Posts Tagged ‘Arson’

Liege: The Beauty of a Burning Police Station (Belgium)

Friday, April 21st, 2017

We are not soldiers.
We are criminals.
We have no fatherland, no higher cause, we do not follow any directions other than those of ourselves.

On the other hand, we are fighting.
To find our lives, explore our freedoms.

We fight the misery of our lives, the oppression of morals, and the grids that imprison us.

On the night of April 18, we set fire to a police station in Liège (Belgium). It was completely destroyed, devastated by the flames.

We dedicate this action to the imprisoned comrades who are accused of bank robbery in Aachen.

Determination and courage!

Our thoughts are also with the Montreuil compa and Damien, still imprisoned in Fleury.
Never give up!

A greeting to all those who conspire.

With violence, love and joy.
Always at war.

“Don’t you have a light?” and friend.

via Linksunten Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News

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Hamburg: Arson attack against a ‘Securitas’ private security company vehicle (Germany)

Thursday, April 6th, 2017

Because we despise any kind of authority, we set fire to a car belonging to the security company ‘Securitas’ last night. The conditions in which we find ourselves are making it clearer to us day by day that there are politicians, judges and prosecutors, authorities, crappy teachers, conductors, and even cops and their lap dogs of security that stand over us and control our lives. This situation is completely unacceptable. We can take care of ourselves, and we recognize that they are the ones who stand in the way of an emancipated life. For they are there to defend the freedom of the rulers. Not the freedom of being free from domination.

For our form of freedom that consists of solidarity and respect for our environment exists outside of capitalist thinking and would be its downfall. An anarchist world would mean the loss of their power and the death of their world.
In a few months is the climax of the authorities in Hamburg.
There is much to do.
Take care of yourselves. See you on the streets.

Fire to the ruling power, Fire to the G20 and its system.

via Linksunten Indymedia, translated by Insurrection News

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Athens: ‘Packs of Fire – FAI/IRF’ take responsibility for arson attacks in Dafni (Greece)

Wednesday, April 5th, 2017


Cut your strings puppet

We are taking responsibility for the arson attacks at dawn on March 10 at the Mayor’s house and at the Post office in Dafni.

In that area, that same evening seven years before, anarchist Lambros Foundas fell from cop bullets. Seven years on, we don’t forget our dead comrade who gave his life for freedom and dignity.

In times of repression we slip through the ruptured fence that the state rigs up and fills with the debris of fear and repression against any form of action that lurks the streets. At the targets our devices played the symphony of destruction before exploding few meters from the station patrol, the state police pigs at Dafni metro station that oversee the law-abiding life of the city’s marionettes: job, house, cafe, nightlife. Every day the city routine under full control, divided into small occupations.

However, history is written when the silent crowd is abandoned and the refusers of silence act. There where we turn our rage into fire and feed our fire with gasoline. We are the ones that don’t fit into your world. Let your sweat pour to protect it with a smile until comes its destruction.

We don’t forget, we don’t forgive LONG LIVE LAMBROS FOUNDAS


Solidarity to the evicted squats and occupied spaces and to the comrades arrested during the state’s last repressive operation. 10, 100, 1000s of squats against a world of organized rot.

Attack with all means the regime whether it is left or right


Packs of Fire – FAI/IRF

via actforfree

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How to make Molotovs

Wednesday, April 5th, 2017

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Vodafone antenna sabotaged in Bristol (UK)

Wednesday, April 5th, 2017

Vodafone antenna sabotaged on the 9th of March in Bristol.

Roughly three weeks ago a mobile phone tower operated by Vodafone was sabotaged with fire in Barton Hill, Bristol. This attack against the ever encroaching technological wing of capitalist infrastructure was inspired by recent similar actions in Italy. Across Europe, Vodafone has ‘proudly’ had a wide variety of contracts with a number of different police forces for a long time. (more…)

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Gomel: Anarchists attack the Ministry of Taxation with Molotov Cocktails (Belarus)

Monday, March 27th, 2017

via Insurrection News

Received on 27.03.17:

We, the partisan-anarchists, take responsibility for the symbolic attack on March 24, 2017 on the building of the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes of the Republic of Belarus for the Gomel region.

We threw two Molotov cocktails into the window one of cabinet. At the time of the attack hundreds of thousands of people were spiritually with us throughout the country and beyond. This energy gave us great strength
and right.

Let’s note that it was not principally for us to attack specifically this building. Any other inspection would also suit: regional, city, district – it does not matter. Each of them deserved the people’s revenge. The tax authorities regularly called and sent out “letters of happiness” about levying a tax on the unemployed. At the very moment when the people in Belarus were crushed by economic extortion from the state and firmly said: “Basta! to tax and regime”; when protesters claim to state policy and are outraged by the work of tax inspections, the officials, sitting in the offices, continue to indulge the authorities in stealing money of workers and temporarily unemployed people. They do not think that they are in complicity with state racket, i.e. Crime, which includes a whole list of punitive measures against common people: blackmail, extortion, threats, repression, enforcement to social and economic slavery. (more…)

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Let’s Fight Together : No G20 Summit – Hamburg (Germany)

Saturday, March 25th, 2017

On the 7th and 8th of July 2017 the G20 summit is supposed to take place in Hamburg. The heads of the governments of the 19 richest and most powerful states of the world, accompanied by 6.000 delegation members, surrounded and permanently photographed by 3.000 journalists and of course cordoned off and protected by an army of at least 10.000 police and secret service operatives.

All this is supposed to take place in the middle of Hamburg: in the exhibition halls, in the town hall, in the Elbphilharmonie. Large-scale and multilevel barriers, ID controls, evacuated appartments – the main victims will be the people in the Karoviertel and the surrounding neighborhoods. Especially those, that are already more exposed to frequent controls and harrassments because of the color of their skin, their legal status, their precarious social situation or other reasons.

The residents are supposed to give way for an orchestration of power, a living city is turned into a dead scenery. The main performance is the illusion that the political elites of global capitalism have everything well under control, that they are somehow capable of providing security, peace, livelihood and a real future perspective to the people of the world. (more…)

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Posted in Autonomy

Barcelona: Attack in solidarity with anarchists imprisoned in Aachen, Germany (Catalonia)

Thursday, March 16th, 2017

On the night of January 28, we burned two vehicles of the company Prosegur near their headquarters in the Bellvitge neighborhood of Hospitalet. We do not think it necessary to justify this attack on these wretched guard dogs.

To carry out this action we have resorted to an old, well known method used by anarchists. The device consists of a small bottle filled with gasoline, a wick with some matches around it.

We want with this little gesture to send all our love and strength to the anarchists accused of having expropriated a bank in Aachen and who have been on trial since January 23rd.

Long live anarchy !!

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Responsibility claim for the attacks on the houses of cops Efthimis Efthimiadis and Ilias Hajis – Thessaloniki (Greece)

Thursday, March 16th, 2017

Lambros Foundas lives through our flames

Responsibility claim for the attacks on the houses of cops Efthimis Efthimiadis and Ilias Hajis.

On March 10th 2010, anarchist and member of Revolutionary Struggle Lambros Foundas is executed in Dafni during the expropriation of a vehicle that was going to be used in an act of revolutionary violence of the organization.

The arson of the residences of cops Efthimis Efthimiadis on 20 Kiprou street in Agios Pavlos, and Ilias Hajis on 17 Papanastasiou street in Sikies, Thessaloniki in the early hours of March 9th, is our minimal homage to the memory of a comrade who was killed by the shots of the metropolitan occupation army of democracy, fighting for the Revolution.

Dead fighters are the reason and cause of the continuation of our revolutionary struggle. (more…)

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Santiago: New explosive attack claimed by Antagonistic Nuclei of the New Urban Guerrilla (Chile)

Tuesday, March 7th, 2017

At about 01:40AM on Monday, February 27, 2017, a loud explosion shook the wealthy suburb of Providencia on Suecia avenue between Cornel and Lota streets.

A fire extinguisher filled with gunpowder detonated in the Cap Ducal restaurant in front of the headquarters of the ultra-right political party UDI (Independent Democratic Union) without causing any major damage or any injuries. Immediately after the bombing, police and personnel from GOPE (Group of Special Police Operations) and LABOCAR (Criminal Laboratory of the Carabineros) arrived to inspect the area.

A leaflet was found at the scene which, according to quotations in the media, proclaimed:

“The justice of the street does not forgive nor does it forget. We are getting closer! …The real terrorists are in the Congress, the Palace and the institutions that govern the State..Take note, because we have returned. Neither Chileans, nor Argentines. Internationalists”.

The bastard secretary general of the ultra-right UDI, Pablo Terrazas said “We do not want to get used to these facts. This is not the first time that the UDI has been the victim of a bomb attack…It is unfortunate because we know that this comes from the left, who always try to silence us…I would like to see (some reaction from) the Communist Party, an announcement to the left, who are part of this government. Why do they not condemn these facts? There is always silent complicity in this (type of) attack that are always against the UDI”

The investigation of the attack, as with other attacks of this nature is in the hands of the Southern Metropolitan Prosecutor’s Office.

Not long afterwards, the Teodoro Suarez Vandalism Gang from the Antagonistic Nuclei of the New Urban Guerrilla claimed responsibility for the explosive attack against the Cap Ducal restaurant. The group previously claimed an attack against the Mutual Circle of Retired Non-commissioned Officers of the Federal Police in Buenos Aires in July 2011.


Responsibility claim for the explosive attack against the Cap Ducal restaurant

“We warn you: be careful. In any part of the places you frequent there may be a bomb; In your homes, in your supermarkets, gyms, shops and restaurants. In short, your days of tranquility are over. Your neighbourhoods will be transformed into minefields, so take care of every step you take, because you may encounter our explosive charges.”

Iconoclastic Caravans For Free Will

Just like we did a couple of years ago in the territory dominated by the Argentine state, bombing its sacrificial banks (Palermo and Nación), the branches of two major airlines (American Airlines and Alitalia) and the Mutual Circle of Retired Non-commissioned Officers of the Federal Police, today we again attacked capitalist interests. This time it was the turn of the Chilean political-business mafia that stubbornly insists on believing that places like the one that we visited last night are safe. (more…)

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Berlin: Attack against Securitas in the context of the Global Anarchist Urban Guerrilla (Germany)

Tuesday, March 7th, 2017

Bon Soir!

On the evening of the 28th of February, six Securitas (private security company) vehicles were torched at Anhalter railway station. Securitas have been gaurding the entry to the occupied school on Ohlauer Strasse in Kreuzberg, Berlin for two years, forcing the remaining refugees to a jail-like existence. Through constant displays and harassment of the residents, their number has been constantly reduced – many have disappeared in jail, have been deported or have a house ban.

If we were able to identify more deeply with society’s slaves we would now complain that ‘guarding’ costs millions of euros for taxpayers. But no. Then we would have to complain about the bad working conditions in the security sector. On the contrary we are working on the destruction of the bridges of this society, which are still being preserved via the security sector in order to integrate even the partly autonomous milieus with reluctant practice. (more…)

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‘ELF – Cell of Anti-Civilization Agitation’ take responsibility for arson solidarity action (Greece)

Friday, March 3rd, 2017

E.L.F. Thessaloniki – Responsibility claim

Because of the call from South America against the new destructive plans I.I.R.S.A. which had as its primary concern the development and opening of trade between developed roads, telecommunications, sea and air networks, we decided to take action. On Wednesday 15/2, at 2am, we torched two excavation machines, in the center of Thessaloniki.

The new profitable plan will proceed to a massive destruction of the Amazon which includes deforestation, elimination of the fauna and flora and the persecution of indigenous populations, as well the pollution of the waters aiming at the economic growth of the industrial complex. A complex that is inextricably connected with authority and dominance, while simultaneously being diffused within society, which in turn feeds it, mostly willingly. A society that reproduces the social standards that have been enforced, that perpetuates the regime of waged slavery, that is the observer in the onslaught of dominance. A totality clouded by propaganda, formed to follow the journeys dictated by subjugation.

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Genoa: Sabotage of a mobile phone mast (Italy)

Thursday, March 2nd, 2017

2 February 2017

“GENOVA: Mobile phone mast sabotaged in Staglieno area. Against this existent which kills, physically and psychologically, our lives, the only way to stop it is violent action, direct action. SOLIDARITY TO ANARCHIST PRISONERS IN THE WORLD. ANARCHY MEANS ATTACK.”

via cna-italia, anarhija

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Santiago: Incendiary attack against an electricity box on the IIRSA Project freeway (Chile)

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2017

In South America and Chile, the IIRSA (Initiative for the Integration of the Regional Infrastructure of South America) is advancing, and as individuals at war with civilization and power we do not sit idly by.

In the city of Santiago, one of its points of intervention is the cement mega-structure “Acceso Sur” (Access South), which starts the freeway that facilitates the transportation of goods from the center to the south of the country. This construction violently intervenes in the everyday landscape of the surrounding populations.

In the week of agitation against the IIRSA we illuminated the night with insurgent fire by burning an electricity box on that disgusting highway, demonstrating that power and its mega-projects remain vulnerable. (more…)

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Berlin: Arson attack on a police station against the Police Congress & the G20 Summit (Germany)

Tuesday, February 21st, 2017

18.02.17: On February 21/22 the European Police Congress will take place for the 20th time in Berlin. On this occasion at the Berlin Congress Center (BCC), war mongers, human hunters and security fanatics meet to propagate their despicable machinations.

In addition to Thomas Thomas de Maizière, the Federal Minister of the Interior and Hans-Georg Maaßen, the President of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, agents and guards of all types will be represented by Europol, Frontex, BKA, LKAs and many other authorities. Also present will be lobbyists, entrepreneurs and war ministries such as Heckler & Koch, Taser, Rheinmetal and developers of monitoring software and communications technology such as SAP, IBM and Vodafone will also be present.

Under the slogan – Europe limitless? Freedom, mobility, security – the coming campaigns in which authority is put into position will be discussed and the appropriate technologies and weapons will be brought into the field.
Words such as limitless, freedom and mobility are above all the transnational cooperation of the repressive European bodies, the exchange of data and knowledge and the militarization of Europe and its external borders. (more…)

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