Posts Tagged ‘Black Bloc’

Anarchist call against the G 20 summit in Hamburg (Germany)

Thursday, April 6th, 2017

On the 7th and 8th of July 2017, when the most successful war criminals of the present, the most unscrupulous sweaters of human and nature, the self-titled leaders of this planet, meet in Hamburg, they will not be confronted and thus be revaluated with some demands for better governance or social enslavement.

They will feel the rage of the street, when they are rushing with their convoys through deserted districts and talk about the nightly attacks of the last few weeks.

This call, like so many others at similar meetings, does not want to lose itself in an analysis of the importance of the G-20 summit or the policy of their participants. The injustice of the world has been declared a thousand times, anyone who now feels no urge to act, does not need another text.

We want to speak of those who are already involved in the struggle against capitalism and its exerting states with their conforming societies – so, of US.

Since Seattle in 1999, summit protests were a catalysator of radical resistance; individuals and groups came together, swapped ideas, were standing together behind the barricades and carried the flame of resistance back to their regions. Even the shots of Gothenburg and Genoa, or the numerous infiltrated snitches could not stop the development of a Europe-wide chaotic network of autonomous / anarchist / antiauthoritarian tendencies. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Let’s Fight Together : No G20 Summit – Hamburg (Germany)

Saturday, March 25th, 2017

On the 7th and 8th of July 2017 the G20 summit is supposed to take place in Hamburg. The heads of the governments of the 19 richest and most powerful states of the world, accompanied by 6.000 delegation members, surrounded and permanently photographed by 3.000 journalists and of course cordoned off and protected by an army of at least 10.000 police and secret service operatives.

All this is supposed to take place in the middle of Hamburg: in the exhibition halls, in the town hall, in the Elbphilharmonie. Large-scale and multilevel barriers, ID controls, evacuated appartments – the main victims will be the people in the Karoviertel and the surrounding neighborhoods. Especially those, that are already more exposed to frequent controls and harrassments because of the color of their skin, their legal status, their precarious social situation or other reasons.

The residents are supposed to give way for an orchestration of power, a living city is turned into a dead scenery. The main performance is the illusion that the political elites of global capitalism have everything well under control, that they are somehow capable of providing security, peace, livelihood and a real future perspective to the people of the world. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

'A Militant Prophet' and other poems…

Wednesday, July 15th, 2015

A Militant Prophet
I’ll carry the cross for those who never made it.
Through fields of carnage of your own making.
For the lost, the homeless, the hungry, black boys slaughtered like pigs by pigs
your warriors coming home with missing limbs
“your worthless” underclass, the classless, your welfare queens
these names, the nameless, anonymous, faceless
salt of the earth who refuse to worship at the altars of gold
Your preemptive wars, the flag
You speak of Jesus Christ “Turn the other cheek”
stand idly by … submit!
Do nothing but preach surrounded by armies
crypto fascists!
I’ll finish this thread with a single threat
“Bread or Lead”

Lets Play Monopoly
Against the wall! All you autocrat, plutocrat, oligarchs, fascists.
Tonight we’ll bathe with the blood of tyrants!
Revolt at hand for a thousand years of shackles, cages, unlivable wages
Division of labor, exploitation.
Amazing, what you got away with.
Robbing whole nations, poverty, starvation
Wholesale extinction, world domination
All in the name of “The Trust Fund Generation”

The American Dream
Immortality I seek without fame,
Love without pain,
Riches without blame,
to conquer without shame
rule the world with a single aim
till death that never came.

Black Bloc
Convince the slave that he is free,
a simple lie repeat, the key,
ground swells with single might,
standing before armies of men
clinching his fists
for here I am!

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty

Milan: Black Bloc Mayday riots against 'Expo 2015' (Italy)

Monday, May 4th, 2015


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Posted in Direct Action

Black Block of Iran and the Anarchist Network – Solidarity Statement in support of all Kurdish people and their struggle for freedom

Monday, September 8th, 2014

We, as a part of Farsi speaking anarchists, strongly convey our solidarity with you and express our extreme anger towards the injustice happening to your children, women and men for the profit of Capital, the occupiers, war criminals and all those of the rule of tyranny.

We anarchists, believe the rights of Kurds and Palestinians are so integral to each other that they should be recognised as one.

Imperialists in all shapes and forms, hand in hand with the Islamic regime of Iran, are ruining the life of innocent people of this planet on regional levels and on a global scale.

Western rulers on one hand are declaring they are fighting against Islamization, on the other hand, instead of providing Muslim residents with free and universal education, are building more and more mosques that do not free them from ignorance.

Let us expose these dirty tricks of Western rulers from every layer of Western society, including among Western leftists.

Ignorance of these leftists distracts the world from the real catastrophe, truths and all the other terrifying things happening in the Middle East, and has turned the majority of activists into dysfunctional forces in Europe, US, Canada, Australia and other countries.

Worse still, the activism of the left has turned into a work “against” Middle Eastern people, who end up recruiting for a supernumerary army of Hamas, Lebanese Hezbollah and the criminal Islamic regime of Iran, in mass rallies organised by bloody mosques in Europe and elsewhere under the name of supporting the Palestinian cause. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

18 arrested on charges of belonging to Black Bloc (Egypt)

Friday, February 1st, 2013

From mainstream press:

Eighteen suspects accused of belonging a group of protesters known as the Black Bloc were arrested on Thursday, and at least one is accused of ties with Israel, said the prosecutor general’s office.

The Black Bloc is a previously unknown group that began appearing at demonstrations marking the anniversary of the 25 January revolution last week. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Egypt like the Sea

Wednesday, January 30th, 2013

Social revolution is like the sea. Its waves chase one another, crash against the obstacles they encounter, crushing them or backing down. With all the violence of an indomitable rush, they destroy, blow after blow any trace of power, of exploitation and oppression. A first wave, immense and unexpected, swept away the dictatorship of Murabak. A second one put the army that was about to take over power on its knees. A third one is rising today against the new order that the islamists are trying to impose.

The real revolutionary storm does not obey any party, any boss, any power. On the contrary, these are its irreconcilable enemies. They will be swept away as the storm intensifies. Between the social revolution that will subvert any relation based on exploitation and power and the impostors, the bosses, the masters, the political parties, the capitalist and the authoritarians of any shade, there cannot be anything other than struggle til the bitter end. Because freedom and the end of exploitation, imply the destruction of capitalism and of any power. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Egyptian Anarchist Movement Emerges with Wave of Firebombings and Street Fights

Friday, January 25th, 2013

Update: More fotos & report on Avtonom.org

From Even If Your Shakes via anarchistnews.org

A black bloc marches in Cairo tonight [24/1], preparing for confrontations with security forces near Tahrir Square on the even of the second anniversary of the revolution.

Also see: “Revolution, Elections, and Betrayal: Hard Lessons from Egypt

Anarchists have been present in Egypt before, during, and after the revolution, but until today, they have yet to organize a mass grouping under the banner of anarchism. The Ultras of Egypt’s football clubs have for years been associated with anarchist ideas and actions, and they are widely credited with having initiated the level of militancy that brought down the Mubarak government in February of 2011. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Sydney: Banners dropped in solidarity with Toronto G20 Prisoners (Australia, Canada)

Wednesday, August 8th, 2012

On August 5 some anarchists dropped two banners from the Carhill expressway bridge outside the Canadian consulate. The action was in response to a call out for August 5 to be a day of solidarity actions for Kelly Rose Pflug-Back, an anarchist hostage of the Canadian state, recently sentenced to 15 months in prison for her resistance to the Toronto G20 in 2010.

The banners read:


A couple hundred leaflets condemning the repression and celebrating the resistance in the occupied territory of Canada were also thrown from the bridge. Our small act was an expression of our solidarity with Kelly and all the rebels who rejected the passive logic of legal protest and made a concrete stand against the annual meeting of the managers of global capital.

Prisoners to the streets!
No G20 No State

some sydney anarchists


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Posted in Direct Action

Call Out for day of action to support Kelly Pflug-Back, G20 political prisoner (Canada)

Saturday, August 4th, 2012

On July 19 our friend Kelly Rose Pflug-Back was sentenced to 15months in jail followed by 3 years of probation for her involvement in the Black Bloc at the Toronto G20. The crown stated that this sentencing was meant to send a clear message that the actions of the Black Bloc would not be tolerated. Kelly spent much of the preceding year under house arrest and strict conditions, designed to isolate her from the movement and disable her from doing the work she believes in. Yet through it all Kelly has remained active, strong, and defiant! (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Anarchist bloc launches surprise uncontrollable demo against the SONA 2012 (Philippines)

Thursday, July 26th, 2012

Anti-Sona 2012- Anarchist Protest in the Philippines

July 23, 2012 Monday

A group of anarchist demonstrators wearing mask, around 30 individuals, (with black clothes tied on in their face) unpredictably showed up from Aurora Avenue, Cubao Quezon City staging uncompromising rebellion against the State of the Nation Address or SONA.

Circle A black flag was waved in the air, along with green and black and red and black flags that symbolizes an ever-expanding expression of solidarity in the struggle for radical social change and liberation that are inclusive for all common people and every walks of life not solely amongst activists circles and political movements. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Radical resistance in Russia: brief report by Black Blocg (Russia)

Thursday, December 15th, 2011

Here is a brief report on radical acts of social confrontation in Russia since 9th November and until today. Nowadays we are faced with the pre-revolutionary situation of great people’s disturbance all over the country after parliamentary elections, where United Russia, the party of the ruling bunch of corrupted bureaucrats and oligarchs, took its “victory” due to massive falsification. We all hope here, that this not only beginning of the end of this semi-authoritarian regime, but also the dawn of people’s liberation – libertarian revolutionary struggle. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Solidarity with CCF from Black Blocg Collective (Russia)

Friday, November 18th, 2011

A society, which you find around yourself when you became a kind of conscious individual, should damage you by a great multitude of disgusting injustice which inherent in its very structure. It appears in everything: social institutions, interpersonal mutual relations, imposed pseudo-values and even in patterns of thinking and feeling. All these yawning sores are poisoning every day of our existence. It seems, these hidden bitterness and disappointment are the main reasons why individual comes to an anarchist belief. Anarchist world-view is an attempt to abolish all the constructs, which built in a human world but hostile to a very human nature. To abolish – and to create on the ruins new society of freedom. Anarchist movement is a community of people which aim their thoughts and actions on realization of a liberation idea. (more…)

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Posted in Cognitive Liberty

New wave of anarchist direct action spreads (Russia)

Tuesday, October 25th, 2011

08.10.2011 – anarchist guerilla squad has attacked the parking of the police cars in the town of Troitsk (Moscow region). Two cars were destroyed. Here’s a fragment from our communiqué:

“Police station of Troitsk-town… sturdy police building, which looks like stronghold, if you observe it from the Kaluzhskoe highway. Entrance is blocked by antitank hedgehog; high iron wall is ending by barbwire… But as it often happens with state institutions, solid and threatening façade hides rotten and useless content. Taking in the rear of armed police criminals, we have found a parking of patrol police cars without any security. These place is used by the brave Guardians of the Law just for drinking alcohol, as we have seen by our own eyes. As drunken pigs went home – we have attacked a parking [lot] and seriously injured by fire at least two police cars”.

Also this night at least 9 luxury cars were burnt in Moscow, but none has taken responsibility for these acts.

15.10.2011 – in Volsk-town (Saratov region) two cars, which belong to police officer and his wife, were set on fire and destroyed.

18.10.2011 – in Khimki-town (Moscow region) a police car was blown up. Police lie about a “technical disease”. None has taken a responsibility for this action.

22.10.2011 – in the town of Kamensk-na-Obi (Altai territory) a cottage of the depute and ex-mayor of the town, Valeriy Gorozhankin, was set on fire by unknown people.

All imprisoned people are released

Few days ago, all people arrested under suspicion of participating in road police blast were released from detention without any charges. Now it is clear that the police have shown their incompetence once again.


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Posted in Direct Action

Anarchist direct actions from Black Bloc (Russia, Ukraine)

Thursday, September 29th, 2011

Dear Comrades! Since our latest report in English had been published, there have been some occasions of social war moved by anarchists and “ordinary people”.

29.08.2011 – In St. Petersburg R.A.T.S. (Red and Anarchist Terror Section) burned road roller and bulldozer on the construction site of business-center of Gazprom – the most horrible Russian state-capitalist monster, trading oil and gas.

The same day in Moscow DIY-bomb was thrown into the police station of one of the Moscow outskirt municipality – Eastern Degunino. Two police cars, wall and windows of a building was damaged by explosion. This was the second anonymous bomb-attack on Moscow police in last days of August (the first one two days before). No group has claimed responsibility.

31.08.2011 – In Petersburg-city R.A.T.S. strikes again – police car burned and communiqué was spread: “everyone knows what hatred to police means – nowadays our country is separated on two unequal groups – those who governs and those who has to obey due to the fear of repressions (…) our action is a gift to the inauguration of a new police governor of St. Petersburg – Poltavchenko.”

03.09.2011 – Nearby city of Samara, placed in Volga-river, in the night anonymous pirate group attacked from the boat expensive yachts by Molotov cocktails.

09.09.2011 – In Moscow region administration house of Povarovo village was attacked by Molotov cocktails. No group has claimed responsibility.

12.09.2011 – In Altai territory arson of Bailiff Center took place. Serious damage of building and documentation.

13.09.2011 – In Ulianovsk anonymous fire attack took place on the office of the deputy Ruslan Seukov, member of a ruling party United Russia.

19.09.2011 – In Melitopol, Ukraine – public prosecutor’s office was arsoned. General door damaged…

Let the struggle spread and become deeper! Vivat Anarhia!

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