Posts Tagged ‘Felicity Ann Ryder’

Signs Of Life In Australia : A Chronology of Recent Anarchist & Anti-Colonial Activity Down Under

Wednesday, May 7th, 2014

325 receives and transmits:

*Note : this is an edited version of a post that appeared on an Australian underground electronic music blog, we thought it was of interest to the wider anarchist-insurrectionist community worldwide.

Things are heating up in this country with one of the most unpopular governments in Australian history now in charge – although they came to power with a landslide victory so go figure! ‘Austerity’ is the name of the game for Australia’s current batch of ultra-conservative crypto-corporate overlords which means increases in the cost of living & cuts to every social service you can think of along with the customary scapegoating of immigrants, the indigenous & other vulnerable members of society – unless you are rich and connected then you and your hard earned finances are in the firing line, and let’s not forget the absolute rape of Australia’s resources & natural environment that has gone into overdrive since these bastards took power and the arse-kissing of corporate & foreign powers as they continue to loot the continent. (more…)

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Melbourne: Felicity Ann Ryder Cell (FAI / IRF) – Response To The Agents Of 'Doubt' (Australia)

Saturday, September 7th, 2013

‘Anarchists claim responsibility for fire at luxury West Melbourne car dealership, but police have doubts’ the headline of the Herald-Sun screams the day after our little visit to Gran Turismo Autos.

Apparently ‘investigators’ do not believe that a ‘mysterious anarchist group’ were responsible for the fire & the Herald-Scum, which is the de-facto mouthpiece of the Victorian Police force in Melbourne, chose not to name the website where we initially posted our claim of responsibility – they also chose to only include a partial sentence from our communique.

Well we have some doubts of our own.

We doubt very much that the cops & the Herald-Scum are being truthful, and we think that even the casual reader of Tuesday’s article would be doubting the truthfulness of the cops and their pet media outlet too. (more…)

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Melbourne: 'Felicity Ann Ryder Cell / FAI- IRF' Attack Luxury Car Dealership (Australia)

Monday, September 2nd, 2013

Last night (Sept 2nd 2013) for the first time in living memory but definitely not the last, the flames of anarchist insurrection roared high above the toxic skies of Melbourne putting a swift end to years of local ‘activist’ and ‘social anarchist’ inactivity in this city.

At approximately 7:30PM we gained entrance to Gran Turismo Autos, a luxury car dealership on Spencer St in inner-city West Melbourne via a poorly secured rear window and placed an improvised incendiary device with timer already set under a desk in an office area adjacent to the showroom then promptly fled the building via the same window through which we gained entry. (more…)

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Excavator and bulldozer torched in Moscow region during the ongoing Khimki forest struggle (Russia)

Wednesday, March 13th, 2013

During the night of 08/03/13 we placed 3 incendiaries on construction vehicles in a sand extraction complex of Solnechnogorsk district (near Moscow).

The sand from this site goes to the highway construction projects in Khimki forest as well as some other regional development projects. Two vehicles were completely destroyed: a tracked dozer and an excavator.

Because of damp weather one of the devices failed to ignite, so we had to backtrack. With ravaging flames from burning excavator at our backs, we approached the bomb and re-wired it.

Wholehearted support to CCF-Russia, Indonesian rebels from Kulon-Progo, ALF/ELF/FAI groups around the world.
Combative solidarity with “ALF lone wolf” Walter Bond, imprisoned members of Greek CCF, Marco Camenisch and Italian anarchist persecuted under the police operations of 2012 like Thor etc.
Felicity Rider: remain free!
Tortuga: we enjoyed reading your letters man!

Wolfpack, ELF/FAI

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Posted in Direct Action

Dark Nights #31 : 'Letter from the 4 arrested anarchists – Kozani case' + 'Soli-days for Felicity Ann Ryder' – Feb 2013 (ACN)

Saturday, February 23rd, 2013

Black February freesheet to download and distribute. Dark Nights is the relentless printed contribution to the internationalist struggle from the Anti-Copyright Network – produced from the updates and reports of the informal and ever-changing International Network of Counter-Information and Translation.

PDF: Download Dark Nights 31

1. Greece: Letter from the 4 arrested anarchists concerning their double robbery in Velvento, Kozani.
2. Call for two weeks of solidarity actions with fugitive anarchist Felicity Ann Ryder.
3. Concerning the 4 arrests in Kozani, Greece by CCF imprisoned members.
4. Brief message of solidarity with the arrested comrades from 325.
5. Brief message of solidarity with the arrested ones from Asimetris & ex-Negasi.
6. Switzerland: An update from imprisoned anarchist Marco Camenisch concerning his failed release.
7. Spain: Gabriel Pombo Da Silva is moved to Alicante.
8. Italy: Anarchist comrades Alfredo and Sergio on hunger strike.
9. Italy: Conspiracy charges are dropped at the appeal trial – Operation ‘Brushwood’.
10. Direct Action Chronology.

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