Posts Tagged ‘Libya’

Letter from Argentina for the Global Day of Political Prisoners by the Collective for the Re-foundation of the IVth International – FLTI

Monday, October 26th, 2015

325 receives and transmits – We add the clarification after a contact with our comrades, Sin Banderas-Ni Fronteras, in Chile, that this letter is published mainly for reference, not as an approval. Our nihilist-anarchist and anti-civilisation perspective obviously has a critique of the authoritarianism of Marx-Lenin-Trotsky. Solidarity to the imprisoned comrades, for a new internationalist struggle:

October 2, 2015


Firstly, we wanted to send you a big hug, a hearty encouragement and our entire sympathy and support in the fight for your freedom in the dungeons of the Greek regime, especially to comrade Evi Statiri, who is now recovering from her hunger strike.

We are the Collective for the Re-foundation of the IVth International – FLTI. We are an international current with militancy in Syria near Aleppo, resistance against the genocidal Assad; we are also working alongside the rebel militias in Libya who yesterday defeated Khadafi; we are fighting in Zimbabwe and South Africa in Black Africa; and also in several Latin American countries.

We are writing to you because we have been carefully following your struggle and denouncing and fighting together with you against the brutal imprisonment that dozens of comrades are suffering, who today are still in prison at the hands of the Syriza’s Government, those “merchants of hope” -as comrade Nikos Romanos denounced them – that are actually jailers and oppressors.

We want you to know that this claim and this fight that you are carrying forward, is also ours. We know that you are imprisoned for fighting; for defending migrant workers attacked by the fascist gangs of Golden Dawn. Today it is thousand times more necessary to deepen this fight, when tens of thousands of political refugees arrive in Europe fleeing from genocide as that perpetrated by dog Al-Assad against the Syrian revolution before the “crocodile tears” of European Governments and Obama who are the ones that command these massacres against the rebel masses.

So when we hear of students that have taken the technological Institute of Athens to fight for the freedom of political prisoners and in defense of the refugees, we greet their action with revolutionary fervor and say that this is a huge example to multiply and deepen. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

War, Catastrophe, Democracy, Prison – We Want Revolution

Sunday, May 1st, 2011

Translated from www.finimondo.org

Text of a leaflet distributed in Brussels (Belgium) in April 2011.

In a time when words seem to lose their meaning, when the language of power tries to penetrate all our conversations, we think it is even more indispensable to make an effort in order to speak clearly. Let’s stop parroting what the newspapers say, television shows and the powerful want us to believe. The point is neither to agree at all costs nor to convert everything, but it is to try to speak with our mouth, our words, our pains and our hopes.

War… or revolution

The beginning of NATO bombardments against the forces loyal to Gaddafi in Libya marked a fatal step. At the beginning, what was undoubtedly an armed insurrection of a significant part of the population against the regime, is slowly transforming into a military war. Apart from some self-organized forms of resistance, which all kinds of authority define as ‘irregular’, the insurrection in Libya seems to have degenerated in a conflict between opposing armies. And it is not by chance that the ‘irregulars’ down there have always been very suspicious towards the ‘official opposition’, which has copied the hierarchies, grades and structures of command of the Gaddafi’s army. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Massacre and Revolution in Libya

Tuesday, March 15th, 2011

An anarchist call for solidarity

The news that is flooding from Libya is very shocking. Qaddafi’s regime is perpetrating a horrible massacre against the masses in revolt, the mercenaries (the equivalent to the Mubarak regime’s ‘Baltajia’) recruited by Qaddafi’s regime, besides the regular army and security forces, are opening fire at unarmed Libyan people or, in some cases, armed with only very light firearms. The regime’s repressive forces are not only using firearms, but also artillery, tanks, jet fighters and gunship helicopters. In a military sense, this cannot be a war. In fact, it is just a horrible massacre conducted by the Qaddafi regime under the supervision of the imperialist powers in Europe and US but, as ever, those powers are concerned only about oil and money, only about profit, not human rights or even human lives. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control