Posts Tagged ‘Arson’

Surge of Anti-5G Arson Sabotage in Netherlands & UK

Sunday, April 19th, 2020


According to corporate media over the last fortnight a wave of arson attacks took place in the Netherlands against cellular phone repeaters. The last reported by the corporate media took place in Groningen. “Fuck 5G” was written at one site. The actions did not appear to be claimed. At least 15 attacks took place according to the info issued by the Dutch government through the media. Apparently the first fire was in Beesd on April 4. Since then transmission masts were also torched in Neerkant, Rotterdam, Nuenen, Dronten, Groningen, Oudenbosch, Veldhoven, Tilburg, and Almere. Reportedly, none of the antenna were 5G carriers, being 2G, 3G and 4G masts. Police reported that the method of sabotage was similar at each site. One instigator of the Groningen fire was caught on surveillance camera. Reportedly, European law enforcement officials are being pulled off terrorism cases in order to investigate arson attacks against 5G cellphone towers. The anti-5G arson attacks which initially took place in UK have sparked a blaze of attacks across Europe and beyond.

The Dutch security services started an anti-terrorist investigation covering the attacks. Further information and reports about the specifics of the actions are scarce. Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte was forced to make a statement about the anti-5G sabotage as the Dutch regime could not ignore it any longer. The sabotage seriously weakens the ability of the state to respond during a heightened moment of instability due to the coronavirus. Telecommunications industry companies are engaged in a public relations battle about the anti-5G actions and the implications for the expansion of 5G and the ‘Internet of Things’.

According to UK authorities and mobile companies another 20 attacks against 5G masts took place in UK over the Easter weekend. Arsons were reported in England, Wales and Scotland over the bank holiday – and follow others the previous weekend. Additional incidents were reported on Tuesday. So far 53 attacks have taken place from media news reports. Corporations continue with a joint media offensive to discredit the attacks, blaming them on the results of “misinformation” spread by “conspiracy theorists” and bot networks controlled by state actors such as Russia, Iran and others. Phone company EE issued a statement that it will be increasing security at high-risk sites. They said that guards who are patrolling those sites are being supplied with body cameras and are being instructed to alert local police. All of the communications industry companies had their infrastructure hit in the arson attacks.

Sabotage the Techno-Industrial System!

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EN/ES | Santiago, Chile: Responsibility claim for incendiary attack of a Transantiago Bus

Thursday, April 16th, 2020

31 March 2020

12 years after the death of Jonny Cariqueo Yáñez, who was assassinated on March 31 by a heart attack caused by a strong beating by the repressive forces of the State of $hile, during his arrest in a police hunt that March 29, 2008 in the commune of Pudahuel.

On the afternoon of March 31 of this year, a few hours from the curfew, we abandoned an homemade incendiary device on a Transantiago bus, for it to catch fire in or near its terminal, in one of the peripheries from the city.

This is an attack on the cruel and bloody machinery that governs civic life, against amnesia, passivity and inertia, attitudes which we reject, even in times of sanitary protection, since the war continues. The political-social-economic crisis that was being experienced in the country, which has been enhanced with the current world health crisis, shows us, once again, the clear interests and priorities of power in preserving the pockets of the rich and their companies rather than looking after the well-being of the common people, the poor people, the people marginalized and hostages of the police state. So we insist on breaking with the tranquility that seeks and promotes power. (more…)

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Sabotajes incendiarios al 5G, teorías de conspiración y Reino Unido

Saturday, April 11th, 2020

EL | Αγγλία: Εμπρηστικά σαμποτάζ ενάντια στο 5G, θεωρίες συνωμοσίας και Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο

EN | 5G Arson Sabotage, Conspiracy Theories and UK

FR | Sabotage incendiaire anti-5G, théories du complot et Royaume-Uni

+ [Reino Unido] Un balance de los ataques incendiarios a las antenas de telecomunicaciones

Según los medios de comunicación, otras cuatro antenas de telefonía móvil de Vodafone han sido incendiadas en las últimas 24 horas después de los recientes ataques de fuego a la infraestructura 5G que tuvieron lugar el 2 y 3 de abril.
También hay torres 3G y 4G entre las destruidas, aunque no está claro si fueron saboteadas involuntariamente o no. La información sobre los ataques en sí fue difícil de obtener debido a la limitada información disponible en los medios de comunicación y a la rápida censura en los medios sociales populares.

Desde los primeros ataques de la semana pasada, se han reportado al menos 20 ataques en todo el país, y hay reportes de ingenieros siendo interrogados, acosados y atacados por personas que tienen problemas con el 5G. Es evidente que, aunque todo está en bloqueo, la continua expansión y desarrollo del 5G ha seguido siendo una prioridad. El régimen del Reino Unido y las empresas de comunicaciones se vieron obligados a emitir una declaración en la que describían los riesgos que el 5G representa para la salud humana como “sin fondo” y achacaban el acoso y los ataques a las “teorías de la conspiración”. La empresa de medios sociales Facebook sacó de la red varios sitios dedicados a la grabación y aparentemente a la llamada de ataques anti-5G, y también hizo que su empresa de aplicaciones de mensajería WhatsApp restringiera la transmisión de mensajes. Esto es parte de un intento de plataforma cruzada por Twitter, Google, YouTube, etc. en un esfuerzo con el estado para coordinar la censura y el seguimiento de lo que ellos describen como “desinformación” sobre los orígenes de Covid-19. (more…)

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5G Arson Sabotage, Conspiracy Theories and UK

Wednesday, April 8th, 2020

EL | Αγγλία: Εμπρηστικά σαμποτάζ ενάντια στο 5G, θεωρίες συνωμοσίας και Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο

ES | Sabotajes incendiarios al 5G, teorías de conspiración y Reino Unido

FR | Sabotage incendiaire anti-5G, théories du complot et Royaume-Uni

+ FR | Royaume-Uni : Un bilan des attaques incendiaires de pylônes de télécommunication

+ IT | Regno Unito – Un bilancio degli attacchi incendiari ai piloni di telecomunicazione

+ ES | [Reino Unido] Un balance de los ataques incendiarios a las antenas de telecomunicaciones

According to corporate media another four Vodafone cell phone towers were torched in the 24 hours after the recent arson attacks targeting 5G infrastructure took place on April 2nd & 3rd. 3G and 4G towers were also part of those destroyed, although it’s unclear if they were unintentionally sabotaged or not. Information about the attacks themselves has been hard to ascertain due to limited information being issued by the mass media and rapid censorship of corporate social media.

Since the first attacks last week, at least 20 attacks are reported to have taken place across the country and there are reports of engineers also being questioned, harassed and attacked by people worried about 5G. It is clear that whilst everywhere is in lockdown the continued expansion and roll-out of 5G has remained a priority. The UK State regime and communications corporations were forced to issue a statement describing the risks that 5G poses to human health to be “baseless” and blamed the harassment and attacks on “conspiracy theories”. Social media corporation Facebook took down several pages dedicated to recording and apparently inciting the anti-5G attacks and also had their messaging app company WhatsApp limit the forwarding ability of messages. This is part of a cross-platform corporate attempt with Twitter, Google, Youtube etc to co-ordinate efforts together with the State to censor and track what they are describing as “misinformation” about the origins of Covid-19. (more…)

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5G Mobile Phone Masts Set on Fire in Merseyside and Birmingham (UK)

Saturday, April 4th, 2020

FR | Royaume-Uni : Face au techno-virus de la 5G, le remède est incendiaire – 2 et 3 avril 2020

ES | [Reino Unido-Irlanda] Antenas incendiadas en Merseyside, Tyseley, Melling, Sparkhil, Birmingham y Belfast

IT | Regno Unito: Antenne per la telefonia mobile incendiate nel Merseyside e a Birmingham

5G Masts were set alight in Sparkhill, Birmingham, on Thursday 2nd April, and Melling, Merseyside, on Friday 3rd April.

The 70ft mobile phone tower in Birmingham was torched shortly after 8pm. Firefighters were called to the EE structure ‘well alight’ on Spring Road in Tyseley. Police also attended to block off the road while the flames were tackled for over an hour.

In Melling, Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service said it extinguished a 5G mast tower fire near the M57 motorway late in the evening on Friday.

Also, at the end of September 2019, the EE/BT tower in Porth, Wales, was destroyed by an arson attack

Against all harmfulness and toxicity

Against the techno-prison-world

Find a global map of 5G infrastructure here:


* Updated from Sans Attendre Demain: During the same night of April 3, in Belfast, in Northern Ireland, a 5G relay antenna was also burnt down: In a video published on the internet, we see flames at the feet of a pylon erected on Antrim Road, in a neighborhood north of the city. We also hear voices saying “fuck the 5G!” and “Long live the Revolution!”. A firefighter confirms that several fires were ignited at the base of the antenna, destroying cables and an electrical box in particular.

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Anti-police riot and arsons in Bristol after state of emergency declared (UK)

Saturday, March 28th, 2020

23rd March – In the evening when (now infected) Prime Minister Boris Johnson declared the state of emergency and the new measures to deal with the coronavirus, cops in Southmead, Bristol, were harassing young people on the streets. The police were attacked with stones and bottles and two Iceland supermarket vans were torched outside their depo. Several cars were also smashed and set on fire across the city. Young people are already always under ‘special measures’ by the police -abuse, beatings, harassment, dispersal, special conditions – and rioting and fighting back is the only real solution, not staying in your house and being afraid.

The supermarkets and the other companies which are profiting massively from this ‘crisis’, -which is solely the responsibility of the structures of power and capital-, are valid and understandable targets for the nihilistic and anti-social rage against this situation.
The lies of the media tell us that we are ‘all in this together’ but it’s clear that we are not, and never will be.

It’s the fight of the young people and the irreducibles against this sick system and this is but one drop from the storm to come.

Death to the politicians, the police and those who have poisoned this world.

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Saxony, Germany: Double Incendiary Attack Against Prison Construction Companies

Sunday, March 22nd, 2020

An Early Easter Egg on Political Prisoners Day

We, as an early Easter egg, claim responsibility for the fires during the night of 18.03.2020 at two companies involved in the construction of the new Zwickau-Marienthal prison. [1]

Today is the anniversary of the International Day of Political Prisoners. This day was proclaimed to remember the many fighting comrades and comrades-in-arms who are in the dungeons of prisons worldwide. The date is based on the day on which the Paris Commune was proclaimed in 1871. For many people, the Paris Commune was and still is a reference point for revolutionary efforts for social justice and political freedom. The smashing of the Commune, the massacre of thousands of Communards and the deportation of hundreds of them to the penal colonies, where they died a slow death, was intended to show all revolutionaries in the world what a bourgeois government is prepared to do when it sees its power threatened.

Even today thousands of revolutionaries are sitting in the prisons of this world. The emancipatory struggle has been going on since the commune, and its children have come and are still coming under the wheels of repression. There has always been a struggle for the liberation and support of the prisoners. A fundamental critique of domination has been linked to a critique of the prison system and the morality of punishment. The demand for the liberation of the prisoners often turned into a demand to abolish prisons and to overcome the principle of punishment completely. (more…)

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Madrid: Arson of an electric car of the Car2Go company (Spain)

Friday, March 20th, 2020

On the night of February 24 to 25, we set fire to an electric car from the Car2Go company.

The new models of mobility and urbanism that are proposed to us by States and companies, in this case by way of “Carsharing” or “Smart Cities”, are part of a capitalist propaganda that seeks to whitewash the image of the hostile, devastating and inhuman capitalism of always. However, they are only an extension of the industrial disaster that perpetuates miserable conditions of existence that make its development and profit possible.
We do not want to reform capitalism, we want to destroy it. We don’t need any more reason to attack.

War on the State, capitalism and the daily annihilation of our lives.

For anarchy.


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Gières, France: Fire against a techno-scientific research laboratory

Friday, March 6th, 2020


The following text is entirely drawn from articles published by the media of the regime.
France3, Sunday 23rd February 2020

Fire has destroyed a building housing a research laboratory in the university area of Gières (Isère), a Grenoble suburb. Firefighters fought the flames during the night and are still in action this morning Sunday 23rd February 2020. A crisis unit was set up between 3 and 4am, as disaster struck in the 1,300-square metres building in rue de la Piscine.

«The fire is most likely to be of criminal origin because a door of the building seems to have been forced and the fire started in several points», announced Eric Vaillant, a public prosecutor from Grenoble.
The flames devastated 700 square metres of the first floor. The damage amounts to several hundred thousand euros, a great deal of research material has been destroyed but there were no casualties. According to the laboratory director «about 10 years’ work» has gone up in smoke. At the height of the intervention 43 firefighters and five firefighting hoses were mobilized. (more…)

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F.B.I – Urgent Call to Anarchic Action – March 2020 (Mexico)

Wednesday, February 26th, 2020

Let’s make March the hottest month in history!

Urgent Call to Anarchic Action:

As ANARCHIC WARRIORS IN THE FIGHT AGAINST PATRIARCHY, we call all our comrades to be present in the fight in the streets next Sunday 8th March and let’s extend the insurrection throughout the month of March: In one day there is not enough room for all our fury! We will go out again with our anti-systemic rage and hope to spread fury again within the numb sectors of the so-called “feminist movement”. This is a war and we are prepared for war. We know that since the heights of power prepare the repression of the protest. But we are not intimidated, we will turn the protest into a widespread insurrection.

In his morning circus-mass, the peje-ganzo-poop-president every day starts the massive media machine and tries to impose a change of reality to ensure public opinion and be able to repress at ease.

First, he accused the anarchists of being “conservatives”, and now he extends the title to the so-called “feminist movement”. He accuses that there is a “black hand” in the struggle for the destruction of patriarchy. Saying what lies behind our rage because they rape us and kill us, is the right hand of fascism.

This reversal of roles is the script of the change of reality that they try to impose from Power. Again he thinks that he grabs us with the assholes but he doesn’t fool us. We know who are the true conservatives and fascists. All government is of a Conservative and fascist nature.

In its Fourth Transformation, examples of conservatism abound… The alliance between evangelical fascism and the retro-Bolshevik left is the main test of the union of misogynist dogs.

The morning message of Christian morality and its call to strengthen the Mexican hetero-patriarchal family is the evidence. Family structures which are hetero-patriarchal are the basis of the State (sacred or secular) and the continuity of patriarchy.

As we have expressed before: We are aware of the presence in the national palace of a misogynist and sexist, pro-life, ultra-conservative and evangelical fascist who has been an ally of the left in its constant opportunism to “take power” at all costs.

They can fool the good people (happy, content and ignorant) but us, NEVER. That’s why we will not put a limit on the revolt.
We will continue releasing the subway turnstiles throughout March, inviting individual and collective disobedience, spreading the fury…

We do not want dialogue or new laws: we want to burst the system of hetero-patriarchal domination. And we will do it with all our creativity, like Mrs. Yakul, teaching us about the Chilean insurrectionists, not with drums and choreographies but with the stone and the molotov.

The struggle has reached a decisive turning point: let’s extend the revolt.

Let the sky explode with the chambermaid God and everything!
Let’s destroy everything that dominates us!
The Insurgentes subway square will be the Plaza de Las Insurgentes!
If one day we do not return home: Do not light candles, light barricades!
Neither God, nor State, nor Master, nor Husband!
The State-Capital, with AMLO or without AMLO [Mexican President], Patriarchy is what weaves!
Let’s destroy everything that dominates and conditions us!

Anarchic solidarity with all the comrades and fellow prisoners around the world!
Against the patriarchal civilization!
For the control of our own lives!
For the destruction of gender!
For the insurrectional anarchic tension!
For Anarchy!
Fire to all that exists!

Phenomenal Witches and Insurrectionists (F.B.I), formerly Female Witches and Insurrectionists / F.B.I. (Féminas Brujas e Insurreccionalistas)

Mexico City, Monday 24 February 2020.

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Athens, Greece: Claim of responsibility for car arsons in Philopappou Hill near Koukaki area

Sunday, February 23rd, 2020

Four VIP van (Tourist small taxis buses) arsons took place in the early hours of Wednesday in Koukaki, near Philopappou Hill.

We carried out this attack as retaliation and a sign of solidarity with the people who were beaten and arrested by the forces of State repression during the reoccupation of the squats in Koukaki as well in solidarity with those arrested after the buildings were recaptured.

The target was selected near the squats firstly to remind to the cops that no matter how hard they try they can’t protect neighbourhoods from black-hooded people and secondly because these vehicles exist only to serve tourists and the tourism industry.

“There is a right to the brick.
There is a right on the stick.
There is a right to Molotovs in Exarchia, or anywhere.
There is a right to car arson.
There is a right to armed struggle.
There is a right to revolt and liberation from slavery.“

Chrysochoidis (Minister of Citizen Protection of Greece)

1,000 squats for each eviction
One bullet for each cop

Translated by Act for freedom now!

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Update on the situation of the persecuted comrades in Madrid, for the attack on a Bankia ATM (Spain)

Saturday, February 22nd, 2020

The persecution of anarchist solidarity.

On October 29, 2018 in Madrid, two anarchist companions were detained, in their respective homes, on charges of property damage.

Specifically they are accused of damaging with fire a Bankia ATM on April 11, 2018 in solidarity with the anarchist prisoner Lisa, who was convicted of a bank robbery in Aachen (Germany).

The companions went to court on October 30, 2018 and they were released pending trial. During that year the classification of the offense was as a misdemeanor, however, in November of 2019, after the prosecution appeal, the crime was again classified as normal, giving rise to the possibility that they will be condemned to prison. Currently the investigation has already closed and they are waiting for the prosecution to present the indictment.

This is another one of the many attacks that the State carries out against anarchism, beyond the facts, without entering into terms of innocence or guilt, because they are nothing more than the terms of Power to condemn and pigeonhole anyone who rebels against authority. What are now targeted are anarchist principles and practices, legitimate practices like solidarity and direct action against everything that we apply pressure to.

That is why we consider it necessary that these cases do not remain forgotten, because the work of repression feeds on this by generating misinformation regarding anarchist ideas and practices and by trying to delegitimize and demobilize them through “exemplary punishments”. Facing this continuous persecution of ideas and practices, anarchists must prevail and thus continue the offensive against the State.

Stay tuned for more information.



via ContraMadriz.

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Posted in Social Control

PDF: Storms & Lightnings – An overview of attacks and sabotages in France in 2019

Wednesday, February 19th, 2020

PDF: Storms & Lightnings

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Buenos Aires, Argentina: Explosive attack against a Butchershop – For animal liberation and against progress

Tuesday, February 4th, 2020

via Contra Info:

We assume full responsibility for the abandonment of an explosive in front of a butcher shop on Mansilla street, corner Larrea, on Tuesday 28 at night, in Buenos Aires. The device was composed of two cans of butane gas, a firecracker and 1 liter of gasoline. We do not know what happened, but it was intended to damage this exploitative cursed establishment and cause terror to the civilized who exploit animals and damage the earth in the name of progress, without caring about anything.

Let them know that our wicks are ready and our explosives look towards their bastard world of garbage. We will not hesitate to attack, we want to see it burn completely, because those who do not respect the earth or its co-inhabitants do not deserve to exist. We will continue stalking …

For total liberation!
For the war against progress and for wild nature!

Wolves Cell

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Milan, Italy: Arson attack against the school of the local municipality police

Thursday, January 30th, 2020


It’s time to put the romantic image of the “Ghisa” directing traffic in the attic. For years now, the “Localini” have had almost the same powers as the other repressive forces, patrolling the territory and making investigations and arrests.

For this reason, on the night between 22 and 23 January, we set fire to local municipality police vehicles inside their school in Milan, located in Boeri street, partially damaging some internal structures. Actions like this one show how it is still possible to attack the power, in spite of more and more advanced and numerous technological means of control and an asphyxiating patrol of the cities. Armed forces and guardians of order are not symbolic objectives, but concrete and daily builders of a deadly system based on the exploitation and systematic extermination of the last ones.

Their zealous exercise of authority consists in imposing on individuals respect for the laws desired by the powerful. This abject choice cannot remain without consequences and disturbing their tranquillity is what must be done.

In acting today, our thoughts go to all the anarchist and anti-authoritarian comrades locked up in jails all over the world and to those who, pursued by the police force, have chosen and choose to go into hiding. To them goes our solidarity, but even more so our active support.

Their struggles are our struggles, their actions our actions.
For revolt and anarchy.

[Note: The local police are basically the municipal police, present in almost every Italian city and municipality. “Ghisa” (“cast iron”) and “Localini” are two nicknames for local police officers in Milan. The local (or municipality) police force should not be confused with the state police (dependent on the public security department of the Ministry of the Interior) and the Carabinieri (dependent on the Ministry of Defence)].

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