ACT News


Pun alert as new Canturf signs go up on the Monaro Highway at Fyshwick

Pun alert! Pun alert!

Three new Canturf signs have gone up on the Monaro Highway at Fyshwick.

And all remain true to the tradition of enticing a laugh or a groan. Or should that be "grown"?

The signs usually have a political bent, given we're in the national capital, and we'd have to say this one is the best of the three (in our humble opinion - feel free to disagree):

 "Putin the seed and it comes up Trumps." Gold.

Let's hope that one stays up at least until United States President Donald Trump makes his first official visit to Australia, which should be any day now.


Then there's the truly groan-worthy "Feeling lawnly? Pickup at Fyshwick."  That has shades of "Mown and Grown in Fyshwick" from a few years back.

And the last new sign reads: "Does my grass look fat with this top dressing?". Oh, yeah. Big register on the groan-o-meter.

As Canturf marketing manager Damian​ Robinson told us last year, the company comes up with the signs itself or accepts original suggestions from the public, paying $250 for any that are used.

Now getting your suggestion printed on a Canturf sign must surely be Canberra's equivalent of winning the gold Logie - or at least enough to make your friends green with envy.

Watch out also for four new signs Canturf is planning for the Kings Highway at Bungendore, which will be up shortly.

Just another little Canberra-born idiosyncrasy that makes your heart sing because it's a quirk that's ours.

And anyone who doesn't like the signs, well, that's just dis-grass-ful.

And to keep the laughs rolling, we again present......

Canturf's top 15 signs from over the years

1. Seed Cameras Used in this Area

2. Looks Good Mown, eh Lisa?

3. People in Grass Houses Shouldn't Grow Stones

4. The Answer My Friend is Growing in the Wind

5. The Best Grass for your Joint

6. Our Best Products are Found on the Ground Floor

7. The Instant Cure for Bald Patches

8. We Like our Customers to Walk All Over Us

9. The Little Sods Grow Up So Fast.

10. It Gets Rolled Faster than Rudd

11. Mown and Grown in Fyshwick

12. Fifty Shades of Green

13. Remains Green ... With No Labour

14. It's Greener than Brown

15. Invest in Lawn ... You'll Be Raking it In