‘Social Control’ Archives

A letter from anarchist comrade Anna Beniamino about Operation Scripta Manent and more… (Italy)

Tuesday, April 25th, 2017


The prosecution in Turin have decided to put an entire anarchist tendency on trial: anti-organisation Anarchism. This isn’t a sensationalist and defensive overstatement, it’s what Turin’s investigating judge, Anna Ricci, enacted with the arrest warrants issued in July 2016, and enforced in September, probably to avoid disrupting the summer holidays of some pubic official.

The inquisitors’ choice is clear from the ridiculous framework that appeared in the arrest warrant papers, a product of the deleterious encounter between the mind of some cop and the rushed reading of a wikipedia summary.

The framework gives shape to a repressive-Manichean vision of a ‘social anarchy’, a good and harmless one, and an (anti-social and anti-classist) ‘individual anarchy’, violent and palatable to repression, whose method is the ‘anti-organization model’. (more…)

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Hundreds of protesters detained after massive wave of repressions in Belarus

Monday, March 27th, 2017

March 25 was planned by some liberal opposition leaders as the day of the biggest protest against Lukashenko’s policies this year. The biggest one on the wave of the recent anti-governmental demonstrations that started in February this year. It ended with the biggest police mobilization in years bringing thousands of riot cops to Minsk and detaining hundreds of people preventive and during the demonstration. This Saturday capital of Belarus looked like a war zone created by the police.

Campaign of disinformation

After March 15 the Belarusian government started working with double energy to bring in as much disinformation as they could: radioactive load on some plane, car full of explosives coming from Ukraine, old nationalist organization plotting riots, loads of weapons confiscated during raids. All of this has bombarded Belarusian society through governmental media in recent days, creating the atmosphere of terror from one side, but also the atmosphere of anger in society – “Do the president and his dogs think that we are so stupid to believe all of this crap?!”

However, the absurdity was never a reason to stop for the Belarusian state propagandists. As well as for Lukashenko who was giving speeches recently about planned provocations on the 25th and blaming the fifth column in trying to destabilize situation in the country and at the same time commenting that he is a big proponent of European values. (more…)

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ABC Moscow: Annual Overview of Repression 2016 (Russia)

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2017

The Russian authorities continue to prosecute and jail our comrades. In the summer and fall of 2016, demonstrations of solidarity with the convicts were held all across the globe. The anarchists are furthermore suffering repressions in jails, but keep the spirit up. If you think that we have missed something important in our article or are aware of other repressions, feel free to contact us at abc-msk@riseup.net

For the full text and accompanying pictures, check original at

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Repression in Spain (PDF)

Thursday, March 16th, 2017

PDF: Repression in Spain

Report from ABC Dresden.

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Comrade placed in isolation due to inability to scan fingerprints (Netherlands)

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2017

The comrade who was arrested last Saturday after a spontaneous demonstration in the Schilderswijk, The Hague (Netherlands), is still being kept by the authorities. They are building up the pressure on him and are making his situation even more difficult. He is momentarily being kept in an isolation cell in a prison in Alphen aan den Rijn.

Last Saturday 20 people demonstrated in the Schilderswijk against police violence and repression. The demonstration was not announced to the authorities and scattered after about 15 minutes due to mounting police presence. After the police searched the neighborhood 7 people were arrested, 6 of them were released within a couple of hours. The last person is still in custody. He is being charged with a simple misdemeanor; public order disturbance. A case that usually results in 6 to 12 hours of custody and carries a maximum punishment of a fine. But our comrade has not been released yet. (more…)

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Anarchist Black Cross: Document read out during the 21/01/2017 meeting in Turin (Italy)

Friday, February 10th, 2017

As happens any time that power tries to block the path of the revolt that creeps like weeds, opening up cracks and disconnecting the straight secure roads of exploitation and oppression, it is necessary for those who still care about the life pulsating in those weeds to look each other in the eye.

Following the operation denominated ‘Scripta Manent’ we, some anarchists, decided to do a number of meetings. Those held in Pisa and Rome have produced various problematics. But obviously, happening in a context of ‘emergency’, i.e. in response to the arrest of eight anarchist comrades, it was difficult to find the space to go into them. Not for that should we lose the opportunity to find this space and create moments for deeper analysis. (more…)

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Galicia: New operation against Gabriel Pombo da Silva and Elisa Di Bernardo (Spain)

Wednesday, February 1st, 2017

Careful who you call comrade!

Tuesday, 24 January, on the outskirts of Vigo (Mos), a deployment of about 60 armed men between the Guardia Civil and secret agents, searched (and almost destroyed) the house where Gabriel Pombo da Silva had lived for a few months with his partner Elisa Bernardo. At dawn the two were violently awakened, handcuffed and separated … aim: to find firearms and explosives! The search lasted about eight hours and in spite of the means employed (dogs and high technology radar tools), gave no results … among the things seized there is the usual “interesting” anarchist material, cameras, maps of various cities, some cable and old malfunctioning cell phones.

While Elisa, despite the repeated threat of being placed under arrest unless she revealed the much desired hiding place, remained free, Gabriel was arrested on charges of “illegal possession and trafficking of weapons and explosives and armed group”. During the 24 hours’ detention (the release of the comrade happened, in fact, the next day) the facts were bitterly reconstructed. (more…)

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London: Know the Enemy – Journalist Spotter Card (UK)

Sunday, January 8th, 2017

From RabbleLDN

In the past year or so, the bottom feeders of the press managed to write many lurid stories about comrades in the UK and our networks, which have not only invaded people’s privacy but have put them at risk from the state and fash. These journalists infiltrated our protests and social events, took close range pictures, trawled social media and pieced together sensationalist and often wildly inaccurate pieces about individuals, and put footage on the internet that led to people being targeted by the cops.

While I expect no better of the media, I do expect us to put up more of a fight. The tolerance of the broader London anarchist/anti-authoritarian scene for the presence of journalists on our demos, and sometimes in our spaces (at times even on invitation!), is exceptional and I’ve witnessed it in few other anarchist milieus. Why is this? Is it mere slackness, a fear of rocking the boat, or are people actually buying the liberal bullshit from the likes of the NUJ about “freedom of expression”? A combination of the above seems the likely contender. (more…)

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Florence: Bomb against neo-fascist bookshop, a bomb disposal cop wounded and anarchist places raided (Italy)

Sunday, January 8th, 2017


We learn from the national media of the explosion of a bomb in front of a neo-fascist bookshop in Florence and of an unspecified number of raids in homes and places of anarchist comrades. A police bomb disposal expert was wounded during the operation to defuse the device connected to a timer: the explosion led to injury of a hand and an eye [previously the media reported the amputation of the hand and loss of the eye].

In the hours following searches were conducted in the area of anarchist circles in Florence and Tuscany; at the moment there is no more information about the places affected, while reports say they have not found anything. The bomb had been discovered by a patrol of the Digos in the town involved in monitoring the bookshop near to Casapound [neo-fascist hangout], identified as a sensitive objective and already attacked in the past. The prosecutor is investigating for attempted murder.

Further updates coming soon.


Translated by Act for freedom now!

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De Vloek squat eviction: State claims 30,000 euros from defendants (Netherlands)

Sunday, January 8th, 2017

On the 21st of December 2016 the court in The Hague sentenced ten people who were arrested during the eviction De Vloek free space to pay 30.030.35 in damages to the city council.

De Vloek, after being squatted for 13 years, was evicted on the 9th of September 2015 by an excessive police force, the army, anti terror units, water canons and a sniper. Ten people were arrested en later sentenced for squatting and five of the ten for violence against police officers. Those five also spent two weeks in prison. (more…)

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Leaflet given out in solidarity with the comrades arrested following Operation Scripta Manent (Italy)

Wednesday, December 21st, 2016

On 6th September operation Scripta Manent, coordinated by the Digos of Turin, led to the arrest of 7 anarchist comrades (two of them already in prison) on charges of association with intent of terrorism; another comrade, who wasn’t accused of association, was arrested because ‘material intended to fabricate devices’ was found during the raid on his home.

More specifically, the attacks included in this investigation are: the parcel bombs sent to the CPT [Migrants’ detention centre] director in Modena in May 2005, to the municipal police in Torino-San Alvario and to the police chief in Lecce; the device exploded against the RIS [carabinieri special unit] in Parma (24th October 2015), the parcel bomb sent to Sergio Cofferati (2nd November 2005), the devices against the carabinieri training centre in Fossano (2nd June 2006), the parcel bombs sent to Coema Edilita (a company involved in the refurbishment of the prison for migrants) in July 2006 in Turin, to the mayor of the city Sergio Chiamparino and the director of Torino Cronaca, the devices placed in the Turin neighbourhood of Crocetta (7th March 2007); and the wounding of Ansaldo Nucleare managing director Roberto Adinolfi (7th May 2012), which was claimed by two comrades, is also part of the accusation of terrorist association. (more…)

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ABC Czech Republic: Presentation on Operation Fenix and related issues (A-Radio)

Tuesday, December 6th, 2016

Dear all,

In the end of November of 2016 we had the opportunity of recording a presentation in Berlin by the Anarchist Black Cross in Czech Republic on the topic of Operation Fenix. The talk comprised the following topics: a short review of what had happened, the use of the term „terrorism“, the topic of solidarity in Czech Republic and in general, a reflection on mistakes and how to deal with repression and police infiltrators, and finally the current development of the anarchist movement in that country.

You’ll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes) here.

Length: 1:11

You can find other English and Spanish language audios here.

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Documentary about murdered anarchist comrade Salvador Olmos Garcia (Mexico)

Thursday, December 1st, 2016

This is a documentary made by two travelers from Belarus, Ukraine, about a Mexican anarchist Salvador Olmos Garcia who was murdered by the police in his home town.

Lang: Spanish
Subs: Russian and English

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Report about the Contra-Coup and Kurdish Struggle (Turkey)

Tuesday, November 29th, 2016

Numbers of Contra-Coup

Because the Gülen Movement couldn’t manage to do coup, Erdoğan and AKP made the coup. Or had to make. The numbers of purges after the coup attempt in Turkey:

30.000 teachers is purged from the education system completely because they have relation with Gülen Movement

20.000 teachers is away from education system (can return back but can’t teach this year) related with Gülen Movement.

1000 private schools are closed related with Gülen Movement.

15 universities are closed related with Gülen Movement.

14.000 teachers is away from education system (can return back but can’t teach this year) related with PKK and Eğitim-Sen (Syndicate that organizes workers of education matters that is opposition to the government)

75.000 thousand Passports are cancelled that are related with Gülen Movement. And to apply and take Green Passport (Special passport that allows you to go EU without visa) became so much harder. In order to stop people escape to EU and apply for asylum. (more…)

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Update on Operation “Scripta Manent” (Italy)

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2016

The transfers of comrades, arrested in operation “Scripta Manent”, from one prison to another are continuing. Yet another transfer, the comrade Alessandro Mercogliano was transferred from prison of Alessandria to prison of Ferrara, always in AS2 [high security wing], where are already held the kidnapped comrades Nicola Gai and Alfredo Cospito.

So, the sleepless and paranoiac nights of miserable prosecutor Roberto Sparagna are continuing, in order to get some clues, since he does not have even a half, he enjoys torturing the comrades with “prohibition to meet each other” (I would remind that Sandro and Marco in Alessandria, as well Danilo and Daniele in Terni could never meet each other) and with continuous transfers.
Beyond any logic of “innocent” or “guilty”, I express my complete solidarity and my unconditional complicity to Sandrone and to every comrade arrested in operation “Scripta Manent”.

, 21 November 2016

Updated addresses:

BISESTI MARCO: Casa Circondariale San Michele – Strada Casale, 50/A – 15121 Alessandria (AL)

MERCOGLIANO ALESSANDRO: Via Arginone, 327 – 44122 Ferrara

BENIAMINO ANNA: Via Aspromonte, 100 – 04100 – Latina LT

CREMONESE DANILO EMILIANO: Str. delle Campore, 32 – 05100 Terni TR

SPEZIALE VALENTINA: Via Aspromonte, 100 – 04100 – Latina LT

ALFREDO COSPITO: Via Arginone, 327 – 44122 Ferrara

NICOLA GAI: Via Arginone, 327 – 44122 Ferrara

CORTELLI DANIELE: Str. delle Campore, 32 – 05100 Terni TR

(Original version : radioazione.org)

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