Posts Tagged ‘Liège’

Some disorder news from Belgium… via Hors Service

Monday, February 11th, 2013

Hors Service is an anarchist journal from Brussels. It’s printed in several thousands of copies and distributed in the streets of Brussels. Since a few numbers, it comes out every three weeks. Here’s the translated part of disorder news and attacks of the three latest numbers.

Beyond all borders, long live the revolt – As an echo to the multiple movements of revolt in Egypt against the new power, for freedom and the end of all exploitation, the residence of the Egyptian ambassador, Fatma El Zahraa Ottman, in Brussels was attacked by unknown persons. During the night, the attackers broke the windows, threw paint on the building and started a fire in front of it, escaping before the arrival of the police. The ambassador, the representation of Egyptian power in Belgium, was at home during the attack. (more…)

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