Posts Tagged ‘Spyros Mandylas’

(Grecia) Dictan condenas contra Andreas Tsavdaridis, Spyros Mandilas y compas de CCF por acciones del “Proyecto Fénix” / Update on the conclusion of the ‘Phoenix Project’ trial

Thursday, August 4th, 2016


[Por Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras tomando información desde blog “Mpalothia]

El martes 26 de julio a las nueve de la mañana en una sala especial para juicios en la prisión femenina de Koridalos se desarrolló la sesión final del jucio por los ataques del “Proyecto Fénix” en Grecia. El juicio duró más de dos años y comenzó en junio de 2014.

Lxs acusadxs fueron lxs compañerxs Spyros Mandilas (quien ha negado los cargos pero ha defendido la violencia revolucionaria anarquista), Andreas Tsavdaridis (quien desde un comienzo asumió su responsabilidad en el envío de un paquete bomba contra un jefe de policía en 2013) y lxs 10 compañerxs de Conspiración de Células del Fuego, quienes ya estaban todxs en prisión cuando se realizaron los ataques.

En la sala de audiencias compañerxs solidarixs estuvieron presentes apoyando a lxs compañerxs acusadxs.

En concreto, lxs compañerxs estaban siendo acusadxs de:

1) Andreas Tsavdaridis:
I) Participación en Conspiración de Células del Fuego.
II) Atentado homicida contra el ex comandante de la agencia antiterrorista Dimitris Chorianopoulou con un paquete bomba.
III) Intento de explosión (por el paquete bomba)
IV) Posesión de explosivos (por el paquete bomba)

2) Spyros Mandilas:
I) Participación en Conspiración de Células del Fuego
II) Atentado homicida contra el ex comandante de la agencia antiterrorista Dimitris Chorianopoulou con un paquete bomba.
III) Intento de explosión (por el paquete bomba)
IV) Posesión de explosivos (por el paquete bomba)

3) Conspiración de Células del Fuego:
I) Incitación al asesinato en el atentado contra el ex comandante de la agencia antiterrorista Dimitris Chorianopoulou (paquete bomba)
II) Incitación en intento de explosión (por el mismo paquete bomba)
III) Instigación a la posesión de explosivos (por el mismo paquete bomba)
IV) Incitación a explosión (por la explosión del automóvil de la directora de la prisión de Korydallos, María Stefie, en junio de 2013)
V) Instigación a la posesión de explosivos (por la misma explosión anterior)
VI) Incitar a una explosión (explosión en automovil del carcelero Argyris Gkelmpoura en junio de 2013)
VII) Instigación a la posesión de explosivos (por la misma explosión anterior)
VIII) Apoyo a los ataques ya mencionados.

Finalmente, las condenas fueron las siguientes:

* Andreas Tsavdaridis: encontrado “culpable” por cuatro cargos y condenado a 32 años de cárcel de los cuales deberá cumplir 21 en prisión.

* Spyros Mandilas: encontrado “inocente” de todos los cargos, pero la corte se negó a devolrverle los dos computadores incautados por la policía durante el allanamiento a la Okupa Nadir.

* Conspiración de Células del Fuego: todxs lxs compañerxs de CCF fueron declaradxs “culpables” y condenados a un total de 74 años de cárcel, de los cuales 21 deben cumplir en prisión.

Nos negamos a que la represión tenga la última palabra en esta historia, por eso compartimos un recuento de las 18 acciones que desde el año 2013 se han desarrollado como parte del “Proyecto Fénix”:

1) Grecia (Atenas): 7 de junio de 2013. Voladura del automóvil personal de la directora de la prisión de Korydallos, reivindicado por Conspiración de Células del Fuego-FAI/FRI y “Pandillas de la Conciencia-FAI/FRI, Célula ‘Sole Baleno'”. http://alturl.com/9f4q4

2) Grecia (Atenas): 12 de junio de 2013. Voladura del automóvil personal de un carcelero de la prisión de Nauplia, reivindicado por “Conspiración Internacional por la Venganza”. http://alturl.com/acrkh

3) Indonesia (Yakarta) : 26 de junio de 2013. Incendio intencional en la 3ª planta del hotel Sheraton, reivindicado por “Unidad de la Cólera-Conspiración Internacional por la Venganza”. http://alturl.com/2hiud

4) Grecia (Tesalónica): 3 de julio de 2013. Envío de paquete explosivo
contra el ex comandante de la unidad antiterrorista, reivindicado por “Federación Anarquista Informal-Frente Revolucionario Internacional, Comando ‘Mauricio Morales'”. Por esta acción fueron detenidos los compañeros Spyros Mandilas y Andreas Tsavdaridis (quien asumió su responsabilidad en la acción). http://alturl.com/ikxdp

5) Indonesia (Balikpapan) : 24 de agosto de 2013. Incendio intencional de la Escuela de Policía “Libertad para Kernel Mandilis y Tsavdaridis “Conspiración Internacional por la Venganza-FAI/FRI, Célula ‘Libertad para Mandylas y Tsavdaridis'”. http://alturl.com/4mof9

6) Grecia (Atenas): 1 de septiembre de 2013. Envío de paquete explosivo contra el juez de apelación especial Dimitris Mokka, reivindicado por “Conspiración de Células del Fuego-Célula ‘Ryo'”. http://alturl.com/wihgm

7) Rusia (Bryansk) : 2 de octubre de 2013. Incendio contra aserradero de madera en los terrenos de un complejo hotelero y de caza. Reivindicado por “FLT-FAI, Comando ‘Nestor Makhno’. http://alturl.com/p2jwn

8) Chile (Santiago): 16 de noviembre de 2013. Ataque incendiario/explosivo en la 98° Junta Electoral en la comuna de La Reina. Reivindicado por desde “Célula ‘Larga vida a Ilya Romanov’- Afines a la Internacional Negra”. http://alturl.com/f7ipq

9) México (Toluca): de 18 de noviembre de 2013,artefacto explosivo en una iglesia y un banco en el distrito de San Sebastián. 21 de diciembre de 2013, artefacto explosivo-incendiario en banco cerca del aeropuerto. Ataques reivindicados por la “Facción Anti-civilización del Frente de Liberación de la Tierra”, junto a la Federación Anarquista Informal (FA-FLT / FAI). http://alturl.com/ef7ao

10) Indonesia (Malang): 9 de enero de 2014. Ataque contra cajero automático, reivindicado por la “Célula ‘Sebastián Oversluij Seguel’- Conspiración Internacional por la Venganza, Federación Anarquista Informal”. http://alturl.com/82fwq

11) Alemania (Berlin): 8 de april de 2014, incendio de vehículos de
autoridad municipal y de empresa de seguridad. 24 de abril de 2014, incendio de un vehículo de la embajada perteneciente a una diplomática griega. Reivindicado por “Célula Autónoma ‘Christos Kassimis'”. http://alturl.com/8h8wt

12) Indonesia: 16 de abril de 2014, incendio de dos oficinas del comité de elecciones generales, en Sulawesi. 19 de abril de 2014, incendio de una sucursal de la empresa nacional de electricidad en Madiun, en el este de Java. 23 de abril de 2014, colocación de artefacto incendiario en la Compañía Nacional de Electricidad en Semarang, en Java Central. 28 de abril de 2014, sabotaje de dos automóviles que estaban programados para el transporte de las papeletas de votación en la región del sudeste de Minahasa, en Manado, la capital provincial. 5 y 8 de mayo de 2014, ataque en tres plantas de energía en tres lugares diferentes. Acciones reivindicadas por la “Conspiración Internacional para la Venganza (CIV), Federación Anarquista Informal (FAI), Frente Revolucionario Internacional (FRI). http://alturl.com/8h8wt

13) Italia: 7 de mayo de 2014. Instalación de artefacto incendiario en una estación de gasolina y sabotaje a través de cortes en mangueras abastecedoras del combustible. Reivindicado por “Conspiración del Fuego Negro–FAI/FRI”. http://alturl.com/8h8wt

14) Inglaterra (Bristol): 10 de junio de 2014. Incendios contra la infraestructura de 7 antenas de célular, reivindicado por “Cables con corriente FAI/FLT”. http://alturl.com/8h8wt

15) República Checa (Olomouc): 26 de marzo. Ataque incendiario contra patrulla policial, reivindicado por “Célula Poesía de Fuego FAI/FRI”. http://alturl.com/6dm3g

16) Chile (Santiago): 07 de abril de 2015. Ataque con artefacto incendiario contra la empresa de explotación animal Ganadera Río Bueno, reivindicado por la “Célula Anarquista de Ataque Incendiario ‘Fuego y Conciencia’- Federación Anarquista Informal/Frente Revolucionario Internacional (FAI/FRI). http://alturl.com/4up67

17) Chile (Santiago): Enero 2016. Ataque con artefacto incendiario contra empresa de seguridad privada. Reivindicado por la “Célula Anarquista de Ataque Incendiario ‘Fuego y Conciencia’- Federación Anarquista Informal/Frente Revolucionario Internacional (FAI/FRI). http://alturl.com/5ecf9

18) Reino Unido (Bristol): 28 de junio de 2016. Ataque incendiario contra depósito de vehículos de la policía. Reivindicado como “Célula de Lluvia-FAI/FRI”. http://alturl.com/do2ip

Para más información sobre los objetivos que dan vida al “Proyecto Fénix”, ver el siguiente video: https://vimeo.com/125059680


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Posted in Social Control

Political declaration of Spyros Mandylas in the trial for the 1st police raid on Nadir Squat, Thessaloniki (Greece)

Tuesday, July 12th, 2016

Political declaration of Spyros Mandylas

Trial for the 1st invasion of the cops in Nadir squat

P.J.= President Judge
S.M.= Spyros Mandylas

P.J.: Tell us about those that you are accused of. What do you have to declare?

S.M.: At first, before saying anything else, I want to mention that the girl Ks. K., who has been arrested with me, has nothing to do with the case. For my own choices it’s only me who will take the blame. I met Ks. on my way to Nadir and because the cops wanted to do the invasion when I would have been inside the squat, she was arrested with me. I highlight this, from the beginning, in order to consider it.

As for the accusations. I accept some of them and some not.

But before I start talking about these I would like to say something about Nadir squat. I claim the political responsibility for Nadir from 2004 until today. The political actions of Nadir all these years are many and different. We have done events, discussions, bars, we have organized protests, we were hosting the radio station of radio-revolt, we have done a variety of actions in the city and we have published some books. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Review of the event about CCF in “Biblioteca Kaos” on May 26 (Brazil)

Wednesday, June 1st, 2016

Dealing with the perpetual technical problems that the comrades who attend the library already know, we present the book “Our day will come” that we translated to Portuguese and we watched the movie made by CCF comrades “Phoenix Project. The Return of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire”.

We began the event with the reading of the words written by the comrades of “Sin Banderas, ni Frontera”, core of agitation and anti-authoritarian propaganda from Chile, of Kataklysma contra information blog, of Spyros Mandylos and of the CCF comrades. We know that these words arrived to us and teased us deeply; that listen to them was an important moment of the event. It would have been difficult not to feel us captivated by the strenght of the messages read and the firmness that they transmit. After the reading, we watched the video of the Phoenix Project, the words and voices of the comrades in the video made all of us feel closer of the comrades, and, at the same time in which we delighted with the accurate attacks against domination.

Breaking grades, frontiers and distance that separates us was one of our aim with the initiative of realizing this event. We believe that in this breaking, resides the solidarity, at the end, transforming distant in near, we bring seeds for the insurrect action in this territory, and we know that it doesn’t exist better solidarity act that the attack. Nevertheless, this event was one more impulse so that we have to keep sharpen ours knives pointing against Power… (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

A contribution to the event of “Biblioteca Kaos”, that takes place in Porto Alegre, Brazil, from the anarchist-nihilist, Spyros Mandylas (Greece)

Wednesday, June 1st, 2016

Salute comrades,

I would prefer my interference to be face-to-face, being among us. But my restriction orders don’t allow me to move across the borders of Thessaloniki city. The restriction orders is a tactic that is used frequently by the Greek state and it attempts to keep anarchists as political hostages.

I would like to salute this event by highlighting the importance of events such this, in which there is the participation of people who either they have accomplished armed actions or they have been targeted from the repressive mechanisms of the state with the excuse of the anarchist urban guerilla. Also, it’s important the fact that this event has international characteristics, which proves that solidarity can’t be restricted by the borders.

I would like to mention 2 subjects. The first one is the connection between the “public” and the “illegal” parts of anarchy and the second one is my personal opinion about the way the nihilist tendency -the “third pole” as it’s used to be referred to the last years- should be organized. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Urgent news – Anarchist hunger striker Spyros Mandylas is in danger of dying (Greece)

Monday, May 4th, 2015

NEW“Everything for freedom” : End of Spyros Mandylas’ hunger strike.

UPDATE54th day of hungerstrike.

Inter Arma received and translated:


According to the doctor monitoring the health of the hunger striker Spyros Mandylas, if the total loss of his weight, which has reached 25%, reaches 28% then he will lose his life.

It should be stressed out once again that the life of our comrade is in immediate danger and that the full weight of responsibility in case of any permanent damage or loss will fall on his 39 co-defendants, the judges Lygas, Panagiotakopoulou, Stergoudi, Zografos who trialed him without being present and sentenced him to seven years of imprisonment with a 5,000 euros bail. The judge who will review his demand of not paying the bail on Monday 4/5, will also be responsible if he rejects it, since in this case the comrade will continue his hunger strike and won’t accept the payment of the bail to be made by comrades and friends.

Medical report (in Greek)


Anarchist Squat Nadir

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Text of the hunger striker Spyros Mandylas (Greece)

Tuesday, April 14th, 2015

Inter Arma received and translated:


Today, 12/04, I am on the 30th day of hunger strike. In these 30 days of hunger strike I’ve lost 13 pounds, sugar and pressure levels are at breaking point and I had some fainting episodes. The possibility, after a proposal from the doctors, of me being transferred to a hospital is open in the following days. So, I declare that my hunger strike will continue there too and I make it now clear that it will not accept serum and I do not allow doctors administer it to me even if I fall into a coma. The responsibility for my life is mine alone. The responsibility, however, for my imprisonment falls exclusively on the judges Lygas, Panagiotakopoulou, Stergoudi, Zografos and on my 39 co-defendants.

All this time I consciously chose not to speak my mind with a second personal text, since the demands of other hunger strikes that had started before me were not satisfied at all. So I only published some updates on the state of my health. Besides, anyone who wanted to know what was going on, was able to find out.

All this time my 39 co-defendants, rather than trying to contain their humiliation they have engaged in a cheap game of impressions, online comments and texts filled with lies, while others have chosen the tactic of the ostrich. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Video: Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Phoenix Project – An account of the FAI/IRF Project 'Phoenix' (Black International)

Sunday, April 12th, 2015

English subtitled version of the film giving the account of the early part of the Phoenix Project, international project of sabotage and attack with over a dozen hits in a variety of different countries.

Dedicated to Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai, Olga Cell FAI/IRF, who took responsibility for the laming of CEO Roberto Adinolfi of Ansaldo Nucleare.

“We are here, where everything starts now.”

The Project of ‘Phoenix’ is the unfolding of a hidden map marking one of the routes to the Atlantis of practical theory. An unknown and lost continent that exists beyond the edges of the burning cities of the interzone. Created through action, dialogue and ideas and organised informally with anarchic principles of permanent autonomous attack, revolutionary solidarity and internationalism. A sequence of attacks by different radical direct action groups around the world, breaking the silence of isolation and striking back again against the prison societies of the techno-industrial system.

The imprisoned members of CCF are charged with instigation for the attacks, Spyros Mandylas and Andreas Tsavdaridis were arrested and charged for act #4 in the project, sending a parcel-bomb to the former commander of the anti-terrorist agency, Dimitris Xorianopoulos, whilst Christos Rodopoulos is reportedly accused of the mailing of the parcel bomb to Dimitris Mokkas, chief prosecutor in the CCF case, as act #6.

The Phoenix project is now renewed through the 2015 attacks in Chile, Czech Republic and Greece, with the comrades within the territory of Czech Republic initiating the campaign Let’s destroy repression. The story of the Phoenix continues to be written…




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Posted in Library

Hunger Strike: Vehicles owned by ISS and Vodafone companies torched by FAI-IRF / Fire and Fury (Greece)

Friday, March 20th, 2015

(Athens, 05-14/03/2015)

Inter Arma received and translated:

“The State terrorizes,
It slings mud, it fools, it besots, it pretends
Its omnipotence is now a myth
Our rage, it makes us stronger, its alienation doesn’t touch us
The store windows of authority are smashed by us with stones
The chains of obedience are melted by us with the rebellious flame that burns inside every oppressed one
Our eyes are open
Our ears capture every sound
Our thinking is crystal
Our fury is unthinkable
Our choice is one: Violent, uncontrollable and constant struggle against state and authority
We are angry, we are rebellious,


Lambros Foundas

After the disclosure of the escape plan of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire from Korydallos prison, for which its members have claimed full responsibility, the counter-terrorism agency, exposed by the complete plan prepared by the imprisoned comrades, unleashed, with the full cooperation of the known snitches of the mass media of deception, a wild pogrom of arrests of their relatives and friends which resulted in the detention of the mother of Gerasimos and Christos Tsakalos and of the girlfriend of the first one, on charges of participation in a terrorist organization. The targeting of relatives and friends of imprisoned anarchists by the slimy judges and the motherfuckers of the counter-terrorism agency is not something new, as we have seen it repeatedly in the past, in cases such as the wife of Dimitris Koufodinas who was imprisoned in the underground isolation cells of Korydallos prison for participation in N17 [November 17, armed group] and the wife of Kostas Gournas, member of Revolutionary Struggle, who was put on trial for the case.

In this [present] case, the ridiculous accusations attributed to relatives of the Conspiracy, signed by the vile Nikopoulos and Asprogerakas (at the same time the latter one signed the prison releases of the members of the [neo-nazi party] Golden Dawn), display the vengeful fury of the repressive authorities against the unyielding and proud attitude of the imprisoned comrades, putting before them the emotional blackmail of the imprisonment of their loved ones. The comrades and anarchist Angeliki Spyropoulou in response to the vindictive detention of their relatives, are since March 2 on hunger strike until death demanding their immediate release. On the same day Maziotis, Koufodinas and Gournas and anarchist prisoners participating in NFP [Network of Fighting Prisoners] started a hunger strike against the counter-terrorism legislation, Type C prisons and demand the immediate release of Savvas Xiros [injured-disabled imprisoned member of N17]. Apart from the different starting points and theoretical perceptions we may have, we believe that the demands for which the anarchists hunger strikers struggle, concern everyone, so we support their struggle.

Through our action we want to send our strength and incendiary solidarity to the imprisoned brothers of the Conspiracy and to Aggeliki Spyropoulou. Brothers and sisters stay strong, our time will come. On March 5 we torched a vehicle in Messologiou street in Dafni owned by ISS company, which among others provides security services and has also undertaken the cleaning of the sterile spaces of mechanized movement of the Subway, and on March 14 we delivered a truck owned by VODAFONE company in Theocritus Street, in Nea Smyrni to the fire.

“Society is the mirror of the absurd part where I am locked up: a prison made by insuperable walls and invisible cells”
Adriano Antonacci

Social control is one of the main consolidation strategies of domination. Its practical applications respond to the historical circumstances that it has to face and they ensure their formal justification for “security reasons”. The feeling of security is referred to as a social good, the common good, ceases to exist as a fundamental achievement of the social structure when it is challenged, when it cracks and the stake of social peace becomes fragile. The destabilization of the social fabric is expressed in the practical challenge, declared by the aggressive actions and the internal hostilities of the anarchist war which develop their own potential, expressing a direct threat to all kinds of authority. Their present and their diffusion are State policy priorities which are articulated basically on two main axes: ‘risk prevention efforts’ and an indefinite extension of the concept of the ‘suspect’.

These two elements are the components of the modern repressive paradigm expressed significantly through the consolidation of a panopticon-like control system. Movements, behaviors, relationships, communication become an observation field from which the mechanisms of authority try to predict by mining information. The security cameras in every corner of the metropolis, targeted searches and area patrols by private security companies and the monitoring of telephone communications are indicative practices of a control policy displayed with the refined image of modernization. The interference in our private moments that aims at extracting and processing information in order to form a more complete profile about an individual, happens through technological progress and its practical applications which especially in recent years seems to grow and target towards that direction specifically. The repressive paradigm is the safety of authority. That’s all it ever was and that’s what it will continue to be.

“Today that the world is rotting and dishonesty and compromise humiliate even the bravest souls, only one tactic is practical and beneficial. To be unflinching.”
Nikos Kazantzakis

Starting from the conclusion that the state and society are inherent elements of this aged civilization, no matter the face and facet they are presented through, being an enemy of individual freedom, we, from our side, welcome to the political foreground the leftist-statists of SYRIZA and the nationalists of ANEL promising to disturb their social peace in every opportunity and with all our strength.

As every herd need its shepherd, so does the majority, which sealed in the elections the perpetuation of its slavery, needs its savior. This time it chose to wait under the governmental table of SYRIZA’s vendors of hope hoping to grab a pittance, waiting the social and economical advancement their Alexis had promised them before the elections. Promises given by SYRIZA were particularly attractive and alleviative for the masses, severely in the regard of the latest period of harsh state politics of the previous governments. Politics implemented by the capitalist states, regardless of ideological differences and colors, aims at the conservation of social peace and that’s why they make sure the resentment and indignation of the masses are absorbed at the source. The digestible left rhetoric and its promises for moderation seemed to have convinced not only the chameleon voters but also a part of the anarchist milieu which rushed to support it, notarizing its flirt with the Left regime. Reality, however, confirms that hopes remain illusions. Humanitarian, reformist or refined authority means nothing more than the assignment of our lives’ administration to others.

The same time that the mob celebrates along with SYRIZA for the so-called victories in the European negotiations, the same time the internal judgments in police [performance] take place while simultaneously a huge terror-show is being organized with invasions into anarchists’ houses, abductions and arrests of people followed by the relevant TV cannibalism, presenting them as products for consumption in favor of society’s TV tastes. It’d be best for the leadership and hangers on of the Ministries of Justice and Public Order to realize that we are not going to stay and watch our comrades and anarchist prisoners being derided. As long as authority exists there will always be rebellious individualities embodying the internal enemy.

“The most important thing, however, is to juxtapose ourselves against society. A behavior that will indicate that we are not going to surrender to society, nor centralize our activities around it, but that we will live by our own terms.”
Feral Faun

We call every rebellious individuality, every anarchist of praxis to increase and escalate our attacks in solidarity with the hunger strikers.








Informal Anarchist Federation / International Revolutionary Front

Fire and Fury

P.S. To be continued

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Posted in Direct Action

Comrade Spiros Mandylas re-arrested and held in Thessaloniki – Now on hunger strike (Greece)

Thursday, March 12th, 2015

UPDATE: Text by anarchist prisoner Spiros Mandylas about his new arrest and his hunger strike

Inter Arma received and translated:

Comrade Spiros Mandylas was arrested today [10 March] in the afternoon and he will be presented tomorrow before the persecutor, who will decide whether he will be detained or not. He is held in the General Police Agency of Thessaloniki and he refused to be subjected to body control, something that infuriated the cops. He is strong and in high spirits.

The reason for his arrest is the fact that he didn’t pay the 5.000 fine he was sentenced to by the trial that ended last Thursday 05/03, a trial that took place without the presence of the comrade and his lawyer, while his co-defendants, except one, legitimized the trial, thus his sentence, with their presence there.

A text written by the comrade will be published in the following days.

A previous text written by the comrade about this case

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Posted in Social Control

Open letter by Spyros Mandylas concerning the trial about the conflict within the movement in 2012 in Thessaloniki (Greece)

Friday, February 27th, 2015

From InterArma:

Today, Thursday 26th of February, the trial concerning the inner-movement conflicts of 2012 in Thessaloniki was continued after a break.

From my side, it became clear from the first moment, the fact that the trial cannot take place at this time because my lawyer Fragiskos Ragousis faces some impediment and I am already on the trial concerning “Phoenix” project which takes place in Athens.

Today, the court decided to begin the process although I was not represented by a lawyer. It should be noted that in this trial I am accused of felonies concerning explosions, possession and use of explosives etc. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Report about the case of the escape attempt of members of CCF (Greece)

Friday, January 16th, 2015

It was 3rd of January when after a wide operation of anti-terrorist police, the wanted comrade Ch.Xiros was arrested in the region of Anavissos. At the same time, there was detected a hideout in the same region. After a stake-out of this property cops discovered a large amount of ammunition and firearms (8 Kalashnikovs, 1 RPG, 3 rockets, hundreds of bullets, more than 150 kilos of explosives etc.), drawings regarding an escape plan of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire members and a fake ID of comrade Angeliki. (who was visiting members of CCF in prison). The very same night EKAM (special forces of anti-terrorist police) and officers of anti-terrorist police raided all the cells of CCF members in prison, and the comrades Christos Tsakalos and Gerasimos Tsakalos, as well as the comrades Spiros Mandilas and Andreas Tsavdaridis, were transferred to a solitary confinement wing in a dungeon under Korydallos prison where there are no other prisoners.

In the next days, the anti-terrorist police declares comrade Angeliki is a fugitive and starts an intense man-hunt for her arrest (after giving her photo in publicity through all TV channels), and they discover another safehouse in the region of Loutraki where they found dozens of ready-made bombs, a gun, and two stolen vehicles (1 jeep and 1 van).

The Minister of Public Order and the Chief of Police are making official statements announcing that police managed to prevent an escape plan of the members of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire. According to this announcement, some comrades would attack and blow up the outside wall of the prison wing that members of CCF were held in, with a mega-bomb of 150 kilos of explosives put in a trapped vehicle (stolen van) and with the Kalashnikovs and the RPG would strike armed guards at the guard-houses of the prison.

After that, they would escape with CCF members in stolen vans which they intended to change with other stolen vehicles during the route of escape with the safehouses as destinations.

The imprisoned members of CCF published two texts (It was worth a try, Communique of War) in which they express their solidarity with comrade Angeliki and they closed with the phrase “Nothing is over…. Everything continues.”

Freedom to the imprisoned members of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire
Solidarity with the fugitive comrade Angeliki

Comrades in solidarity

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Anarchist comrades Spyros Mandylas and Andreas Tsavdaridis are free (Greece)

Monday, January 12th, 2015

On Monday, 12/01, in the afternoon, anarchist comrades Spyros Mandylas and Andreas Tsavdaridis were released as the 18-months pre-trial detention that was imposed on them has finally ended. We remind that the comrades were arrested on 12/07/2013 and are accused of being members of the anarchist guerrilla group the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and for the shipping of a parcel bomb to the former commander of anti-terrorist agency, Dimitris Xorianopoulos, which took place in July 2013 and was carried out by Commando “Mauricio Morales”-FAI/IRF, as part of the “Phoenix” project (act 4), an attack which Andreas has claimed responsibility for. We welcome with great joy our comrades back to the streets of continuous insurrection.

Strength to the comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

Freedom to anarchist prisoners of war

Fury and Conscience


Inter Arma

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Comrade Christodoulos Xiros is transferred to Domokos – International solidarity to the wanted in connection to the CCF escape case (Greece)

Sunday, January 11th, 2015

Friday 09/01/15 – Unrepentant comrade Christodoulos Xiros, of the R.O – 17 November, who was captured by anti-terrorist police after a stake-out of a property in Anavyssos, has been transferred from Korydallos prison, Athens, to Domokos. This prison has been converted into a new high security maximum isolation ‘Type C prison’ for the annihilation of the imprisoned urban guerrillas and the nonconforming prisoners. The comrade remains strong, as can be evidenced by his words and in the photos of his appearances in public before the prosecutor-rat who gave him his charges. Christodoulos refuses to cooperate in any way with the judicial authorities and maintains his armed revolutionary principles and irreducible stance against oppression and the capitalist system.

Amongst other charges, Christodoulos is accused of forming and leading an ‘unnamed terrorist organisation’, which had gathered explosives and firearms for an assault against Korydallos prison to free the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire / FAI-IRF – Imprisoned Members Cell. Since the last report published here, another safe-house has been announced found by anti-terrorist police in Loutraki where they seized 2 stolen vehicles, many kilos of explosive materials and other items. No comrades were inside when the hideout was raided. From data recovered by the pigs they believe the breakout of the comrades would have lead to a new wave of organised attacks against all institutions and structures of the Type C prisons and those responsible for them. Judges, politicians, prison guards and managers, industrialists and bankers… all those responsible for the misery of the existent.

The pigs are now looking for a third safe-house they believe to exist in an urban area, and are making an Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) and forensic investigation of the Loutraki property whilst processing the results of the DNA and fingerprint evidence found in the first house in Anavyssos. The pigs declare that the Kalashnikovs and the pistols found in Anavyssos were ‘clean’ and had not been used in any of the recent armed actions in Athens, mentioning the armed attack which took place against the Israeli Embassy on 12 December 2014 by Popular Fighters Group and the armed attack on the German ambassador’s residence in 2013 that the same group took responsibility for. Also found on Mount Egaleo was a stolen vehicle that police claim was to be used in the Korydallos breakout as a getaway vehicle.

Also in connection to the case, Gerasimos Tsakalos, Christos Tsakalos (imprisoned members of the CCF), Andreas Tsavdaridis (Member of FAI) and anarchist Spyros Mandylas, who remain held hostage in Korydallos prison, have been removed from A-Wing, and put in the dungeon under the Women’s Wing, which was formally used to detain members of 17 November. It’s been reported that this was because of their closeness to comrade Angeliki who is clandestine. It is expected that the imprisoned comrades will soon be transferred to Domokos and the authorities are scared of reprisals or sudden retributions.

2 comrades are fugitives after having been named in the mainstream media as being intensely hunted in connection to the CCF escape plan, and naturally the mainstream media slime, guided by the anti-terrorist unit, are printing filthy propaganda through speculative tabloid hypothesis and leering about the case, feeding their hunger for sensationalist delirium at the election period. Alongside, the journalists compare the attempted escape to the terrorism spectacular conjured by a cell of Islamic-fascists at the Charlie Hebdo office in Paris. In this way, they smear the clear objectives of the new combatants and those who joined them from the last generation of armed struggle for freedom. This is what the media industry is for. To keep people distracted and smug in a drivel of banality, tits, terror, consumerism and fantasy.

Charlie Hebdo’s editor-in-chief Gerard Biard has told France Inter, “A newspaper is not a weapon of war”, but he could not be further from the truth. The Press has always been a weapon of war owned by incredibly powerful individuals, who with their editors and corporate allies form cartels who control and manipulate the flow of information and opinion in order to maintain a system of privilege over the masses of people and all those who fight against that corrupt and parasitic system. Without needing to repeat more or reference the content of such hysteria and at a time of widespread nationalistic-liberal delirium, spell-binding illusions are only of benefit to Power, which weeps crocodile tears for the victims of the massacre in Paris, and we remind that all journalists are not actually fighters for freedom or humour, many are the same disgusting pieces of shit that they have always been. We remember the deserved fate of lackeys to industry, like “Journalist” Sokratis Giolias. In many offices across Europe and beyond, a more fitting end couldn’t come to them.

The imprisoned comrades must get out of the prisons by any means and the Type C prisons and the regime which implements them must be attacked. Several generations of combatants cannot be left alone to become the trophies of Power. Solidarity means to keep things together, to keep things solid. Attacks keep the struggle solid. They prevent the fire being lost in the stagnation of modern life. Armed struggle is a valid choice in the revolutionary and insurrectional war against the existent. The criminals and the terrorists are those of the State and Capital, who have polluted the environment and ruined the earth, impoverished billions of people and who plan unparalleled domination and rule by the elite.

Nothing is over – Everything continues…

Solidarity to Christodoulos Xiros and all wanted comrades in connection to the case

War against the existent

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Update on the transfers of political prisoners (Greece)

Monday, January 5th, 2015

On 03/01/2015, at night, the members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire Christos Tsakalos and Gerasimos Tsakalos, the member of FAI Andreas Tsavdaridis and the anarchist Spyros Mandylas were transferred to the special wing[*], in the basement of the womens’ section of Korydallos prison. The four comrades are well and high-spirited, they are able to communicate and their psychology is good. At the moment, there is no information about the rest of the comrades of C.C.F. concerning if and when they are going to be transferred as well.

The post will be updated as the situation develops.

Inter Arma

[*] The ‘special wing’ is a dungeon.

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Posted in Prison Struggle

PDF: Phoenix Project – Demolishing the Walls That Keep Us Apart (Greece)

Tuesday, October 7th, 2014

PDF: Phoenix Project – Demolishing the Walls That Keep Us Apart

A new pamphlet concerning the Phoenix Project has been released by the comrades of the Circle of Individualist Anarchists which includes transcriptions of the four events held nationwide in solidarity with the persecuted comrades for the actions of the Project which took place recently in Greece.

This is the first of a series of pamphlets regarding the ‘New Anarchy’ which will be released over the coming months which will ‘aim to disseminate our imprisoned comrades speech to as many anarchist comrades in Greece and the rest of the world as possible. This material is available to everyone for translation in any language, a procedure in which we will contribute ourselves, in collaboration with any comrade who wishes for it, in the context of partnership with individuals and groups/collectives with which we are politically associated.’ (more…)

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