
Walkley Award winner captures innocence of children lost in war

If the first fatality of any war is truth, the second fatality of war is the innocence of children.

These images – from an photography exhibition from Queensland's dual Walkley Award-winning journalist Aaron Hollett – give a small chance to look into the eyes of children affected by war.

A boy from Yemen waits for brain surgery to remove bomb shrapnel from his brain in Yemen's forgotten war.

A boy from Yemen waits for brain surgery to remove bomb shrapnel from his brain in Yemen's forgotten war.

Photo: Aaron Hollett, ABC

One shows a boy in Yemen, one of the world's poorest places, waiting for brain surgery to have shrapnel from a small cluster bomb removed from his brain.

The boy's best friend – who died in the explosion – had picked up the bomb thinking it was a toy.

Aaron Hollett in the Middle East.

Aaron Hollett in the Middle East.

Photo: Aaron Hollett

In another photograph a boy in occupied Palestine stands in what remains of his bombed bedroom.

The photographs in the exhibition cover the Middle East locations where Mr Hollett has worked for the past five years with the ABC's Middle East correspondent, Matt Brown.

His work is regularly seen on Four Corners and Foreign Correspondent.

That work has taken him to Palestine, northern Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen, a very poor territory on the southern edge of the Arabian Peninsula.

Boys from Yemen in their traditional dress stand in front of their bombed house.

Boys from Yemen in their traditional dress stand in front of their bombed house.

Photo: Aaron Hollett

Here, for the past two years, Houthi rebels are at war with the Saudi-led government trying to bring stability to region that has been struggling since 2014.

In this "forgotten war" hospitals and even funeral processions have been bombed as civilians are increasingly drawn into the skirmish.

A boy in occupied Palestine stands in what remains of his bedroom after an air strike.

A boy in occupied Palestine stands in what remains of his bedroom after an air strike.

Photo: Aaron Hollett

More than 1330 children have died among the 4000 civilian casualties.

Some traumatised children in Yemen become child soldiers.

This week the United Nations called for $2 billion in emergency food aid for Yemen, where reportedly "3 million malnourished children are in grave peril", United Nations emergency relief co-ordinator Stephen O'Brien told Reuters.

Mr Hollett hopes his images of children will raise awareness of the tragedy in the area and raise money for Doctors without Borders.

Mr Brown said the photographer – who began his career at The Queensland Times in Ipswich before heading to Canberra – had a great eye for intimate photographs in war zones.

"Aaron has a great eye for pictures that connect you with the subject," he said.

"He's excellent at shooting those dramatic moments that so often make the news: bombs and misery.

"But it's often the close-ups, the more intimate portrayals of the people he meets, that most catch the eye.

"His pictures have an impact because he cares about the people in them even if, at times, he is just passing by. "

He said his time with Mr Hollett showed he liked to capture the images of children.

"Aaron has met a good number of the millions of children affected by poverty and conflict, some of them badly traumatised, scarred and maimed," he said.

"But he's maintained a humanity that you can sense behind the lens, a genuine empathy that shines through."

The exhibition of Aaron Hollett's photographs are in Ipswich, at the Cactus Espresso Lounge in Brisbane Street in Ipswich's Top of Town section.

Cactus Espresso Lounge is owned by Rachel Nolan, a former Ipswich MP (2001-2012) and a former transport, arts and finance minister.

Ms Nolan has known Mr Hollett since childhood.

"This is a beautiful, thought-provoking exhibition from someone who has unpretentiously gone out and done quite remarkable international work," she said.

The exhibition was instigated and curated by local artist Andrew Spark.

Proceeds will be donated to Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders), the world's leading independent organisation for medical humanitarian aid.

What: Aaron Hollett. Innocence: Children of the Middle East photography exhibition.

Where: Cactus Espresso Lounge, 173 Brisbane Street, Ipswich.

Contact 3282 8299, or

Tony Moore

Tony Moore is a senior reporter at the Brisbane Times

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