions, mainly against squats housing refugees during the fall, the second wave of attacks has just begun, this time against political squats and social centers. Coinciding with the arrest of antifascists and the proposed judicial acquittal of Neo Nazi leaders in the Golden Dawn trial, the right wing Greek government and its self proclaimed socialist Minister of Public Order have proceeded with the eviction of “Kouvelou Mansion” Squat in Marousi, Athens on Tuesday 17 December, while another three squats have been evicted today December 18th, in Koukaki, Athens, following a massive police operation, that terrorized a whole neighborhood with police brutality, attacking people living in adjoining houses that were no squats. Brutal images of Greek SWAT policemen having their boots on people’s heads on the ground and a mother bound on the floor of her terrace with a hood on her head, reminiscing of Abu Ghraib torture images, have been circulated in the media.

While this info text is being written it has become known that at about 22:00 today 18 December, people attacked shops and banks near the main square of Athens at Syntagma, while also the Christmas tree at Exarcheia Square in Athens has been set on fire [Note from Anarchists Worldwide: see second video]. While the Greek government has proclaimed that more than 20 squats, just in Athens, will be violently evicted until the end of 2019, the police attacks seems like the match that will put fire in an already explosive situation during Christmas and New Year’s festivities.

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Berlin, Germany: Attack Against Deutsche Telekom & Nissan – From Berlin to Greece & Worldwide…

Sunday, December 15th, 2019

In the morning hours of 13th of December we set fire to five company cars and one radio antenna on the Deutsche Telekom premises at Hannemannstraße in Berlin-Britz as well as to two cars in front of the Nissan car dealership at Gärtnerstraße in Berlin-Alt-Hohenschönhausen.

Our attacks are aimed at two companies that are globally involved in securing the rule of power and enriching themselves by it, including in Greece, where the current government is threatening to evict all occupied houses and social centers and where those who do not allow themselves to be pushed into the neoliberal norm are subject to massive attacks by the state:

Deutsche Telekom, as the biggest European company for Telecommunications, which, profiting from the crisis, bought parts of the former state company Hellenic Telecommunications Organization S.A. (Greek: OTE A.E.) and is now a 45% shareholder. With its subsidiary T-Systems, the Deutsche Telekom is worldwide leading in service for security authorities, industry and the energy sector.

Nissan, as a company, which supplies the Greek repression authorities. In June 2019 four Nissan Qashqai Diesel 4×4 and two Nissan Navara for the Criminal Investigation Unit (Δ.Ε.Ε. Διεύθυνση Εγκληματολογικών Ερευνών – forensic division) as well as one Nissan NV400 for the anti-riotcops (M.A.T. – Μονάδες Αποκατάστασης Τάξης – Monades Apokatastasis Taxis) were ceremonially granted to the cops in front of their academy in Amygdaleza, in the north of Athens.

We chose this moment because it was in December 2008, when the assassination of Alexis by the cop Korkoneas in Exarchia, Athens, triggered a social revolt that was accompanied by a multitude of international attacks on the symbols of state and capital and their murderous functionaries.

11 years later, living conditions have not improved either here or there. Rather, the social war is intensifying worldwide. The gap between rich and poor continues to widen. The triumphant march of neoliberalism produces a mass of excluded people who are denied the possibility of social participation. Expelled and parked on the margins of the metropolis or in slums, they are declared enemies, who should be monitored and oppressed. Walls and fences, private security services, intelligent cameras and highly equipped police units are the clearest expression of an increasingly militarized territory in which, under the disguise of security, war is being waged against the poor.

New technologies and the associated digital access to our lives enable new and more subtle techniques of governance. The thousands and thousands of data that are produced every day are intended to make any action calculable and controllable. With Predictive Policing, the foresighted cop, a tool was created that sorts people according to stereotypes and thus creates the criminals of the future. Such technologies are embedded in the restructuring of cities into Smart Cities, the implementation of which companies such as Deutsche Telekom are constantly working on with 5G infrastructure projects or smart traffic systems, lanterns, waste management and much more. However, this is by no means to enable a better life for all, but to enable the totalitarian idea of comprehensive control of the city and its population through practical solutions.

The technological attack is so successful because humans are actually collective beings. Part of the neo-liberal agenda was and is the destruction of this very collectivity in order to reassemble it in line with the market through digital domination. Driven by the fear of being excluded, even outlawed, and by the supposed joys that Virtual Reality has to offer us, we ourselves weave on the net that encloses us. The state of isolation in the cities or the disregard of rural communities leads many into the arms of the constructed national community and therefore parties like the AfD get a influx of followers. Fighting the rise of fascism by integrating ideas of solidarity and collectivity into social struggles, is therefore certainly a task for the coming time.

As it is happening in other countries at the moment, the abolished leftist government in Greece has prepared the ground for the new rise of a right-wing conservative regime. The past phase of Syriza’s government should have clearly demonstrated to those in doubt that participation in power must fulfill the conditions of capitalist constraints and that no emancipatory project can stand on democratic parliamentary feet. To name these contradictions, to reject any domination by others, not to compromise and not to recognize the authority of a hostile system are part of the anarchist idea.

We feel connected with the rebels worldwide, who are currently in many different places in the world, especially where the state-social partnership is not developed to the smallest detail, those who let the sparks of resistance grow into a widespread fire of social uprising. While in Athens self-organized and revolutionary structures are being defended and state and capital being attacked, we are fighting the same struggle here, in which we aim at the profiteers of capitalist domination. We do this with the consciousness that the infrastructure and the flow of goods are elementary components of it. We send our flaming greetings especially to those who fight against the regime of Nea Demokratia in Greece as well as worldwide to all those people who revolt against authority, are in prison for it or who have to flee.


via Deutschland Indymedia, Anarchists Worldwide.

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Anarchists attacked a mobile operator in Kiev (Ukraine)

Sunday, December 15th, 2019

Posted on December 10, 2019. Note A2DAY: Ukrainian media, citing the police, report that on December 10 the tower of the operator Vodafone, not Lifecell, was burned in Kiev. A2DAY: “Makhnovists” affinity-group confirmed that due to the mistake tower of another operator was attacked.


In the night of December 10 a group of anarchists burned down the cell tower of Lifecell operator settled by the crossroad of Hostomel road and Big Ring Road in Kyiv. Lifecell is owned by the Turkish company Turkcell. This company is the participant of aggression of Erdogan’s regime against the people’s self-government in Kurdistan. The latest episode of its criminal politics is the invasion of Turkish army into the Democratic Federation of Northern and Eastern Syria (Rojava) in October 2019.

Turkcell constructs its towers in the areas of Syria occupied by the Turkish government as it happened in Afrin, Shahba and Idlib. This mobile network which is under control of Ankara authorities appears in every place invaded by Erdogan’s soldiers. Kurdish guerillas destroy Turkcell towers — we are proud to take the torchlight of the struggle from their hands. Revolutionary resistance and solidarity lie beyond state borders and national boundaries.

We performed an attack against Lifecell/Turkcell also as the response to the violent incident which took place in front of Embassy of Turkey in Ukraine. On October 11 anarchists and people from Kurdish community organized the peaceful demonstration against the aggression of the Turkish state. Embassy workers have attacked demonstrators and smashed a face of one of the female comrades participated in the event. Violence should not be left without a response.

Freedom to the peoples — death to the Empires!


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Athens, Greece: Claim for incendiary attack against a Citroen facility – 6th of December

Thursday, December 12th, 2019

You, that robbed us of everything, that place us under the painful scrutiny of systematic surveillance and uniformed thugs, you, you would be the ones pleading lies about forgiveness. You drag us out of rooftops and houses, of streets and squares, you judge, you order, you cage. You shoot and you win. And we won’t accept.

As the city glimmer with the flames that dance and not only with your cursed imprisoned lights, on your eyes grows fear.

For tonight it is your collaborators, your infrastructure, your damned cars that you’ll use to chase us, as anytime it might be just you.

On the evening of 6th December, nine incendiary devices were placed under same amount of cars on a Citroen facility in Athens, for being one of many that provide the material for the Greek police force to hunt and retain.

Your network will be threatened, your allies will be torched, your suffering will be ensured.

Never forgive.

Towards the total destruction of police and their bloody supporters.


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Summer in Smoke: Report from the World’s Biggest Black Block – Hong Kong (China)

Tuesday, December 10th, 2019

The following article was submitted to Chuang by Vitalist International. It is an account of events in Hong Kong over the summer and early fall of 2019, much of it from a firsthand perspective. We provided minor edits and designed the layout, but otherwise reproduce the piece here in more or less its original form. While the main thrust of the article is in agreement with our own views of events in Hong Kong, the piece is an intake and the opinions expressed here belong to its authors. At the bottom, we’ve included a gallery (provided by the authors) of 70+ posters, memes, graffiti and other graphics used in the movement.

für Sandra in liebendem Angedenken

by Vitalist International

It was only a matter of time before it happened. The protesters and the cops both knew it. On October 1st, a teenager was shot point-blank in the chest by police. The bullet missed his heart by approximately three centimeters.

Thousands of Hong Kongers gathered the next evening at a playground to fold paper cranes and wish the young protester a speedy recovery. They held banners saying “stop shooting our children!” and used the flashlights on their smartphones as torches to light up the night. In the center of the playground, a thousand origami cranes spelled out “Hong Kongers, Add oil!”, a Chinese expression which has come to define the movement, meaning roughly: don’t stop, keep going, add fuel to the fire. Within an hour, the protesters were setting up barricades in the streets and throwing molotovs at the nearest police headquarters.

The movement that began as a protest against a proposed extradition agreement with China has now entered its fourth month of unrest, with no end in sight. The bill — now withdrawn — would have granted the Chinese State unprecedented authority to extradite dissidents, criminals, and refugees to be processed in the shadowy court system of the mainland. Coming on the heels of 2012’s Moral and National Education Law and 2014’s Electoral Reform Bill,[i] this amendment was only the latest attempt at slowly dismantling the region’s tenuous political arrangement of “One Country, Two Systems.” With the movement rapidly evolving into widespread resistance against Chinese control, and the Hong Kong government declaring a State of Emergency, the situation has reached a political stalemate, with violence escalating on both sides. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Leipzig, Germany: Arson Attack Against the Federal Office of Taxes and Finances

Tuesday, December 10th, 2019

Arson Attack on Saxon federal office of taxes and finances – No one will be able to pacify our struggle – Solidarity Greetings to the fighting companions in Exarchia

The Saxon federal office of taxes and finances (LSF) is in charge of the financial administration of the Saxon federal state and provides the juristic basis for enforcement measures and the enforcement of juristic judgments, such as forced evictions or confiscations to compensate debts. Being under patronage of the German state, this ministry performs the political agenda of the free market. The LSF is enforcing the national financial policy, which privileges companies and disadvantages the people. This policy is driven by the ideology of the “Black Zero”. The neoliberal doctrine of economizing provokes the capital’s overarching control over all social spheres. Through privatization and the cutting of taxes for major companies, any social attempt is buried completely under the logic of profit.

Under guidance of the German State the dictate of economizing (Spardiktat), which is targeting us here, is enforced all over Europe and worldwide. Germany bears the blame for economizing the Greek public to complete destruction, as well as for letting loose the property of the Greek people to the total exploitation of private investors. In consequence rampant unemployment arose, many people lost their base of existence, some committed suicide, many died on the streets, because they haven’t had shelter or couldn’t afford necessary medical support or medication. (more…)

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Athens, Greece: Attack against surveillance systems company in Kaisariani

Tuesday, December 10th, 2019

While the garbage in uniforms occupied for another night Exarchia and the center of Athens, to fulfill the dreams of Mr. Chryssochidis of a dead and safe city, our ways lead to a soft target.

The image of George Orwell „1984“ is already reality. The internet of things implements televisions, refrigerators and other electronic stuff in our homes, in order to collect our data, to survey our habits, to transform human life in digital algorithm. They call it Smart City, we call it a totalitarian society.

A company which sells the hard ware of the smart city and also its ideologies, is the security company „Alphacom“. Alphacom not only provides this, but also CCTV technology and other equipment for the rich and for authorities, to protect their interests. And last but not least, Alphacom is selling and installing the products of Tyco. Tyco is a mulitinational company, which produces surveillance technologies for prisons worldwide and other security forces.
In the early hours of December 2, we burned the van of Alphacom in front of their shop in Kaisariani.

This fire was lit for anarchist prisoner Dino Giagtzoglou, who wrote a letter to the International Meeting against the Techno-Sciences in Italy (July 2019)

in which he mentions many reasons to fight this part of the capitalist powersystem. We welcome the upcoming research about the players in this game.

This fire was also lit for Loic, still in prison in Hamburg.

Finally, this attack was made in solidarity and sympathy with those persecuted for the Revolutionary Self-Defense case, as well as those persecuted for good intentions, kinship or friendship. Our strength and solidarity are superior to the politics and repressive operations.

Strength to the comrades Michailidis, Athanassopoulou, Chatzivasileiadis, who are in illegality.


via mpalothia

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Munich, Germany: Solidarity with the social revolt in Chile!

Sunday, November 24th, 2019

Munich, 20.11.19: In Chile tens of thousands of people have been revolting for weeks against the prevailing normality. Police stations, churches, banks, shopping malls, buses, subway stations and universities burn. The normal everyday life has come to a standstill and the state and capitalist power is attacked.

How can we express our solidarity and solidarity with the revolts there?

There are various possibilities … in Munich, for example, In recent nights, several ticket machines have been lit and burned at various stations. Also, the Chilean Consulate was defaced with color and “Fire to all states! (A)“ sprayed next to this. A nearby church was smeared and sprayed with “No God No State No Patriarchy” on it.

It would be nice if such proposals were to be disseminated wildly and other possibilities of solidarity put into practice.

Actforfree received anonymous email 21/11/19

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