How Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez Met0:40

Learn how JLo and Alex Rodriguez first met. Video by: SNTV / Splash

How Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez Met

JLo squirms as Ellen interrogates her about new boyfriend Alex Rodriguez

JENNIFER Lopez isn’t one to just wait around.

In an upcoming interview on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, the star reveals she made the first move on new boyfriend, former baseball star Alex Rodriguez.

“It’s very simple. I was having lunch somewhere and I saw him and he passed by,” she said before going off on a tangent with DeGeneres about her meal (a Cobb salad and tortilla soup, FYI).

“I saw him walk by and afterwards I went outside, but for some reason I felt like tapping him on the shoulder and said, ‘Hi, Alex’. And he’s like, ‘Hi, Jennifer’. And I was like, ‘Yeah’. And then that was it,” said Lopez, 47.

media_cameraJLo tells Ellen about the moment she hit on boyfriend Alex Rodriguez. Picture: Ellen
media_cameraLooks like Lopez met A-Rod way back in 2005 with her then husband Marc Anthony. Picture: Chris Trotman/Getty Images

But it sounds like the former Yankee slugger, 41, got the hint at that point, turning their brief run-in into a dinner date — one that didn’t end in a sleepover.

“Mama, don’t sleep over on the first date,” she said.

Though she resisted Ellen’s attempts to get her to go into more details — “You guys don’t want to hear about all this!” — the Shades of Blue star made it clear that she’s pleased with how her love life is going.

“He’s a great guy,” she said.

The interview comes weeks after Rodriguez made his feelings for Lopez known, maybe a tad more effusively, on The View. “She’s an amazing, amazing girl,” he said when asked about his new lady love.

This article first appeared on the New York Post.

Originally published as How JLo hit on sports star boyfriend